Gonzi will not accept ‘a solution with attached conditions’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says he will do his utmost to find a solution to the current political crisis but will not accept any conditions.

Lawrence Gonzi addressed PN supporters in Zebbug, together with Education Minister Dolores Cristina and PN backbencher Censu Galea.
Lawrence Gonzi addressed PN supporters in Zebbug, together with Education Minister Dolores Cristina and PN backbencher Censu Galea.

In a somewhat sombre address to the party faithful in the PN club in Zebbug, Lawrence Gonzi said he will do his best to find a solution to the current political crisis to ensure clarity but will not accept a solution on any conditions.   

In contrast with previous meetings the Prime Minister held in the last weeks, this morning's address to the party supporters in the PN club in Zebbug was not upbeat and rousing. Gonzi said "The coming week is the most important week we have faced in this legislature."

"We are not afraid of using the tools of democracy. A resolution taking the country to Thursday's vote will not solve anything. It is not a solution. A solution should be one with no conditions attached to it. I will accept no conditions."

"The solution should be one that allows government to implement its electoral programme. However, if a solution is not found this week, the government will seek the people's confidence in an election even though it is not in the country's best interest," Gonzi said.

Lawrence Gonzi reiterated his appeal for serenity and calmness and urged everyone to refrain from personal attacks. "I appeal to everyone, including Labour's media to stop making personal attacks," he said.

During his address Gonzi repeated that his party was not perfect. Stopping short from apologising he said "Our party is not perfect, and will never be. However we have shown on numerous occasions to be men and women enough to admit our mistakes."

The PN leader also criticised the Opposition leader, Joseph Muscat for boasting that he will have the best Cabinet of ministers ever. "Will the best Cabinet ever include the person who proposed the repeater class in 2008? Will the best Cabinet also include Evarist Bartolo who turned stipends into loans in 1996?" Gonzi asked the crowd.  

He also said Labour is taking it for granted that it will be in government in the few weeks. "Joseph Muscat said he will not reveal his electoral programme until election time. He is now claiming that elections are around the corner, so why has he not told us what he intends to do in government?"

Gonzi asked whether Labour intends to stop all capital projects it has opposed and dubbed as wasteful such as the Valletta city gate project, the construction of new schools and road works.  

"We are facing difficult choices and if we commit an error now it will be a big error because we will end up like neighbouring countries with high rates of unemployment and facing harsh austerity measures. I do not only appeal for caution to my parliamentary group and party but I appeal to the people. A mistake now will be a big mistake. In trying times the Nationalist Party has always been on the people's side," Gonzi said.

mid-dehra Gonzinu berraqlu xi hadd li sejjer jiccaqlaq membru iehor tal Pn, u issa ghada jkolllu jmur ghand il President u jgharfu li tilef il maggoranza fil Parlament, bil fors hemm xi membru iehor li jgorr ghax tant hawwad fil borma li bilfors hu u Karmenu Mifsud Bonnnici jzommu ma xulxin ghax it-tnejn marbutin mal klikka.Mar saqsa lil Franco x'sejjer jghamel bhal lli kieku Franco bit-tort, Franco mhux sejjer icedilu wara li gideb fuqu fejn qal li Franco ghax ma lahqux iddikjara sfiducja fih. Franco mghandux bzonn Gonzi imma Gonzi ghandu bzonnu u tipprova tizel bih imma tmur tghid lil folla go Haz Zebbug li sejjer izzomm sod u mintiex ha twieghed xi haga , jien nghid li weghdu imma issa tard wisq u Franco tal kelma sur Gonz bye bye forever
Zack Depasquale
@Blu Imma inti bis-serjeta jew qieghed ticcajtha? Jekk GonziPN jitlef il-vot ta'sfiducja, fi zmien tlett ijiem Dr Gonzi irid jew jirrezenja hu u l-President isib il-xihadd iehor li jkollu l-appog tal-maggoranza Parlamentari jew tissejah elezjoni. Qabel tikteb xi kumment, kun af x'ser tikteb biex ma tghidx hmerijiet.Li qieghed tghid inti kelma wahda hemm ghalih jghidulha DITTATURA
Regward ix-xoghol li ta' gonzipn qed jghidu u jiftahru bih tajjeb li wiehed ikun jaf li l-gvern qed jahbi l-figuri ta' kemm nies gew ingaggati mal-gvern inniefsu. Minn naha l-ohra hafna xoghol suppost mahluq ma jrendiex finanzjarment lil pajjiz ghaliex hu xoghol ta' servizzi bhal gwardjana mal-biebin tal-ministeri, Mater Dei u entitajiet ohra, maghhom irridu jinghadu postijiet ta' dawk il-haddiema li ta' kuljum tarahom fuq xi raoubdabout jazqu u jxetlu fjuri u hxejjex stagjonali li jmutu wara ftit jiem biex imbaghad tara l-istess nies jizierghu hxejjex u fjuri stagjonali ohra. Dan hu x-xoghol mahluq minn gonziPN , xoghol ta' manifattura u servizzi li jrendu ftit li xejn.Dan hu rekord tax-xogholijiet li holloq gonzipn, hafna minnu part-time li hu l-uniku sors ta' dhul ghal hafna familji. IL-QAGHAD XORTA GHADU GHOLA MADWAR 7000+, li skond EFA fil-1987 huwa dizastruz ghal pajjiz u mhux tolerabli.
The Valletta City Project is a waste of money so much so that the EU refused to donate any funds towards its realization sating that it has no educational, cultural or economic value. If a new PL government manages to finish it but with a different purpose for iits excistance it would be doing the country a great service.I don't want to enter Valletta in the future saying to myself as I look at the "parliament and roofless teather", "though by gonzi but payed for by me"
Dr Gonzi ghandu jibqa jiggverna sa l- ahhar tal- legislatura u ma jghajjatx ghall elezzjoni bikrija anke jekk jitlef il- maggoranza parlamentari, f` dawn iz-zminijiet ta ricessjoni u fallimenti li hawn madwarna gvern li jaf x'inhu jghamel ghandna bzonn mhux partit ta l- amateurs il-u turns u minghajr ebda policy wahdha li tista tittiehed bis serjeta.
Hemm bzonn li din il-buzzieqa tax-xoghol il-poplu jifhimha sew u jara kif kontra ta' dak li il-hin kollu jirrepetu GonziPaiN u shabu Malta ghandha l-inqas rata ta' nies jahdmu fl-EU. L-Ungerija biss hemm anqas minnha. Dan ifisser li dawk il-pajjizi tal-EU li qedin fi krizi bhal Spanja, il-Grecja, il-Portugal u l-Italja kollha kemm huma ghandhom rata ta' nies jahdmu akbar minn ta' Malta li ilha mmexxija dawn is-snin kollha mill-PN. Zgur li b'Joseph Muscat u t-team formidabbli tieghu li din il-qaghda intejjbuha sew. Liema prim ministru f’sensieh jiftahar b’xi haga li qedin qabel ta’ l-ahhar?
Joseph Sant
My suggestion to Dr Gonzi is to heed what some of his own MPs are telling him, openly or indirectly, which is to avoid further humiliation and the raking up of more muck and go to San Anton Palace tomorrow morning. Get it right for once Dr Gonzi.
Ibezza' bil-babaw biss, dak baqalu Gonzi.
Id-differenza enormi li tezisti bejn iz-zewg mexxejja dhret illum fid-diskorsi li ghamlu. Joseph ghamel diskors ta vizzjoni u tama ghal-futur. Gonzi ghamel diskors biex ibezza lil min kien qed jisimghu ! U biex ibezza ma stahx JIGDEB U JERGA JIGDEB ! Gideb meta qal li Joseph qed jghid li l-elezzjonijiet " qeghdin wara l-kantuniera": Joseph dejjem qal li " l-elezzjoni, tigi meta tigi ". U gideb biex ibezza meta staqsa jekk Joseph iwaqqafx il-progetti li diga bdew. Ara kif jista Dr. Muscat iregga lura l-progetti bhal dik il-hnizrija ta' progetti f'l-entratura tal-Belt jew ihallihom imdendlin ! Il-biza li ghandu Gonzi jrid jghaddiha fuq il-poplu Malti. U l-biza li ghandu hi, li l-poplu jsir jaf il-vera sitwazzjoni li se jhallu lill-pajjiz fiha meta l-pèolu lqalfathjom il-barra mill-poter !
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, put your hands on your conscience and realize that you yourself are pushing the country to an early election, despite not being in the country's best interest. Love your country, resign and let the PN Government carry on 'your successes' with someone new. You know the NP internal and political crisis has hit a high, that the solution lies only on you. Why keep the country in such instability when you have lost all the support of backbencher Franco Debono? Other their other in the fry. Gonzi please, Malta and not personal ambitions, come first and foremost. Your Gonzi PN Government has defaulted in many occasions.
What a stark contrast to what Gonzi used to say in 1998! He seems to have forgotten how he shrieked that Alfred Sant's government was doomed and that he should resign and make way. But this is the way of destiny, and what goes round must come round. Gonzi is making the worst mistake of his life, that of quoting the past. The Maltese population is fed up with the past, and is anxiously looking forward to what the future beckons.
Zack Depasquale
Jien iktar ma nisma il-Dr Gonzi jitkellem, iktar nikkonferma kemm dan il-bniedem qieghed jghix f'dinja ghalih u vera nqatta mill-poplu Malti, Qal li l-Partit Nazzjonalista (x'gara minnha l-ghajta ta'GonziPN) kien minn dejjem fuq in-naha tal-poplu. Kien fuq in-naha tal-poplu meta Dr Gonzi stess ivvota kontra ir-rieda tal-poplu fir-referendum fil-kwistjoni tad-Divorzju. Kien fuq in-naha tal-poplu meta waqt li kien jaf bil-krizi finanzjarja hu u shabu hadu 500Eur fil gimgha minn wara dahar il-poplu u lill-poplu tah 1.16eur, qal li rtira din iz-zieda umbghad insiru nafu li xorta zammew 6000Eur allowances. Kien mal-poplu meta ghamel progett ta’Bieb il-Belt li kulhadd qalu biex jaghmlux. Kien mal-poplu meta wieghed mod lill-ghad ta’haddiema bhal tat-Tarznari u Airmalta u ghamel mod iehor. Nesa Dr Gonzi meta qal li ser jivvota bil-qalb kontra l-poplu fuq il-kontijiet tad-dawl.Dr Gonzi jemmen li ghandu biex jiftahar bil-gvern tieghu li hlief glied intern m’ghandux. Flok jaqla id-dubji fuq l-avversarji politici tieghu ghax ma jghidilniex x’garanzija qieghed jaghti li jekk jerga jigi afdat bil-gvern gvern ta’GonziPN gdid ma jkunx il-kummiedja li kien fl-ahhar legislature. Dr Gonzi semma fuq taghjjir personali jigi minn fejn jigi, fuq din ma nistax ma naqbilx mal-Priministru. Imma jekk irid dan it-taghjier jieqaf jaf x’ghandu jaghmel Dr Gonzi, mhux min sar sinonimu ma dan it-taghjier,jigi prottet mit-taxxa ta’kulhadd permezz ta’pulizija mad-dar tieghu u din il-persuna tibqa tohrog il-hdura kollha bl-iskuza li m’hiex parti minn GonziPN. Hadd kbir kemm hu kbir m’ghandu jahseb li id-dinja ma taghdiex minghajru.
Dear prime minister your arrogant government has already made too many errors during the last 4 years, do you want to continue on this path? And it's not true that your GonziPN was always on the people's side, have you already forgot the divorce referendum, which was held only last May? Have you forgotten that you voted AGAINST the will of the people, when the people gave a clear message in the referendum? If you are so sure that you have always acted on the peolpe's side, then call a general election to see if you are still trusted by the majority of the Maltese and Gozitan people to administer this tiny island! Other options just prove that you want to stay in power at all cost! The best brains in Malta are all joining the PL, for just one simple reason : GONZIPN'S ARROGANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!