Debono abstention would not be solution to crisis – Prime Minister

Lawrence Gonzi says he is clear about “solution with no conditions attached”

The Prime Minister said he has already been clear about having a long-term solution to the current crisis.
The Prime Minister said he has already been clear about having a long-term solution to the current crisis.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has indicated yet again he will not be content with a short-term resolution to the current political crisis in the country, if backbencher Franco Debono abstains on the Opposition's motion of no-confidence on Thursday.

"I cannot speculate. I leave the speculations to others," Gonzi told journalists while visiting the Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary in Naxxar with education minister Dolores Cristina. "I think I was clear enough in my speech last Sunday. My parameters are those I mentioned. They are clear to everyone," Gonzi said in a reference to his address where he said he would seek people's confidence in an election if no solution was found this week.

Gonzi had also said that he wanted his government to fulfil its electoral programme.

Gonzi also criticised Joseph Muscat's opening speech for the motion, saying the Opposition leader never once explained the reason for moving the motion: "I was disappointed with the fact that in his introduction Muscat didn't have the decency to explain the reason behind the motion."

"We have to listen carefully to what is being said in this debate… I'm disappointed with the fact that the Leader of the Opposition did not have the decency to explain why this motion was being presented. It's quite extraordinary that the party in opposition and which aspires to be in government does not have the deceny to explain the reasoning behind this motion."

The Prime Minister said that at this stage it's important to "take it day by day".

Repeatedly questioned over the Debono issue, and what government's way forward would be if Debono abstains, Gonzi said journalists should "stop asking questions about Franco Debono but question what the Opposition's plans are".

Gonzi held a "cordial" meeting with Franco Debono on Sunday. "The door is always open to Franco," he said of the MP whom the party has asked he resign his seat in parliament after calling on Gonzi to resign as prime minister.

Speaking at the PN's Zebbug club last Sunday, Gonzi said he wanted a solution with no conditions attached and to allow his government to fulfil its electoral programme.

"We are not afraid of using the tools of democracy. A resolution taking the country to Thursday's vote will not solve anything. It is not a solution. A solution should be one with no conditions attached to it. I will accept no conditions."

"The solution should be one that allows government to implement its electoral programme. However, if a solution is not found this week, the government will seek the people's confidence in an election even though it is not in the country's best interest," Gonzi said.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono told MaltaToday yesterday that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi "does not have my support or a majority in the House".

His comments come moments after the rebel backbencher would not rule out abstaining on Thursday's no-confidence motion, when asked by MaltaToday on information that he has accepted not to vote against his government.

Debono insisted on a no-comment earlier in the morning when asked whether he had decided to abstain on the motion, after telling this newspaper earlier in the day that the government's attempts at preserving its grip on power were 'Machiavellian'. Now he is saying the Prime Minister remains dead-legged over support in the House, with his one-seat majority still threatened.

If Debono abstains, the no-confidence motion does not pass since such a motion always requires a majority of MPs supporting it. If Debono doesn't attend parliament, the Speaker would not be able to use his casting vote to vote in favour of the government.

I cannot help but wonder how this PM looks the nation in the eye, spouts out his obvious half truths and still manages to look sincere. The way, he makes a public speech demanding an immediate stop to personal attacks on his opponents, only to let loose one of his most intimate disciples in the form of Beppe Fenech Adami to launch a massive character assassination attack on Dr Debono without even batting an eyelid, is surreal. Makes one really wonder who is pulling the strings here?
Democracy? you don't even know the meaning of it Wenz, was it democracy when you took the right of the people of Zejtun to vote in the EMP election or taking the right of some 3000 young people from voting in the divorce referendum or lying about Justine Caruana vote in parliament or giving yourself 600 euros extra per week behind our back or voting against the people's wish? Such hypocrite of your caliber is yet to be born.
You have to be a gonzi to have the face to ask for an explanation behind the moving of a vote of no confidence. Is the PM so thick to realise that the recent events do not have any bearing on the motion? At least for once he has come out clean saying he will not be content even if Franco absteins and will call elections. I doubt he keeps his word but in any case it only shows that finally gonzi is admitting to the excistance of a crisis.
@panto1 Ezatt, mela l-ewwel il-prim ministru jibza jiehu decizjoni u jitlob vot ta fiducja u jivvinta safra biex minghalieh jahrab mill problema, imbghad ghax haddiehor jiehu decizjoni ghalieh irid spjegazzjoni ghaliex ha dik id-decizjoni. Mhux ovvja sur prim ministru ghalfejn l-oppozizzjoni ghaddew vot ta sfiducja fil gvern, anke din iridu jghatuk bl- imgharfa? Hemm ghalfejn JM jispjega l- ovvju fil parlament?
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Gonzi and other exponents of the PN whom I heard are stating that Dr Muscat did not give a reason for calling the “no confidence” mention in his speech. Well I heard that speech and I believe that he mentioned that the instability in the present government under Dr Gonzi has to be established for our peace of mind. If this is not a good reason and if Dr Gonzi and his lot did not understand the message, then we are really in big s…t under this government who is not able to read the writing on the wall. If Franco Debono resigned 4 months ago from the PN, the Prime Minister lost his majority that time and he has been hanging to government ever since. When in November he was sure that Dr Debono was going to give his support Dr Gonzi immediately called a vote of confidence in his government. Now that he is sure that he does not have Dr Debono’s support, Dr Gonzi has been playing every game to remain attached to his seat in power. What a cheek then of accusing the opposition that they are hungry for power.
Allura ghaliex dan id dewmien zejjed sabiex tiehu id decizzjoni...Din mhux inkejja. Ilek taf li Franco ma jiccaqlaqx, ghax urik fil vot ta l-Arriva li mieghu ma hemmx cajt...Ma tahsibx li thalli lil poplu fuq ix xwiek ghal xahar huwa nuqqas ta responsabbilta ?
If Franco does not act on what he preaches, he would be just a quaquaraqua!
Why all this speculation? Despite the bloody crashing bore of it all, let's just wait and see what Dr. Debono does Thursday next!!
Li qieghed jaghmel Franco hu biss ghax kontra il klikkek.ghalija huwa ragel fuq l irgiel.kull meta kien hemm ministru li zbalja ,Gonzi dejjem jipprotegi,lil wiehed ma ipprotigix...lil Dalli,nahseb tafu ghaliex .LI TIZRAH TAHSAD.
Debono abstention would not be solution to crisis – Prime Minister BUT Prime Minister abstention will be the solution to crisis
sorry Dr. Gonzi, but your Gonzipn sowed the wind when your clique demonized Dr Alfred Sant (WHO WAS AND IS STILL BEING PROVEN RIGHT ON SEVERAL ASPECTS OF POLITICS) your party whether they want it or not will have to reap the whirlwind.
"The solution should be one that allows government to implement its electoral programme. However, if a solution is not found this week, the government will seek the people's confidence in an election even though it is not in the country's best interest," Gonzi said. Keep this in mind. A general election which is not in the interest best interest. Neither it is in the Nationalist Party's best interest, because il Mago Austin Pio Gatt predicted a heavy defeat and power going's the Labour Party's way. Lawrence Gonzi is adamant that his personal ego comes before anything. He will not bow down, resign from leader of the PN and the later have all the option to elect a new Prime Minister and continue with the PN Government's electoral programme. Either I or Franco Debono, dictates Gonzi. The best interest of the country, my foot. Or else Wednesday night something will happen. either Franco Debono converts and goes back to the PN fold or Gonzi will avoid the no confidence vote and goes to the President of the Republic. His ego points that way, so during the electoral campaign He can boast that he was ousted out of power, thanks to Franco Debono. Or Gonzi knows what lies ahead and is ready to hand over the difficult situation in the Eurozone to Joseph Muscat. And how immature, did Gonzi expected Joseph Muscat to be..wait for his concluding speech on the motion. What's the hurry, let the PN deputies ad nauseum boast of their Gonzi PN successes, which still are short of the supporter of one of their own back benchers.
Luke Camilleri
So there is a CRISIS! It is no perception is the elction mode the country is not in!
and whilst the circus goes on in parliament....the country awaits like puppets held to strings
Tridt tkun altru cuc malti li temmen lil Klikka li tikkontrolla lil PN li it-trouble glied u tghajjir li hemm fil-Pn, mhux imhabba Franco Debono!
True leadership and determination by Dr Gonzi. This is just what Malta needs, and not some overweight prat to stir it blindly through possibly one of the most volatile periods in Europe's economy.
If Franco Debono does not take his difficult journey to its logical and called-for conclusion, any one with a decent sense of duty will have no option but to conclude that all this man wanted was the lime- light that surrounded him these last days. Franco Debono would show that he loves neither the PN nor the country for putting us all through this destabilising charade. Also Beppe Fenech Adami would be proven right: Franco IS a lier and a megalomaniac; Austin Gatt will be proven right: Franco hu MIGNUN, and whoever called him traitor would be right too. I DO NOT BELIEVE FRANCO IS ANY OF THESE. I BELEIVE FRANCO IS A MAN OF PRINCIPLE AND KNOWS THERE IS NO TURNING BACK FROM VOTING WITH THE OPPOSITION. Thursday, we will know whether this MP is a lime-light addicted little boy to be despised and vilified by all , or a couragous man of principle who deserves a place in history as a mover and shaker of true democracy. Franco Debono, do not let your principles down, in the last minute.
Is-soluzzjoni hija ovvja u cara daqs il-kristall. Elezzjoni. Irrispettivament minn kif jigi l-vot nhar il-Hamis. Debono jivvota kontra - problema ghall-gvern; Debono jastjeni - problema ghall-gvern; Debono jivvota favur il-gvern - Debono frankuni u l-Gvern jibqa' mdendel.
And whilst they ditter....Malta bleeds!
Mario Pace
"I was disappointed with the fact that in his introduction Muscat didn't have the decency to explain the reason behind the motion." How funny..... 1st: becuase Dr.Gonzi didn't have the guts to call for a vote of confidence. 2nd: don't we all know what's the reason behind's because one of the PN members has declared that he doesn't want to serve anymore under Dr.Gonzi as PM. Why should Dr.Muscat repeat ad nauseum what we all know the reasons behind this vote.....
I still maintain that next Thursday we will be able to choose the boys from the men. I am sure that those who consider themselves as men will stand up and be counted.
Li Kont flok Dr.Franco Debono meta nasal ghal vot nighd Ha nivvota BIL QALB favur il mozzjoni u naghti risposta li Min darba qal li ser Jivvota bil QALB ghall kontijiet tad dawl u Ilma
Jekk dr Debono jastjeni bhal ma huma l indikazzjonijiet, allura l mozzjoni ma tghaddix. imma l gvern xorta in direttament ikun sfiducjat. Allura Gonzi ghandu imur ghand il President u ixolji l parlament u isejjah elezzjoni. Jekk GonziPN huwa tant konvint li ghamel daqs hekk gisd matul dawn l ahhar 4 snin, ma ghandux ikollu biza li imur quddiem l elettorat