[LIVE] No-confidence motion live blog - follow us here

Parliament resumes debate on Opposition's no-confidence motion.

Man of the hour: Nationalist MP Franco Debono
Man of the hour: Nationalist MP Franco Debono

Follow us live at 6pm for Parliament's second sitting on the Opposition's no-confidence motion.

Join the debate on Twitter using hashtag #confidencevote - yesterday's live-blog is here [CLICK].

9:26pm No-confidence debate ends and Speaker adjourns debate to tomorrow.

9:16pm Peter Mifsud: "I wonder why the opposition had not given reasons for its no-confidence motion. Every no-confidence motion in parliamentary history had some kind of motivation. In his 20-minute speech yesterday, Joseph Muscat did not give one single reason why no confidence should be shown in government."

9:09pm PN backbencher Peter Mifsud addresses parliament. PN whip David Agius says this will be the last speech for tonight. Opposition leader Joseph Muscat and his loyal deputy Anglu Farrugia soldier on alone. 

9:04pm Stephen Spiteri highlights some of government's achievments in education and health. 

9:01pm Speaker Michael Frendo says the two sides agreed on extending the time for the no-confidence debate. Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia and PN whip David Agius confirm the agreement. Stephen Spiteri continues his speech. 

8:53pm PN backbencher Stephen Spiteri addresses parliament. Somebody from the Opposition bench shouts "This is a historic moment" in a snide reference to Spiteri's poor parliamentary attendence record.

8:50pm The Opposition will have thousands of promises to mantain if it is elected. The Opposition spoke about hope on Sunday. However the Opposition will have a problem b igger then the current administration because it has the old guard, the new comers and the star candidates." In a quip about former Maltasong chairperson Grace Borg's declared candidadture with the PL which was later retracted. He said some PL candidates were 'On again, Off again' in reference to a Eurovision song title. 

8:47pm "I have struggled against somebody bigger then myself in the Sliema car park controversy but in the end I won. I must say that the hate being bandied about in blogs must stop. My office the the Servicves Depaertment does not  even exist. I have also been the victim of blackmail for the last months. I have been in constant contact with the prime minister about this and he has always encouraged and supported me. This shows the human aspect of the Prime Minister."

8:43pm "Keeping with the football metaphors, what goes on within the dressing room should remain there. The Nationalist Party remains the best choice. I have built on my father's legacy and built my own empire. However, I have not broken my family. I have achieved a nice number of votes in the last election. However some members of the frontbench did not even achieve a full quota. I have said many important things buit the media has never given me any importance."

8:40pm "Before coming here I did not know what to say. I visited my mum and asked her whether she kept my reports and certificates from my time at St Alaysious College. The party is bigger then the persons. The party remain whilst persons come and go." 

8:37pm Robert Arrigo addresses parliament. 

8:23pm Debono lists the achievments of government in Gozo, "The motion does not reflect the opinion of Gozitans. This government was given a mandate to govern for five years."

8:21pm "The difference between government's caution and the Opposition's immaturity could be seen in this motion of no-confidence tabled by the Opposition. The Opposition has fabricated the story about me having an argument with the Prime Minister."

8:19pm Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono addresses parliament. 

8:17pm "Italy had a cancer. The media was tightly connected to political aprties. This is dangerous. I prefer having television stations owned by the parties then having newspapers who claim to be independent but have an agenda and support a party or a particular politician."

8:11pm Jean-Pierre Farrugia: "I have not used improper influence or threatened government to achieve my aims. As Fr Joe Borg wrote I believe in loyal dissent. Sometimes this means saying no to our leaders." 

8:10pm Franco Debono, Robert Arrigo and Mario Galea are now joined by Labour MP Jose Herrera. The four have a light-hearted conversation whilst Jean-Pierre Farrugia talks about loyalty, quoting Education Ministry advisor Fr Joe Borg. 

8:05pm Whilst Farrugia speaks Labour whip Joe Mizzi scolds MP Stefan Bountempo for coming late to parliament. 

8:02pm Jean-Pierre Farrugia: "Criticism, clearly works, even when it comes from government's own backbench."

7:59pm Franco Debono and Mario Galea have a lively discussion whilst most MPs present are silently following Farrugia's address. 

7:56pm "On my way here, I asked myself whether I have fulfilled my duties as a backbencher. I have not broken any records but I have asked over 1,000 parliamentary questions. I had asked the very first question of this legislature about waiting lists in some particular health sectors."

7:53pm PN backbencher Jean-Pierre Farrugia addresses the House.

7:52pm Bonnici lists government's achievements in many sectors such as in foreign affairs, health, tourism, education and the environment. PN parliamentery secretary Mario Galea approaches Franco debono. Jesmond Mugliett leaves the chamber and Debono warmly says goodbye.  

7:47pm "This adminsitartion has led a silent revolution in the environmental sector. We have turned waste into an opportunity. We have improved and embelished many public spaces."

7:42pm Nationalist MP Charlo Bonnici addresses the House. Franco Debono is longer alone at the far end of government's bench as he is now seated next to Jesmond Mugliett and Robert Arrigo. 

7:41pm Franco Debono returns and has a brief chat with a journalist in the strangers' gallery. Nationalist MP Robert Arrigo takes a seat next to Jesmond Mugliett. 

7:40pm Tonio Fenech:"Stability is not a buzzword. It is about actions. This government has taken all neccessary actions to guide the country to stability." Franco Debono has not yet returned to the chamber. 

7:36pm Debono walks out of the chamber. The members of the Opposition currently outnumber government's MPs. 

7:35pm Franco Debono sits slouched in his seat. Jesmond Mugliett still sits next to him and the two seem to be exchanging their thoughts. 

7:31pm Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Beppe Fenech Adami are joined by Mario de Marco in conversation. 

7:29pm "The abscence of Labour MPs during this debate illustrates the Opposition's disinterest in the country's real issues. The Labour general conference over the weekend confirmed that the Opposition has no proposals." 

7:26pm Finance Minister Tonio Fenech addresses parliament.

7:25pm The Prime Minister is in deep conversation with Beppe Feench Adami and party whip David Agius.

7:22pm de Marco "There is no substance in the oppositions proposals. We might have committed some mistakes but we have certainly never disrespected the people." 

7:17pm Debono looks to be in better spirits since walking back to his seat, where he is now chatting in a friendly manner with Jesmond Mugliett, a fellow rebel backbencher.

7:16pm Franco Debono walks back to his seat and sits down next to former Transport Minister Jesmond Mugliett. 

7:13pm Franco Debono still sits next to Louis Deguara and Jean-Pierre Farrugia. The trio is joined in conversation by Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono. Meanwhile, Jesmond Mugliett walks in the House and takes a seat next to Debono's seat at the very far end of government's bench. However Debono is at the other end speaking to the other MPs.  

7:07pm de Marco: "In 1998 the Nationalist party in Opposition did not seek its own interests but acted in the country's best interest. I have a copy of an email sent by Joseph Muscat on 17 January. The email says 'Today I ask you to join me to step aside this government'. Joseph Muscat wants to take over the country's government. What has Muscat got to believe he is so special? He has moved from politics of covenience to politics of silence."

7:04pm Tourism Minister Mario de Marco addresses parliament. Franco Debono has moved over to governement's bench and is chatting with MPs Louis Deguara and Jean-Pierre Farrugia. 

7:03pm "We will probably soon go to elections. The people will have to choose between the two party's luggage of ideas. The Opposition's luggage is empty." 

7:02pm "Joseph Muscat was not even capable of convincing his European sociulaist partners about the European work directive."

7:00pm Fenech Adami: "The Opposition has no proposals." Franco Debono and Helena Dalli still in conversation with Speaker Michael Frendo. 

6:55pm Finance minister Tonio Fenech walks in. Franco Debono and Helena Dalli still stand next to the Speaker. 

6:53pm Franco Debono gets out of his seat for the first time this evening. He walks down the aisle and has a lengthy chat with Speaker Michael Frendo and Labour MP Helena Dalli. 

6:52pm Fenech Adami: "We are currently spending 50,000 every hour on health services."

6:51pm Franco Debono is yawning and stretching his arms whilst Fenech Adami speaks. 

6:50pm "I will say why I will vote against the no-confidence motion."

6:48pm Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami addresses the House. On Saturday, Fenech Adami claimed Franco Debono wanted to become Prime Minister. These claims were vehemently rebutted by Debono.

6:45pm Clyde Puli: "Government has been opearting in a difficult international situation. Hopefully if there is a change in government. it will be ready to govern in these difficult circumstyances. Governbment is neither hungry nor holding on to power. We respect the people's will who elected us in government. That is our obligation. 

6:43pm Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant walks into the House. Parliamentary Secretary Clyde Puli is currently speaking about government's track record in the field of sport.  

6:40pm "The Opposition presented the motion of no-confidence because it has tired out sitting on the opposition bench."

6:37pm No-confidence motion debate commences. Nationalist Parliamentary Secretary Clyde Puli addresses the House. 

6:35pm Documents are being tabled.

6:32pm Labour MP Helena Dalli walks in the House and is the first to approach Franco Debono who is still sitting alone at the far end of government's bench. The two MPs greet each other briefly. 

6:30pm Attendence of MPs is low. At present they are outnumbered by the guests and journalists in  the strangers' gallery. In total 17 MPs are present, ten on government's side and seven on the Opposition's bench. Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition leader Joseph Muscat are amongst the MPs present.

6:27pm In contrast with yesterday's session, Franco Debono has not been approached by any Nationalist MP. He seems to be in a pensive mood. 

6:25pm Labour whip Joe Mizzi asks why Finance minister Tonio Fenech is not present to answer the question on Enemalta's debt. He says the code of ethics demands that the minister is present to answer the question.

6:21pm Franco Debono intervenes on the question concerning the national debt. He says that the answer should supply a detailed breakdown of the national debt.

6:17pm Labour whip Joe Mizzi and Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici have a spirited exchange over a parliamentary question about the country's debt.  

6:10pm Franco Debono takes same seat as yesterday, alone at the very far end of government's bench. He looks less sprightly then he did during yesterday's opening debate on the Opposition's no-confidence motion. Only a handful of MPs are present.

6:09pm The House is currently in question time. 

5:30pm Welcome to our live-blog. We'll be giving you a minute-by-minute account of MPs' speeches throughout tonight's second sitting for the no-confidence motion. A full report is out tomorrow on MaltaToday Midweek.

Seems and reads like we will have an Italian style punch up today...
Stefan Mifsud
Dr. Carm Mifsud Bonnici obo Finance Minister does not want to submit the countrys' debts. He is trying to split hairs in how the question was submitted.
Stefan Mifsud
Dr. Carm Mifsud Bonnici obo Finance Minister does not want to submit the countrys' debts. He is trying to split hairs in how the question was submitted.
Stefan Mifsud
Dr. Carm Mifsud Bonnici obo Finance Minister does not want to submit the countrys' debts. He is trying to split hairs in how the question was submitted.