December 2011 unemployed down by 19

Registered unemployed during December at 6,587, a decrease of 19 persons when compared to December 2010.

The number of persons registering under Part 1 of the unemployment register decreased by 62 (1.0 per cent), while those registering under Part 2 increased by 43 (6.9 per cent).

There were 5,154 men and 1,433 women registering for work during the month under review.

Unemployment among men went down by 62, or 1.2 per cent, while female unemployment went up by 43, or 3.1 per cent. Unemployment declined across all age groups with the exception of those aged 45 and over.

When compared to December 2010, the number of persons registering for more than one year decreased by 108 to 2,278 (4.5 per cent). Persons with a disability registering under Part 1 of the unemployment register numbered 431.

The largest share of unemployed men were seeking occupations in services, sales and crafts, whereas women mostly sought clerical jobs.

Registered unemployment rate: August 2011

In August, the registered unemployment rate (excluding part-timers) stood at 4.1 per cent of the labour supply: 4.9 per cent for men and 2.7 per cent for women. This rate stood at 4.4 per cent among persons aged 45 and over, and 4.9 per cent for persons aged less than 25.

The unemployment rate of persons who had been registering for work for at least one year under Part 1 of the unemployment register stood at 1.5 per cent: 1.9 per cent for men and 0.7 per cent for women.

19? Is this really a news item?
What a success! 19 people less unemployed! Another record for Gonzi, for being best in Europe. According to the estimate made by the PN four years ago before the last elections, 2,500 should have been employed at Smart City by now. The actual picture shows that only a coffee shop has been set up. Therefore, the other castles in the air such as the biofuels project, photoelectric company and other b.s. announced by the oracle should be taken cautiously. Or not believed at all.
All and every improvement in reducing unemployment figures is to be welcomed, but let's hope that in this year these figures do not get worse. With the rest of Malta's neighbours suffering intense unemployment and restictions in a continuing economic crisis there is perhaps some reason for optimism. It is read elsewhere that the biofuels project we read about in Bloomberg press is about to happen and that will be good for Malta in the need for a fulltime workersforce of 140 and a construction need for over 200 whilst it is being built. Now we read again that the new photoelctric development company will be setting up in Malta abd that they will need a further 100 and more jobs. The potential as we read it was that in this prtoposal the development was to make Malta its headoffices, Prosit Malta!