Muscat, ‘Prime Minister holding country hostage for tactical gain’

Labour leader says Lawrence Gonzi burning bridges with ‘discerning voters’ by suspending inevitable elections to gain tactical advantage.

Joseph Muscat - Labour would prefer late elections, but insists prime minister must go for early elections.
Joseph Muscat - Labour would prefer late elections, but insists prime minister must go for early elections.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi was trying to gain as much time as possible before calling a general election, in a bid to gain a tactical advantage by dishing out favours and planning permits and employ his power of incumbency.

"He's making a strategic mistake by alienating a section of the electorate for a small advantage, but I see it as a blot on the history of the Nationalist Party," said Muscat, whose party moved a no-confidence motion that was defeated Thursday by the Speaker's casting vote.

He was answering questions by MaltaToday journalist Karl Stagno-Navarra in an interview on Labour radio Super One.

"The press and columnists today agreed that only early elections are his only option," Muscat said of Gonzi, whose backbencher Franco Debono refused to support the no-confidence motion but abstained, leaving the Nationalist government on life support.

Muscat claimed it would be in Labour's interest to have elections as late as possible. "This government is going wrong all the way anyway. It is led by a prime minister with yesteryear policies, who thinks he'll dupe the people again with last-minute favours and planning permits.

"He is burning bridges with the discerning voter. They won't left him fool them again," Muscat said.

Lawrence Gonzi yesterday indicated he will seek the support of his party through "internal initiatives" as the Nationalist Party convenes its general council on Sunday.

"I saw that as the prime minister's Freudian slip, conscious as he is that the party is not entirely behind him," Muscat said.

"But he is dedicating time to find a solution he thinks is just a party issue.  In reality, he is keeping the country hostage when he knows the writing is on the wall."

Muscat defended his position to "speak as one voice" on a motion that his deputy leader Anglu Farrugia proposed, one of the major criticisms of the PN against the motion.

Muscat also insisted that the 34-34 tie in parliament, only tipped in favour of government thanks to the Speaker's casting vote, meant Gonzi had lost his majority.

"Today he has 34 votes. I have not said the Opposition has a majority, but the prime minister clearly does not have the majority of MPs.

"He has failed the parameters he set for himself: a clear result with no room for interpretation, clear enough to take him to the end of his legislature, and with no conditions attached. By his own yardstick, he has no choice but to go for early elections.

"The prime minister has been asking Franco Debono to resign. So in any normal democracy, he would seek a vote of confidence. He didn't take this step so I stepped up so that the people could know where this government stands. It was our constitutional obligation to present it."

Muscat replied to criticism that he was prompting early elections at a critical moment in the country's economy: "At that rate, we would have to postpone next year's general election if the recession worsens. We cannot afford instability and the only long-term solution are early elections."

Muscat was pressed on his closely guarded electoral manifesto, to which the Opposition leader said it was useless making pledges all throughout a legislature. "I can say that it will be a manifesto that will be updated for the realities of today," Muscat said.

The Opposition leader reiterated his stance that a future Labour cabinet will be paid the pre-2008 salaries which were increased without any official announcement by the government.

He also denied having any plans to rationalise university stipends. "They will be strengthened," Muscat said, and said past claims by Labour MEP Edward Scicluna to cut down on the inefficiency of the €25 million stipend bill were made in his role as an economist. "Now that he is a member of the Labour party, his considerations cannot just be those of an observer, but of a policymaker who must see the wider consequences of policies."

Muscat expressed agreement with reforms mentioned by Franco Debono in his parliamentary speeches. "They are not his reforms only, but of anybody of good sense."

But asked why his no-confidence motion did not list any reason why MPs had to vote against the government, Muscat said the motion was there to "serenade Debono's reforms".

"It was there to list government's failures. From day one of my leadership our shadow justice and home affairs portfolios have been separate, and we were active members on the Galdes commission for party financing reform..."

Muscat was more guarded about pushing for electoral reform, saying he felt regulation in broadcasting and the press were more important. "One important reform is whether the Broadcasting Authority should be directed by party representatives."

He also supported an updating of the Constitution through a constituent assembly, but defended the Opposition's walk-out from the parliamentary select committee for democracy. "The Nationalists' lied about Justyne Caruana's vote," Muscat said of the parliamentary incident that provoked the walkout. "Constitutional reform should be conducted by a wider section of the public."

Muscat said he supported party financing reforms, but shied from expressing agreement with the private member's bill moved by Franco Debono.

"There are more bills to be discussed before that... let's see how parliament will work from now on, since business is being tailored to government's needs. Parliament is usually convened even when the prime minister and the ministers are abroad; but next Monday it will be the first time parliament is not convened because the prime minister is abroad. And that's a clear symptom of his loss of majority."

@jga - il mozzjoni ta sfiducja imressqa mill oppozizjoni intilfet. @salgister - alfred sant sejjah elezzjoni 9 xhur wara li kien tilef il maggoranza fil parlament ghax baqa jittama li jilhaq kompromess ma mintoff. u sewwa ghamel. allura gonzi ghax ma jistax jghamel bhalu. il labour kilba ghal poter ghandu.
mr.muscat. a word for you. you are not ready, you are not experienced, and most of all you are not yet at the right age to govern. you havent told us yet what plans you've got, and despite 51 out of sorts pledges in your post budget speech. u still came up short in the most awaited moment ..u have disapointed half of malta with the failure of your motion.. kilba al poter mate! u tajd al gonzi li jigranfa..jekk gonzi qijad mqabbad mas qed tigbdu kink ta! resign mate before you and your so called best ever cabinet ( u have already indicated here that other candidates are useless) fail BIG TIME!
@ fenea - Possibbli li ghad hawn nies li ma jifhmux li mozzjoni ta' sfiducja ggorr l-akbar piz possibbli minn kwalunkwe mozzjoni ohra? Insemmu tant li il-problemi kollha li ghandna huma dovuti KOLLHA minhabba r-recessjoni fid-dinja (haga li jien personali ma naqbilx), allura ghax ma naghmlux bhal pajjizi ohra u naghmlu elezzjoni generali? jew ha nkomplu ninqdew bi skuzi? @ jgalea - Il-loser huwa Gonzi. Soluzzjoni morali tkun li ssir elezzsjoni generali JEW li Gonzi jirrizenja minn PM u GonziPN jerga jsir PN; allura Franco Debono jerga lura fil-familja jew klikka Nazzjonalista u l-gvern jerga' jkollu l-maggoranza u Malta l-istabilita`. Allura min huwa l-poor loser?
Micheal Bonanno
@fenea. Tafha l-istorja jew? Jekk ma tafx EFA ressaq vot ta' sfiducja f'Marzu tan-1998 imma m'ghaddietx ezatt kif gara issa. Imma ma kienx dam is-snin bhalma hu l-kaz tal-lum. Il-kaz ta' sfiducja fil-gvern ilu gej minn ftit wara l-elezzjoni, meta beda jberraq u l-PM kellu jaghlaq halq xi back-benchers billi jtihom xi pozizzjoni jew chairmanship f'xi awtorita. Kien hemm min ma nxtarax, ezempju J.P. Farrugia, u kien hemm min accetta imma xorta ma ghalaqx halqu kif stennna l-Prim. Fl-ahhar il-garra gejja u sejra nkisret, u Dr. Debono qal daqshekk! U d-daqshekk kienet tfisser zewg mozzjoni ta' fiducja fi zmien 3 xhur bl-ahhar wahda tehel mit-test ghax hadd miz-zewg partiti ma gab il-maggoranza. L-ispeaker mhux membru parlamentari, u mhux maghzul mill-poplu. Issa nara la tigi xi money u tkun taf fejn qieghed il-Gvern, ghax bhalissa qieghed imdendel b'hajta u ma jafx fejn se jaqbad imur. Meta Joseph Muscat ta parir lill-Alfred Sant to call Mintoff's bluff, u qallu jew tghix ta' ljun ghal gurnata jew inkella bezziegh ghal ghomrok, u Alfred Sant ha l-pass ta' ragel ghax sejjah elezzjoni. Ara l-PM tieghek jibza jaghmilha din jew inkella mhedded u mizmum ostagg minn xi rjus li jekk jitlef il-Gvern il-PN, ghandhom x'jitilfu huma!
Micheal Bonanno
@JGalea. Se ddum taqa' ghan-nej... Il-PM qieghed jiggieled ghaz-zmien ghax jaf li ma baqaghlux cans, u tigi tinsulta u tghajjar lill-laburisti. Nies bhalek qeghdin jaghmlu hsara lill-pajjizna. Nehhi l-ghamad li ghandek quddiem ghajnejk u ara l-verita. Il-pajjiz wasal ghal bidla fil-gvern, u hadd ma jista jzommha jekk mhux b'dittatorjat. Ghall-informazzjoni tieghek Joseph Muscat mhux gurnalista imma ghandu Dottorat fl-Ekonomija, li zgur li s-Sur Tonio Fenech, il-Ministru tal-Finanzi taghkom m'ghandux. Kieku ghandu zgur ma kienx iddahhalna f'Euro 6 biljuni dejn u fuq Euro 350 miljun deficit! Issa ghada pitghada ghid lill-uliedek u lill-ulied uliedek li l-glorjuz partit tieghek hallielhom rigal sabih, u li ghandhom ghomorhom (mill-inqas xi jhallsu!
Dr Muscat you are wrong on the need of a Constituent Assembly to reform the constitution! The history of such assemblies in Malta shows that they had been manipulated by the privileged classes whose aim was to form an oligarchic government to share power with the British colonizer to preserve their privileges one in particular that of not paying direct taxes! Do you need a revival of such anachronistic institutions? We have a parliament already and it has all the powers to amend the constitution through the participation of elected parties which represent public opinion in general. Just outline what the LP's views are on constitutional amendments in your manifesto and let the people decide on not revive defunct institutions that had served privileged oligarchic circles so well in the past!
@fenea Mintoff darba ivota ma' l-oppozizjoni.
@jgalea lol idahhaqni inti f'liema pajjiz tghix ghidli?
u tghid mhux se tghidlu int x ghandu jaghmel sur galea? mill kitba tieghek tidher li int infantili,issa jew tara looney tunes l gurnata kollha jew disney channel!mur ghix jew inheba taht xi harruba u oqghod tkellem mas sigar, dawk zgur ma jmerukx!u tinsiex il bottle ta baby!din il blog suppost jiktbu fuqha min ghandu 18 jew fuqhom ta pupu.
Sur Muscat. IRRIZENJA. You're only a loser. U dahhalha f mohhok, li L ELEZZJONI ISSIR BISS META JGHOGBU, U META JKUN KOMDU IL PM!!! Mur ghamel xoghlok ta gurnalist, intervista lil xi hadd fuq xi pultruna, jew fil gallerija waqt xi festa. Halli il politika f idejn min jifhem. Konvint li sihbek Anglu, u Michelle x hinuma jnewwhu bhal issa ahahahahahahahahahaha. Isa isa tibkux. Ax mhux 20 sena ghandkom fl oppozizjoni, izda ghal dejjem :)
sur muscat fis sena 1998 alfred sant dam 9 xhur minghajr maggoranza fil parlament. mintoff astjena xi 7 darbiet u ivvota kontra il gvern xi 4 darbiet. f'dan il perjodu kull ligi dejjem ghaddiet bis sahha tal vot tal ispeaker. dak inhar x'parir tajt lil alfred sant biex imur ghal elezzjoni jew biex ikompli jiggverna????????????????
There is no doubt that the PM is adopting the delaying tactic of avoiding a snap election given that the polls show the PL as enjoying a substantial lead. He will therefore play the waiting game to the limits which the constitution and circumstances allow him. It is also however true that without cast iron assurance from the unpredictable FD the PL should have played a waiting game. They should have allowed and must now allow the swarm of bees in FD's bonnet to continue their stinging effect. Unfortunately the loss of the no confidence vote has raised the spirits in the PN camp who are once again dreaming of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. I still believe that the PL will emerge victorious by a comfortable margin whenever the general election is held. Whatever the PM says we are now in election mode and the PL should focus on nurturing and managing its lead to secure a historic victory in the general election whenever it is held.
Jien, bir-rispett kollu lejn l-ET Fr.George Abela, ma nafx ghalxiex ghandna r-rwol tal-president hawn Malta! Se jkolli naqbel mal-hafna li jghidu li biex jorganizza l-istrina biss qieghed... Kont nistenna li jghajjat lill LG u JM u jgieghelhom jiftehemu fuq data konkreta ta elezzjoni. Voti ta 34 - 34 fil-parlament(4 ko-optjati fuq in-naha tal-gvern, ma ninsewx) u 1,500 differenza ta voti huma qrib wisq biex xi hadd jghid li ghandu l-maggoranza, ghalhekk hemm bzonn elezzjoni. Fl-1998 AS xorta sejjah elezzjoni meta kellu maggoranza assoluta ta 8,000 vot li kien haqqhom iktar minn siggu wiehed vantagg fil-parlament .Ghaliex issa le??!!**!
Friends of mine-who are disgruntled Nationalists,- are already being contacted by PN street leaders to meet GonziPN in order to be given favours; permits, multi,etc etc! Politics of the past century!
Jiddispjacini nghid li meta tkellem il-Leader tal-Oppozizzjoni fil-Parlament il-bierah, ghamel zball tattiku kbir. Jien cert li kieku wieghed lil gonzipn li jekk wara elezzjoni generali jkun hemm gvern laburista xorta wahda hu kien se jhalli lil gonzi u l-klikka tieghu jaqtghu huma z-zigarella tal-parlament il-gdid u jkollu ismu fuq il-plakka tal-irham u li kieku wieghdu li l-ewwel show fit-teatru mikxuf jipprezentaha lou bondi, gonzipn kien jaccetta li ssir elezzjoni llum qabel ghada. Dak kulma ried isir !!!! Imma possibbli li l-Leader tal-Oppozizzjoni ghadu ma ndunax li barra mis-sakra enormi ghall-poter, gonzipn ghandu kilba kbira wkoll biex jidher bhala wiehed li allahares ma kienx hu ghall-pajjiz !!!! Mela minghajru Malta kienet se tkompli tezisti f'dawn l-ahhar snin !!!
It is obvious that gonzipn will use the March council elections as a trial to see how they will manage to whip up support. Don't think for a moment that the Sliema council was not dissolved for that purpose.
Luke Camilleri
No one could have said it better1 And in turn the Prime Minister is being held hostage for tactical gain by Back_benchers, Sustainers, JS List.......and the famous or infamous KLIKKA!’