JPO: Elections for stability ‘best way forward’

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando says the only way forward is for Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to call elections.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has said that he agrees that what the country needs right now is stability, and that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi should call elections.

The day after the Opposition's no confidence motion in government was defeated, three out of four daily papers agreed that the only way forward was for the country to go to the polls.

The editorials of The Times, The Malta Independent and l-Orizzont said that while the Prime Minister is legally and constitutionally correct in saying that the Opposition's motion was defeated, however, 'politically and morally' he should dissolve parliament.

Yesterday's vote in the House registered 34 votes in favour and 34 votes against the Labour's motion. Only PN MP Franco Debono abstained. Speaker Michael Frendo cast his vote against the motion.

"Hon. Debono refused to support government in Parliament for the third time in the space of two years yesterday," Pullicino Orlando wrote on his Facebook wall.

"An abstention in a no-confidence vote carries a lot of weight. He has asked for the resignation of the Prime Minister. He has asked for the resignation of a number of ministers.

"He has declared that he feels that the Prime Minister is controlled by a 'web of evil' and that we are living in an oligarchy and not a democracy ... That is why I agree with the conclusions of today's 'Times' editorial. This country needs stability," Pullicino Orlando said.

Posting a picture of a punctured tyre and quoting from The Times, Pullicino Orlando said that "there seems to be only one way forward: an election as soon as possible".

Last Saturday, the Nationalist MP said he was going to support the private member's motion presented by Debono on party financing.


Xint mahruq galea! u qieghdin fil gvern! insomma sieq wahda gewwa ha ha ha ha,ara vera partit taz zwiemel b ghajnejhom mghottija mill genb lilly! ahna rasna fir ramel? mela nies bhalek x intom? bla ras? ara tmurx tghallem l universita dwar id demokrazija u l maturita politika? ha haj, tiggradwa sparat kieku! nerga nitolbok galea hi erga inaghqad maghna fid dinja, u hallik mill qamar!!!!!!!!
Iva il poplu kien ZBALJAT meta ivvota favur id divorzju. Ghad jigi zmien meta id divorzju bhal ma qalu l Isqfijiet taghna, jigi mnehhi. Dak hsara u deni BISS igib. Jekk ma togobkomx il Kelma ta Alla, mela ghalqu halqkom, poggu raskom fir ramel (tipika tas socjalisti), u hallu lil haddiehor jghix. JPO zbalja, u ghadu jizbalja. Il Gvern taghna huwa legittimu, u ghandu jibqa hemm sat 2013, fejn isejjah elezzjoni. Ghalkemm konvint li il PN jirbaha BIL KBIR :)
@J Galea. Kif qazzist lil kullħadt sur Galea. Qisek qed tghix fil-midju evu. Jekk temmen fil-Ħallieq taf' li dak u ta' kullhadt mhux ta xi sezzjoni priviliggata kif inhu il-gvern staġnat tieghek. Mur ħabbat rasek ma xi ħajt u tibqax tghix fl-ispazju!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JPO ...mux ahjar talaq halqek kink! biz-zejjed staportejnik elezjoni li ghaddiet u qbizna ghalik. pero issa warab kink ax dejaqtna kollha
Mela il-PN jghid li elezzjoni mhux zmienha (anke jekk GonzipNtilef l-appogg tal-maggoranza parlamentari) u JPO jghid li elezzjoni hija l-"unika" soluzzjoni! Lil min ha nemmnu? Liem hu il-veru PN?
Igor P. Shuvalov
"Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando says the only way forward is for Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to call elections." But what has he done to back up his words??
Nissugerixxi li waqt li liPrim Ministru jkun ghal dawn il-granet barra minn Malta ghall-EU Sumit jirrifletti ftit li biex il-PN isalva tkaxkira akbar u jnaqqas id-distakk li hemm bhalissa ghandu jirraguna bhal ma jirraguna missier li jkollu wiehed mit-tfal marid u ghandu bzonn kilwa jew xi organu iehor biex jghajx. Hekk ghandu jghamel jwarrab hu u dawk li diga indikaw li ser iwarrbu u jhallu t-tmexxija tal-PN f'idejn ohra biex ikunu jistu jwasslu sa l-ahhar ta' din il-legislatura u hafna mil-progetti jitlestew u li sa dak iz-zmien titranga wkoll il-krizi finanzjarja u l-pajjiz ikollu dehra ahjar. Hekk hemm bzonn li jsir bhal ma ghamlu fil-passat meta Mintoff halla f'idejn KMB, Fenech Adami lill Gonzi hekk gfhandu jghamel Gonzi issa u zgur li jibqa mnizzel fl-istorja li ha id-decizjoni ghal gid ta' Malta u tal-PN. Ghax hekk le ser ikollu bil-fors isejjah elezzjoni sa qabel l-ahhar tas-sena u jaqla kaxkira li wara ma jkollux alternattiva li jirrizenja minn Kap. Is-sewwa dejjem rebah u l-poplu zgur li mhux imbecilli.
@jgalea Iehor fil-lista tal-PN jitlob elezzjoni , mela sur Galea erga` ibda priedka u itlob forsi tibqghu iggranfati mal-poter , imma bdan ir- ritmu tista` tibqa il-gurnata kollha bil-kuruna fidejk. Hu dikjarazzjoni li qieghed tghid "il- Mulej huwa maghna " , turi bil-kbir id-devozzjoni li ghandek , u id-divorzju mhux JPO dahhlu , imma il-poplu sovran Maltl li jien kont wiehed minnhom u m ghandi l-ebda biza` ghal quddiem il-hallieq rigward dan.
@jgalea....habib nahseb ghandek bzonn tigi lura fil prezent ghax milli jidher qed tghix mill medju evu. "Il Mulej maghkom"!!! Ma min?? Mela il partit taghkom il partit mahluq min Alla?!! Hallina nghixu siehbi u ikber naqra ghax tirraguna qisek xi qassis ta zmien l'inkwizzjoni. Il hsara li qeda issir f'dan il pajjiz gejja mill klikka ta madwar il Kapo tieghek ghax siker fil poter u qed jibqa jostina ruhu biex jsuq lil Malta ghal gol hajt!!!
@jgalea Ijwa kemm inti injurant! x'ghandu x'jaqsam il alla mal politika ara vera ma ghandekx mohh!!! Ibqaw sejrin bija din ta alla dejaqtuni!!!
Sur j galea, int min tahseb li int? l ewwel nett Alla huwa ma kulhadd u mhux maghkom biss, u t tieni nett issa qed tghidlu hekk lil jpo? mela nsejt li dan tela minn fuq zewg distretti u gonzipn tefghu backbencher? int kieku x taghmel? tifrah ghax iblah? dik demokrazija li thaddnu d demokristjani,jew ahjar demoxenarji! intom vera partit ta usare e buttare!jien nahseb li mhux gonzipn libbes lil jpo imma bil kontra ghax kieku ma tlajtux izzappu! l ipokrezija tibbrilla f nies bhalek sur galea! u trid jew ma tridx, id divorzju dahal u min ghandu bzonnu ha jkun rebbieh! ara tghidx lil kapo jaccettah!mid dehra int xi nazzjonalist tradizzjonali,mill ftit li ghad fadal insomma, ghax il liberali qed jiehdu postkom!caw habib u prova mmatura ta forsi tkun iffurtunat u terga tigi lura god dinja mill qamar!!!@
Jeffrey Vella
@jgalea Biex turi kemm ghandek skuzi mohhok mghaluq lanqas taccetta li il-maggoranza tal poplu illegalizza id-divorzju, jigifiri inti bhal siehbek Gonzi ma jqis li il-maggoranza fil pajjiz hija d-demokrazija bili anki fil vot tad-divorzju ivvota kontra, nahseb ahjar jghamel il kontijiet ma Alla Gonzi meta halef fuq is-salib biex sar Prim Ministru li jimxi skont li wieghed lil poplu jigifiri taxxi min 35% ghal 25%,wieghed li l-Airmalta employess job safe u anki lil tat-tarzna, allura il kontijiet irid jghamilom Gonzi mas-Sinjur bil gideb li wieghed genna fl-art u min dan ma sar xejn , imbarra li wieghed li l-kontijiet tad-dawl mhux se jitmissu.
Ma xbajtx tamel hsara lill partit sur Jeff.? L ewwel jigi jibki waqt mass meeting, biex kulhadd jithassru, u jivvutalu, imbad meta tela sforza lill PN biex idahhal id divorzju, u issa li ha dak li ried, qed jarmi il partit li libsu, u ghallmu. ISTHI. Tibzax. Issa il kontijiet tamilom mal Hallieq, talli dahhalt id divorzju. Imma tamel x tamel il Mulej HUWA MAGHNA, u jogbok jew ma jogbokx il PN ikun REBBIH DEJJEM :)
sur po inti tahseb li il parlament qed jimxi sew fejn kull meta ifettillu membru parlamentari iressaq ghal konvenjenza tieghu private member's motion. meta il parlament jista jkollu ligijiet aktar importanti biex jigu diskussi. jiddispjacini imma kemm inti u kemm franco debono dehrilkom li ridtu tmexxu il parlament kif jaqbel lilkom.
Will the Prime Minister comes back from the EU summit, highly convinced he better past on the buck to Joseph Muscat and calls general elections for May. If so, please, PM, retrieve some of the money you and your cabinet members got from the 500 euro rise in your honorary, by postponing to the Local Councils election to the same day of the general elections. The counting of the Local Elections will take place a week later. But to have two different elections in a matter of two months in such difficult financial and economic period in the eurozone. For the best interest of my country, I would not have mind if the general elections were held at their appropriate time, at least March, 2013, so maybe some useful reform will get place and the general elections will not be held in such a confusing manner. But now, more than before, Hon. Prime Minister the situation has gone out of your control and Geoffrey Pullicino Orlando advice, one of your back-benchers should not be ignore or taking lightly. Malta and Gozo are asking for general elections in a reasonable time, maybe May, 2012.
JPO the only think you must do is vote against GONZIPN otherwise GONZIPN won't go for elections AND YOU KNOW THAT
Yes Mr. Pullicino we agree 100% but prove to us that what your saying is really what you believe in , its your move what are you going to do about it?
With all due respect Jeffrey, if you believe what you are saying you should have backed Franco Debono. You would have given the country a breather from the klikka who have humiliated you and used you - as thery are adn will huniliate and use Franco- and helped renew the PN for a new era. You still have the chanace to put your money where your mouth is when a money bill comes up for voting. Instead you backed a govt who is clinging to power and therefore so are you. For goodness sake, men , stand up to be counted and dont act like pussies!