Mugliett doubts government’s ability to reach end of legislature

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando says one has to be “cut off from reality not to see the situation is unsustainable”.

Backbencher Jesmond Mugliett
Backbencher Jesmond Mugliett

Nationalist backbencher Jesmond Mugliett said that he was not convinced the current political situation is stable enough for government to reach the end of the legislature.

"I am not sure whether the situation is stable enough for Government to say it should continue working until the end of this legislature. However, one has to follow closely the developments in Parliament in the coming days," Mugliett said.

In comments to One News, the Nationalist MP stressed that the issue on whether government was stable or not, depended on the votes to be taken in Parliament, which include a number of money bills.

"If there's going to be a repetition of instances were the Speaker has to cast his vote for a motion or bill to pass, it will go on to show that there is instability," Mugliett said.

He added that he wants to see the Prime Minister take the governance issue "seriously" as was mentioned in the debate: "This is what people want to see on the parliament's agenda."

Asked whether the country should go to the polls immediately, Mugliett said that would be the only way forward if another vote would be defeated in Parliament in the coming days.

Parliament will not convene next Monday and Tuesday, as Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi will be abroad, attending an EU summit.

Also speaking on One News, PN whip David Agius said: "the Prime Minister knows what the circumstances are and he feels that he should be present when Parliament convenes."

Meanwhile, another Nationalist backbencher has expressed his concerns about the current instable situation government finds itself in.

Reacting to comments on his Facebook wall, backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said both political parties are not prepared to go the polls.

"Neither the PN or the PL are ready for early elections. But the fact remains that the party in government has an MP who has manifestly said he doesn't trust his leader.

"You have to be cut off from reality to see that this situation is unsustainable," Pullicino Orlando said.


The truth is that we are now in election mode and at most the PM might be able to delay the election to some time after the summer recess. His backbenchers who have been ignored for so long will now more concerned on securing a seat in the next parliament and whoever might be in power they probably feel they will be in a better position to exert influence. There are a number of them who are strong enough in their district not to fear an early election. Also as I have been saying it is not only FD who is disillusioned with the leadership of the PM. In essence the PM faces a multiheaded Gorgon and some of those are now likely to raise their dissident heads and are more dangerous than FD. Take for example the case of JPO who now regularly appears in the opposition media and is not a prospective candidate. I would posit that it is strategically in his political interest as well as to support those close to him to sooner rather than later force the PM to set an election date. I consider JPO as a first class strategist unlike FD and I expect to see some interesting move on his part in the coming weeks.
But our government is completely detached from reality when the recession was affecting all the world including the rest of europe our prime minister said that is no problem since we are protected and our performance is good. Suddenly, he changed track and said that the recession may affect us after all. He is doing the same thing with this vote of last thursday and he keeps on insisting that he still enjoys the confidence of his party and his supporters. How can he honestly say this with just a casting vote from the speaker, what will happen when he needs to pass another motion through parliament will he go to the speaker once more.
@jgalea Nahseb jien u int rajna zewg trasmissjonijiet differenti , qatt ma smajt lil onor Borg jghid li Dr. Gonzi u Franco ghamlu paci , anzi smajtu jghid li ma jafx jekk hux se jattendi ghal kunsill tal-PN , nahseb ikun ahjar ghalik li taghmel xi check up ghax qieghed tbati mill alluċinazzjonijiet.
jgalea = trailer trash without the trailer
And then there were THREE! Although Debono was the stalking horse, it is clear that there is a group behind all this. The only way forward is to ratify the budgetary measures( about which Debono has already voted yes in the Budget vote) and call an election. What is all this crap about parties not being ready for an election? GonziPN is only afraid of the post-defeat showdown which the TRUE PN militants will seek. We need to PURGE the party of those who hijacked it. PN SUPPORTERS OPEN YOUR EYES.
Dan ihor. Ma jisthix!!! Dan kollox ghax ma sarx ministru!!! Jghidu x jghidu, dan u sihbu, u shabom is socjalisti, il PN ser jibqa hemm. Isimuh lil Dr. Tonio Borg jghid li Dr. Gonzi u Franco ghamlu paci, u mhux ser johloq aktar inkwiet :) Miskin il partit marxista. Kien diga amilha fatta. X' ma jibkux Anglu u Michelle hahahahahahahaha!!! God Bless you Dr. Gonzi. Kompli mexxina ha nkomplu nibnu Patria Demokratika Kattolika, b differenza ghal dak partit li jadura lil mintoff, u lil marx, bhal man north korea jaduraw lil Kim Il Sung.
Simple arithmetics. In the 2008 General Elections results. PN garnered 143468 first count votes. PL garnered 141888. A mere difference of 1580 votes for the PN. The Hon Franco Debono obtained 2228 first count votes from two districts. Therefore, in view that Debono has not voted against the no confidence parliamentary motion brought forward by the PL, this, in terms of votes, the number of voters expressing confidence in the government of the day in parliament on that particular important motion amounted to 143468 - 2228 = 141240. Therefore, the PL had a majority of 648 votes over the PN. Consequently, it is safe for the PL and everyone to say that the PN has lost the majority of the peoples' backing and is governing against the will of the majority. As simple as that - what was good in 1981 is good in 2002.
Simple arithmetics. In the 2008 General Elections results. PN garnered 143468 first count votes. PL garnered 141888. A mere difference of 1580 votes for the PN. The Hon Franco Debono obtained 2228 first count votes from two districts. Therefore, in view that Debono has not voted against the no confidence parliamentary motion brought forward by the PL, this, in terms of votes, the number of voters expressing confidence in the government of the day in parliament on that particular important motion mounted to 143468 - 2228 = 141240. Therefore, the PL had a majority of 648 votes over the PN. Consequently, it is safe for the PL and everyone to say that the PN has lost the majority of the peoples' backing and is governing against the will of the majority. As simple as that.
@ Zeppi...Tajba zepp! lol Nahseb qieghed jitlob ma jmurx il 'world leader' li ghandu gvern bla maggoranza jerga jiehu xi battikata ohra! Hahahaha
Zepp dejjem jitlob u jsemmi LIl Alla li mal PN, x'tistenna minnu, imma allura ja jghid li Alla mal Pn, ghaliex ma mmorrux ghal Elezjoni ghax la Alla mal Pn ha jrebbahom , mhux hekk? Lil Alla ghad iridu jghatu kont dawk li serqu kemm felhu biex gie fan id dejn kollu €5000, hemmm hafna entitajiet ilhom ma jghamlu accounts zmien ibda mil EneMalta , dak serq u wiehed mil kmandamenti ghidlu li jgalea.
Anette B Cassar
mhux li jghajjarhom tradituri ngid jien.
Mr Mughliet is another bird with JPO's same feathers. Just talking and talking but without having any action that means boys without balls.
nistenna kumment minghand j.galea , ha nara x`se jghid issa