[LIVE] PN General Council - live blog

In the week that the Prime Minister's one-seat majority was shaken, follow live the proceedings of the PN's General Council.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi entering the PN headquarters before this morning's General Council.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi entering the PN headquarters before this morning's General Council.

Follow our minute-by-minute live blog of proceedings at the PN's general council.

12:21pm We'll keep you updated with the latest developments.

12:19pm Gonzi has effectively asked the Nationalist party whether it wants to choose a new leader or keep faith with him.

12:17pm Gonzi's speech ends. The Prime Minister will soon address a press conference at the PN headquarters.

12:15pm "I am ready to welcome everybody to work with me. I still beleieve that everything is possible for the country."

12:13pm "I will not demand your confidence by a standing ovation but I will ask for a vote of confidence in my leadership. I will hand in a letter to the party's president to demand a secret vote on my leadership. I demand a secret vote from party councillors. If I enjoy your confidence and confrimed as leader I will continue governing until the end of government mandate"

12:11pm  "It is clear Joseph Muscat is more intent on earning power then working in the country's best interest. I have a duty to act in these circumstances. We cannot act as if nothing happened on Thursday. I will carry my responsability as I have always done. We cannot pretend nothing happen on Thursday and I make it clear that in order to continue leading this glorious party I need your confidence and the party's backing"

12:07pm "Instability will only come if the Opposition continues seeding doubts. Instability exists if there are huge protests and popular unrest which we luckily do not have in Malta.

12:04pm "I accept criticism because we are always open to improvements. However we should not forget the achievements of this party in government." 

12:01pm "The Opposition had the audicity to compare the current situation with the 1981 election when Labour governed the country against the people's will. This is scandalous. this Opposition is worse then Alfred sant's party and worse then past Labour party administrations. Unlike the Labour government in 1981, we will never govern for one extra day without the people's confidence. The day that will happen we will leave our seats. The current Labour party and many of its prominent members were part of the 1981 Labour government."

11:57am Gonzi likens the opposition's no-confidence motion to a "tear-gas" motion in yet another reference to the political violence of the 1980's.

11:56am Gonzi asks his party councillors whether they have ever heared the Opposition leader speak in this manner? "During Labour's general conference, Joseph Muscat should have spoken about his proposals and not his grandmother"

11:53am Gonzi is speaking about the economic achievements of his government and the difficulties Malta faces. Gonzi's speech will conclude the party's general council. Apart from Gonzi, the speakers were limited to the party's deputy leader, secretary general and president.

11:48am "This government's track redord on the economy deserves confidence. Results speak for themselves. We are beating the economic challanges thanks to the people's contribution."

11:45am "This week I said that since government lost the support of one of its own, I cannot say that it is business as usual. Therefore I said that I will call the party's highest organ and see whether I still enjoy the confidence of the party." This earns Gonzi another standing ovation and a big cheer.

11:43am "As long as I have your confidence I will continue governing."

11:40am "We are accused of being tied to power, but in reality it is the Opposition which has a hunger for power."

11:38am "This week we also witnessed a failed attempt by the Opposition to bring government down. They almost managed but they did not! They were sure they would manage to but they did not." This prompts another standing ovation.

11:36am "This week we witnessed a lack of an alternative government. There was no proposal mentioned by the leader of the Opposition. The only reson for the no-confidence was to trip government up by the means of somebody eleses vote."

11:34am "Why all this panic and haste? This week in parliament a member of government abstained. Is it clear Mr leader of the Opposition? He absteined!"

11:32am "Our desicions ensured that the country is not humiliated like other countries."

11:29am "These are not the best circumstances to hold an early election. I will not hold an election even though it might be the easiest option. I will not do anything which might cost the country jobs. At the moment we are still performing well, in spite of the difficult sitaution Europe and the rest of the world is going through."

11:25am "I do not agree that it is in the country's best interest to go to an early election. Not because we are scared of elections.Unlike the Opposition we have always respected the rules of democracy." Gonzi rallies the party councillors by reminding them of the political violence and situation in the 1980's. This is greeted by yet another standing ovation.

11:22am "This moment demands senerity, calm and political maturity. We have to ask ourselves what is the right thing to do in the country's interest."

11:21am "This council gives us the opportunity to meet the party councillors by convening the highest organ of the party."

11:19am In reference to a message recieved from the mother Gonzi says "This morning I recieved a vote of confidence". This is greeted by another standing ovation.

11:17am The Nationalist party leader recounts the experience of a mother of two disabled children.  

11:15am Lawrence Gonzi is to address the PN extraordinary general council. The national anthem is played before his address. The party faithful grant him the obligatory standing ovation.

11:14am "We are here to give a service and build upon the values on which this party is built."

11:06am Portelli is now speaking about government's achievments in the educational field. She also raises the spectre of university stipends by reminding what the Labour government did in 1996 and says "We should not let Labour fool us again" 

11:02am "In the absence of proposald from the Opposition, all I can analyse and speak about is the Nationalist party."

10:59am "We did not hear any sound reasons for the Opposition's motion of no-confidence."

10:58am "We are not perfect because the party is alive."

10:56am PN executive President Marthese Portelli addresses the conference.

10:55am "Elections are not an end but are only a means for us to make the country better. When you have principles you can never be on the losing side."

10:52am Borg Olivier is now singing the praises of Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi. "The Prime Minister has faith in everybody and has faith in the country."

10:47am "Joseph Muscat only looks backwards. He promises a new era in the same way Alfred Sant promised a new start."

10:42am "The leader of the Opposition has never come up with one proposal concerned with job creation. What are his proposals for pensioners and housewifes?"

10:39am In similar fashion to many MPs who addressed Parliament during the no-confidence debate, Paul Borg Olivier is listing the achievements of the current administration.

10:37am "Its a choice between the national interest and greed for power." Meanwhile, PN minister Austin Gatt walks in room where journalists are confined. He seems to be looking for access to the halls' gallery

10:36am "This is a time to make clear choices for the party and for the country."

10:34am PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier addresses the conference.

10:33am "I have at times been called demo-christian or a fundementalist, however I am proud to have introduced laws that eleiminated the reference to illegitimate sons and daughters, because all children are God's children"

10:30am "This shows that the oldest party in Malta welcomes with open arms reforms and new ideas, and it makes no difference if they come from within or outside the party."

10:28am "We are clearly in favour of discussing Constitutional reform. However the Opposition decided not to participate in the select-committee on democracy. These reforms cannot be introduced by the Nationalist party alone."

10:25am In clear reference to maverick MP Franco Debono who tabled a private members bill on party financing, Borg is now speaking about the law. "We are ready to discuss the law in Parliament. The private member's bill could be a good start for this discussion."

10:22am "We can have many soldiers, but only one gerneral."

10:21am "At Parliament's last sitting Joseph Muscat thought he will enter the House as leader of the Opposition and come out as Prime Minister. However he still came out of Parliament as leader of the Opposition."

10:18am Minutes are approved. Deputy leader Tonio Borg addresses the conference.

10:15am At a quick glance, the average age of PN councillors seems to be quite high.

10:12am PN assisitant secretary general Jean-Pierre Debono is reading the minutes from the previous general conference.

10:10am "The party deserves to govern and should continue governing the country"

10:08am Paula Mifsud Bonnici says the reason why this conference was convened was to discuss the political situation and rally behind the Prime Minister and his government to consolidate it.

10:05am The conference commences with Paula Mifsud Bonnici explaining the reason why the general conference was convened. At the first mention of Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat's name the councillors start booing.

10:02am Party leader Lawrence Gonzi arrives at the PN headquarters. The councillors chant "Gonzi, Gonzi"

9:57am PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier and deputy leader Tonio Borg walk down the middle aisle amongst applause of the party councillors and take a seat on stage. The stage is pretty bare with no slogan.

9:52am Most PN ministers and MPs present seem to be in an upbeat mood.

9:47am PN ministers and MPs are seated at the front. No sign of rebel MPs Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett. A noisy hall full of party councillors is eagerly awaiting the conference to start. Councillors are constrained to stand in the aisles as there are no more seats available.  

9:40am Still no sign of the party leaders. PN assistant secretary-general Jean-Pierre Debono is the only person on stage. The conference should start soon. Journalists have been confined to a room above the hall's gallery, with no direct view of the hall.

9:34am The PN councillors are filling the seats at the PN headquarters in Pieta. A great sense of expectation can be tangibly felt amongst the party faithful. This could turn out to be one of the most important general conferences in the party's recent history.

8:40 Good morning! Welcome to our live-blog for the PN's general council: it will be a day dedicate to speeches that will focus on the strength of government's one-seat majority - shaken this week after MP Franco Debono abstained on a no-confidence vote by the Opposition - and one where Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi will look for his party's support.

jerry you are right jerry. ETC statistics are a blatant lie. Those unemployed who are attending some course are not considered as unemployed, those who are employed part time with three different companies of the same mother company so that they do not qualify for any leave and other benefits of full-time employment are considered as different persons being employed so that if they are employed part-time with three different companies as above they would be considered as if the government had created three jobs when in actual fact it is only one person, many others are employed at minimum or even lower wages and abysmal working conditions and precarious employment and a lot of other things that do not present the real situation which would be detracting from Dr Gonzi's image on jobs created.
jerry you are right jerry. ETC statistics are a blatant lie. Those unemployed who are attending some course are not considered as unemployed, those who are employed part time with three different companies of the same mother company so that they do not qualify for any leave and other benefits of full-time employment are considered as different persons being employed so that if they are employed part-time with three different companies as above they would be considered as if the government had created three jobs when in actual fact it is only one person, many others are employed at minimum or even lower wages and abysmal working conditions and precarious employment and a lot of other things that do not present the real situation which would be detracting from Dr Gonzi's image on jobs created.
Micheal Bonanno
If Gonzi is a believe in democracy, then he should go before the Maltese electorate not the PN councillors. The problem the PM is facing is not in the party but in Parliament, therefore it is a political and constitutional problem. His only way out is through a money bill which is tantamount to a vote of confidence or General Elections. The ball is in the PM's court.
braden sammut iva, sewwa ghedt. ikompli jservi l-interessi tal-klikka kif qallu Dr Franco Debono.
"I am ready to welcome everybody to work with me. I still believe that everything is possible for the country." Not for the country Dr Gonzi, because you and your Eddie have sold us and our country to the EU dictatorship, but for yourself, your children and the gang who are really ruling for their own interests as stated by Dr Franco Debono. We remember what you and Eddie always said. "Ghalina u ghal uliedna" which is certainly not for the country or our children.
Micheal Bonanno
@braden sammut. Jiddispjacini ma rajtx l-istampa kollha, imma rajt dak li ridt int. Tkellem biss Joseph Muscat biex ma jkunx hemm hela ta' hin min-naha tal-PL biex tigi ndirizzata l-problema ta' governita'. Kieku riedu l-parlamentari Laburisti kienu joqghodu jaghmlu bhalma ghamlu tan-naha tal-PN, qabda paroli u ftahir u xejn ta' sugu. Tinsiex self-praise is no commendation, u dak li ghamlu l-parlamentari Nazzjonalisti. Ftahru b'rixhom. Kieku qamu jitkellmu tal-PL kieku ghadna sejrin b'din il-kummiedja ghax hekk ried il-PM.
id diskors tal kunsillieri fejn qieghed, mela ghamlulhom sarima, dik demokrazija. l ivels hemm kienu?
now who exactly is clinging to power? Instability was just brought up by PL for their own ambitions
Whatever the PN says we have instability in our country on their own making. How dare GonziPN says the problems are created by PL. They know that their days are numbered. Our country needs a fresh start.
@salgister Insejt meta il-PL fil-Gvern dahhal ligi dwar l-indhil barrani? Insejt meta Dr. George Abela (illum President ta' Malta) qal li meta nigu ghall-elezzjonijiet, Dr.Joseph Muscat ma jilghabx fair? Insejt meta il-PL fil-Gvern ma hallix lil Perit Mintoff jitkellem fil-Parlament? Insejt meta waqt li Dr.Eddie Fenech Adami kien qed jitkellem fil-Parlament, deputati laburisti marru jqattawlu l-karti? Nahseb ahjar nieqaf hawn!
Maturita kbira min-naha tal-Prim Ministru li lest ipoggi l-pozizzjoni tieghu ghall-iskrutinju tal-Partit.
Lawrence Gonzi is a true believer of democracy. Not only does he submit his approval to a secret vote but he opens up the possibility for others to contest the leadership if necessary.
Micheal Bonanno
"Il-Labour iggverna 5 snin u 5 xhur kontra r-rieda tal-poplu..Il-PN ma jaghmilx gurnata wahda fil-poter minghajr ir-rieda tal-poplu" Il-Labour iggverna skont il-kostituzzjoni. Ir-rieda tal-poplu jew ir-rieda tal-PN? Ghax l-ghatx li kellu l-PN ghal poter, l-ebda ilma ma kien se jaqtaghhulu. Issa bdejn insemmu t-tmeninijiet. Mhux ahjar jibda jsemmi min ghamel il-bombi wara l-bibien tad-djar ta' dawk li kienu jikkoloboraw mal-MLP fil-Gvern? Mhux ahjar jghid min ghamel kwazi sentejn barra l-Parlament ghax ibbojkottja l-Parlament? Mhux ahjar jiskuza ruhhu ma tal-businesses ghal boycotts li l-PN kien jaghmlilhom, ghas-semplici raguni ghax dawn kienu jirriklamaw fuq ix-Xandir? Mhux ahjar jiskuza ruhu mal-poplu Malti tal-hsara li ghamel barra minn xtutna bil-propaganda qarrieqa li kienu jaghmlu delegazzjoni tal-PN meta kienu jsiefru barra u jxerrdu nformazzjoni falza biex hadd ma jigi jinvesti f'Malta? Kemm ghajruh lil Mintoff dittatur. Hu kellu jkun biex regghu dahlu l-Parlament Mintoff kellu jkun biex il-PN rebah l-elezzjoni tan-1987 u l-istess emenda ghal kostituzzjoni ghadha hemm, ma bidluhiex. Tant ma bidluhiex li l-PN qieghed jiggverna bis-sahha ta' dik l-emenda. Tghajjru l-Labour mhux demokratiku? Tant kien u ghadu demokratiku li fin-1998 flok baqaq' ikkakmat mas-siggu tal-poter, Alfred ghajjat elezzjoni, allavolja s-sitwazzjoni hi bhal tal-lum. Hemm izjed x'wiehed jghid imma nieqfu hawn.
Micheal Bonanno
"Il-Labour iggverna 5 snin u 5 xhur kontra r-rieda tal-poplu..Il-PN ma jaghmilx gurnata wahda fil-poter minghajr ir-rieda tal-poplu" Il-Labour iggverna skont il-kostituzzjoni. Ir-rieda tal-poplu jew ir-rieda tal-PN? Ghax l-ghatx li kellu l-PN ghal poter, l-ebda ilma ma kien se jaqtaghhulu. Issa bdejn insemmu t-tmeninijiet. Mhux ahjar jibda jsemmi min ghamel il-bombi wara l-bibien tad-djar ta' dawk li kienu jikkoloboraw mal-MLP fil-Gvern? Mhux ahjar jghid min ghamel kwazi sentejn barra l-Parlament ghax ibbojkottja l-Parlament? Mhux ahjar jiskuza ruhhu ma tal-businesses ghal boycotts li l-PN kien jaghmlilhom, ghas-semplici raguni ghax dawn kienu jirriklamaw fuq ix-Xandir? Mhux ahjar jiskuza ruhu mal-poplu Malti tal-hsara li ghamel barra minn xtutna bil-propaganda qarrieqa li kienu jaghmlu delegazzjoni tal-PN meta kienu jsiefru barra u jxerrdu nformazzjoni falza biex hadd ma jigi jinvesti f'Malta? Kemm ghajruh lil Mintoff dittatur. Hu kellu jkun biex regghu dahlu l-Parlament Mintoff kellu jkun biex il-PN rebah l-elezzjoni tan-1987 u l-istess emenda ghal kostituzzjoni ghadha hemm, ma bidluhiex. Tant ma bidluhiex li l-PN qieghed jiggverna bis-sahha ta' dik l-emenda. Tghajjru l-Labour mhux demokratiku? Tant kien u ghadu demokratiku li fin-1998 flok baqaq' ikkakmat mas-siggu tal-poter, Alfred ghajjat elezzjoni, allavolja s-sitwazzjoni hi bhal tal-lum. Hemm izjed x'wiehed jghid imma nieqfu hawn.
PL STAR CABINET: Karmenu Vella, Leo Brincat, Joe Debono Grech, Marie Louise Coleiro, George Vella u Alfred Sant. Nies sfiducjati mill-poplu ghal numru ta' drabi...Nies ggranfati mal poter
@salgister Fil-Parlament, fuq il-vot ta' sfiducja fil-Gvern, Dr. Joseph Muscat biss tkellem = Ghamel sarima ma' halq id-deputati tieghu.
Il-Prim Ministru jerfa r-responsabbilta tal-hidma tieghu u jitlob il-fiducja tal-Kunsilliera tal-PN b'vot sigriet. Il-Prim Ministru lest biex ikompli jservi.
Lino Camilleri
Unemployment rate in Malta 6.4% This is a big lie. Maltese statistics were always based on lies. Our unemployment statistic is based on the figure as registered by the ETC and this deviate from the true figure of unemployment.
Micheal Bonanno
"Apart from Gonzi, the speakers were limited to the party's deputy leader, secretary general and president." Ghala? Mela bezghu li xi hadd jghid xi haga li mhux suppost jghidha? Hekkha konferenza wkoll!!! Jitkellmu tal-klikka u l-ohrajn ma jitkellmux!
PL STAR CABINET: Karmenu Vella, Leo Brincat, Joe Debono Grech, Marie Louise Coleiro, George Vella u Alfred Sant. Nies sfiducjati mill-poplu ghal numru ta' drabi...Nies ggranfati mal poter
Il-Partit Laburista f'16 -il sena m'ghamilx il-Kunsilli! Izda wara 16 -il sena ta' Partit Laburista l-PN ghamel il-Kunsilli Lokali!
Malta ghandha l-5 l-inqas rata ta' qghad fl-Unjoni Ewropea; rizultat ta' pajjiz li jgib x-xoghol.
ir-rizultati tajbin f'pajjizna u l-kwalita tajba ta' hajja u edukazzjoni nafuha biss lil PN. Qas jibdew maghhom tal-PL
ir-rizultati tajbin f'pajjizna u l-kwalita tajba ta' hajja u edukazzjoni nafuha biss lil PN. Qas jibdew maghhom tal-PL
PL m'hu qed jipproponi xejn. Il-poltika tal-Gvern qed taghti rizultati li qed ingawdu. Ghandna edukazzjoni u sistema tas-sahha li nistghu niftahru biha. Il-qghad nizeln u qieghdin fil-process li nnaqqsu d-deficit. Joseph Muscat x'qed jipproponi?
is-super cabinet ta' Joseph: Joe Debono Grech, Karmenu Vella, Gorg Vella, M'Louise Coleiro, Sciberras Trigona, Leo Brincat u Alfred Sant .... dawn zgur mhux progressivi anzi mummji mis-snin 80!!! u hallina Muscat!!!!
"Il-Labour iggverna 5 snin u 5 xhur kontra r-rieda tal-poplu..Il-PN ma jaghmilx gurnata wahda fil-poter minghajr ir-rieda tal-poplu"
Qed nibki.
Joseph Sant
Is there or will there be a motion put before the PN General Council? If not what's the purpose of this meeting. Hosannas to Gonzi do not solve the current impasse.
Ian George Walker
This is all show and soap bubbles. What matters is not how much applause Gonzi gets in the PN General Council but: a) How much support he has in Parliament - and we know he has lost his majority there and, more important. b) How much support he has in the country. And he is TERRIFIED of testing that through an election.
It-track record posittiv qieghed biss ghand il-PN.Il-PL mhu jofri l-ebda soluzzjoni...
it-track record pozittiv f'idejn il-PN qieghed. L-ohrajn qas jafu x'ifisser tahdem ghal pajjiz.
It-track record posittiv qieghed biss ghand il-PN.Il-PL mhu jofri l-ebda soluzzjoni...
Anette B Cassar
Merkel qalet li ghandna 10 snin bil-problemi tal Ewro u l-ekonomija. Forsi tridu naghmlu elezzjonijiet fi 2022 mela? Insomma dik bicca ta' mexxejja germaniza biss. Fejn taf?
Joseph Sant
Is there or will there be a motion put before the PN General Council? If not what's the purpose of this meeting. Hosannas to Gonzi do not solve the current impasse.
Unemployment rate in Spain 22.58% vs unemployment rate in Malta 6.4% - ir-raba' l-inqas fl-EU!
Il-krizi finanzjarja ghada ghaddejja u ma nistawx nipperikolaw li nitilfu d-direzzjoni li qbadna. Evitajna hafna problemi, naqas il-qghad u ma naqqasnix il-beneficcji socjali ghax il-pajjiz ha decizjonijiet difficli u mhux popolari.
il-maltemp ekonomiku l-PN biex qed johrogna minnu. Il-PM u t-tim tieghu hadu l-ahjar decizjonijiet u r-rizultati qed jidhru
Anette B Cassar
Nicky, Il-figuri huma fatti. Kif ghedt into qieghed hemm b'mod legali biss ghax iz-zewg partiti qablu li jeskludu partiti ohrajn. Braden, Ghamel hazin il-gvern ta' dak iz-zmien. Nakita, li il-PN hadem gahd-demokrazzija meta kienet nieqsa, ghamel fares ukoll. din ta' dejjem mhix vera. Taf li kien hemm zmien meta Ministru ordna li ma jithalllewx gazzetti Pro MLP f'ufficini tal Gvern. Kulhadd ghandu jxomm taht ghabtu. Fejn kien il-PN meta iz-ziju ta' Gonzi ghamel diskriminazzjoni politika. Idednlu ma dublett tieghu.
"Inhobb lil pajjizi, nemmen f'pajjizi - Lawernce Gonzi meta inħatar Prim Ministru tmien snin ilu
"Meta temmen fil-principju ma tkun telief qatt"
il-verita hi li l-PN ghandu rekord eccellenti fejn xigi xoghol.
jista' xi hadd jilluminani x'qed joffri Joseph Muscat?!! ghax s'issa ma kkonvincewni xejn
Il-PN dejjem hadem biex jelimina d-diskriminazzjoni mill-gheruq taghhom. Il-Labour mill-banda l-ohra dejjem ried jiccentralizza l-poter u ghalhekk qatt ma introduca l-Kunsilli Lokali u l-ufficcju tal-Ombudsman!
Joseph Muscat jghid li jirbah imma il-verita huwa l-oppost - History repeating itself?
Il-PN dejjem hadem biex jelimina d-diskriminazzjoni mill-gheruq taghhom. Il-Labour mill-banda l-ohra dejjem ried jiccentralizza l-poter u ghalhekk qatt ma introduca l-Kunsilli Lokali u l-ufficcju tal-Ombudsman!
Il-PN dejjem hadem biex jelimina d-diskriminazzjoni mill-gheruq taghhom. Il-Labour mill-banda l-ohra dejjem ried jiccentralizza l-poter u ghalhekk qatt ma introduca l-Kunsilli Lokali u l-ufficcju tal-Ombudsman!
Joseph Muscat jghid li jirbah imma il-verita huwa l-oppost - History repeating itself?
il-PM ghandu l-mandat tal-poplu.. dak jigi deciz f'elezzjoni generali biss.
Il-PN dejjem hadem biex jelimina d-diskriminazzjoni mill-gheruq taghhom. Il-Labour mill-banda l-ohra dejjem ried jiccentralizza l-poter u ghalhekk qatt ma introduca l-Kunsilli Lokali u l-ufficcju tal-Ombudsman!
il-PM ghandu l-mandat tal-poplu.. dak jigi deciz f'elezzjoni generali biss.
il-PN qieghed hemm ghax tellghu l-poplu. Din l-ghira tal-PL ilha 25 sena. U xorta m'hemmx alternattiva
il-PM ghandu l-mandat tal-poplu.. dak jigi deciz f'elezzjoni generali biss.
il-PM ghandu l-mandat tal-poplu.. dak jigi deciz f'elezzjoni generali biss.
Lupu, iddecidejtha wahdek din? Is-sitwazzjoni prezenti hi cara - ghalkemm hemm bzonn li l-PN jissahhah u jinghaqad, bhalissa GHANDU maggoranza legali. Kull kumment mod iehor hu spin negattiv. Ejja nkunu onesti f'li nghidu.
Il-Partit Laburista f'16 -il sena m'ghamilx il-Kunsilli! Izda wara 16 -il sena ta' Partit Laburista l-PN ghamel il-Kunsilli Lokali!
Hbieb segwu il Kunsill Generali fuq http://www.ustream.tv/channel/net-television-malta
il-PM ghandu l-mandat tal-poplu.. dak jigi deciz f'elezzjoni generali biss.
Gvern Socjalista fit-80 ma kellux maggoranza ta' voti u ggverna kontra r-rieda tal-poplu ghal 5 Snin SHAH!!
Gvern Socjalista fit-80 ma kellux maggoranza ta' voti u ggverna kontra r-rieda tal-poplu ghal 5 Snin SHAH!!
Hbieb segwu il Kunsill Generali fuq http://www.ustream.tv/channel/net-television-malta
Hbieb segwu il Kunsill Generali fuq http://www.ustream.tv/channel/net-television-malta
Yes; only the Maltese with double barreled surnames deserve to govern: the others have to obey and to serve! When I was a young I could swallow that; not any more. Only those who are capable should govern; Austin,Carm,and Cristina should resign; Gonzi should resign! In 2012 we believe in meritocracy !
Anette B Cassar
Gonzi la-ghandu maggoranza fil-parlament u l-anqas fil-pajjiz. Dan mhux qed nghid dwar opinion polls. Fl-ahhar elezzjoni il-partit GonziPN l-anqas gab 50% minn dawk li marru jivvutaw. U jrid jibqa igranfat mal-poter.
Hbieb segwu il Kunsill Generali fuq http://www.ustream.tv/channel/net-television-malta
Hbieb segwu il Kunsill Generali fuq http://www.ustream.tv/channel/net-television-malta
Li ma jaghmlux id-delegati fil-kunsill generali, jaghmlu l-poplu Malti fl-elezzjoni li gejja, tigi meta tigi. Gonzipn ilu li tilef il-fiducja tal-poplu u mhux issa ghax tkellem Franco Debono. L-ewwel jibghatlekk ittri ffirmati minnu ta' garanziji ta' xoghol, biex jissaqlekk il-vot, u mbghad wara li tispicca minghajr xoghol jigi jaqa' u jqum minnek u l-famija tieghek. Jekk jirrezenja llum jaqghbel ghal kulhadd, kemm ghal partit u iktar ghall-poplu Malti.
jaf jinghata l ministeru t austinat.
L-ambizzjoni ta' FD ha tohrog bic-car f'dawn il-laqaghat u zgur li sejjer jinghata post fil-gvern. X'prezz dak ghal principji li thaddan. Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse. Issa nispera li jwaqqaf il-gvern milli juza l-HFO ghax qal li ghandu ghal qalbu dawn l-affarijiet.
See how many bottles of Lomotil you can count :)
Trid tkun veru wiccek joqghod ghal kollox u tkun veru ikkakkmat mal-poter meta jkollok deputat li quddiem malta kollha jghidlek b'mod daqshekk car kif fallejt u kemm ma tiswa xejn u tibqa' tilghabha li trid tibqa' tmexxi l-pajjiz 'il quddiem !!! Kif jista' jkun li l-pajjiz javanza f'ambjent daqshekk imgerfex u mhawwad qisna qieghdin f'xi pajjiz sotto zviluppat fejn il-prim ministru qed jghidulu f'wiccu li ma jriduhx u hu qisu ma gara xejn !!!!