Lawrence Gonzi submits leadership to PN secret ballot

‘Reconfirm me as leader, or go to next elections with a new leader’ – Lawrence Gonzi

Lawrence Gonzi has asked PN councillors to vote in a secret ballot to reconfirm him as leader (Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)..
Lawrence Gonzi has asked PN councillors to vote in a secret ballot to reconfirm him as leader (Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)..

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi today put his leadership to a secret ballot by the party's General Council, asking councillors to reconfirm him as party leader and grant him unconditional backing to govern the country right to the end of its electoral mandate.

Gonzi said at the end of his speech to the PN councillors that they will be asked to vote by secret ballot to either reconfirm him as leader, or open the road for a new election for the PN leadership.

His announcement was met by a standing ovation, as Gonzi swore loyalty to the PN General Council and promised he would open the party to "all those who are ready to work with us" and govern to the end of his electoral mandate.

Earlier on Gonzi called on the members of the party to ask themselves the question whether his government should keep governing to the end of its mandate, after reiterating his belief that calling early elections was not the way to go.

Gonzi said it was his constitutional duty to keep governing the country as long as he enjoys the trust of the members of the PN's General Council, the highest decision-making organ of the party. "Early elections should only take place if there is no other option," Gonzi said.

There were no councillors invited to talk on stage, contrary to the usual proceedings of the PN conference, instead seeing the PN's deputy leader Tonio Borg, secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier, and party executive president Marthese Bonello take the podium.

The PN had convened its general council after having called on Nationalist MP Franco Debono, who announced he will withdraw his support for the government after the 6 January cabinet reshuffle, to resign his parliament seat.

"It is a difficult moment, but a challenge we don't shy away from," Gonzi said. "We are a party which takes democracy right to the heart of our party... it is a moment that now demands, more than ever, maturity, wisdom, calm and serenity. We need to ask ourselves the fundamental question of what is the right thing to do, the right thing in the country's interest."

The prime minister however admitted that the abstention of Nationalist MP Franco Debono in last week's no-confidence motion that was moved by the Opposition, meant the government could not function in a 'business as usual' fashion.

"We have to draw our conclusions from this abstention. How long can we keep governing to the end of this mandate? I have already said this merits a serious consideration, and in my conscience I know it is not business as usual."

Amid the triumphal tone of his speech, Gonzi made provision for some humble pie. "In hindsight I could have taken decisions differently, or taken different decisions... I accept the fact that there are people who will criticise and suggest alternatives. But our policies have been crucial in allowing our country to move forward... I remain open to see the PN represent all genuine beliefs that keep our country move forward, to work together and pull the same rope together."

Gonzi did not fail to draw comparisons between austerity-stricken countries in the rest of Europe, where the sovereign debt crisis has crippled so many economies.

"We're not like other countries who are imposing austerity cuts, stopping social benefits, cutting down on spending and closing down regional and local councils," Gonzi said, hot on the heels of Fitch's confirmation of Malta's A rating.

"We paid a political price that was worth it, because I hold my head up high today that we are not a humbled country like so many others," Gonzi said of his economic record. "We have these certificates and excellent results in tourism and financial services. We have a good reputation that allows us to seek credit whenever we need."

Gonzi also criticised Opposition leader Joseph Muscat, for moving a no-confidence motion that had "no basis apart from bringing down the government."

"We did not get the majority of votes because one of our MPs abstained, not voted with the Opposition," Gonzi said. "Of course, I expected the Opposition to move a motion of no-confidence, but this motion was only intended at dead-legging the government by using the vote of one its own MPs. My question is: why should this government lose the House's confidence, and what are you [Joseph Muscat] proposing?"

"It's not the end of the world for me. There are decisions I take that not everyone agrees with. That's politics. I may not agree with the method and style [of Debono's disagreement], but what's wrong in having someone disagree with you?" Gonzi said.

"It's OK to criticise us on our energy policy, but what are you proposing," Gonzi said referring to Muscat. "We heard nothing of this in his address to his party's general conference."

Gonzi also made great capital of Joseph Muscat's comparison of the government to the 1981 Labour administration that was returned to power on a majority of seats and not on a majority of votes.

"What an insult to our country's democracy... that he compares my government to a Labour government that stole an election and continued to govern right up to its last day in power, is a gross indecency. It is scandalous."

Gonzi also quipped that the 'guillotine' motion by Labour to restrict the no-confidence debate to three hours was a "tear-gas motion", in another reference to police violence under the 1980s administration.

"My government is neither illegitimate like the 1981 government, nor has it lost a vote of confidence as Labour did in 1998," Gonzi said.

Micheal Bonanno
Lemini, teknikament il-Gvern tilef il-maggoranza. Tghid x'tghid. Il-gvern issa biex jimxi jrid kull darba joqghod juza s-salvauomo.
@Kelinu: m'ghandix dubju li jekk is-sitwazjoni ma tissoviex fi zmien tlett xhur, l-elezzjoni issir qabel is-sajf...u mela nibqghu nkarkru xi ghaxar xhur bhal 1997/98 jew xi hames snin u hames xhur bhal 1981/87...imma tal-lejber tant qabzitilhom fl-oppozizzjoni...tant iridu jerghu ikunu ahjar illum qabel ghada...anke l-billboards diga hargu...tant jinsabu certi li huma ser b'dan ir-ritmu bhat-2008 se jerga jigrilhom...
Lemini Allura trid li l-farsa tal-1997/1998 tirrepeti ruhha???
Kont taf li l-partit blu tieghek spicca partit tal-klikka Gonzipn. Kont taf li Gonzi wweldja siggu mieghu ghax jghid li ma'jhobbx il-poter. Indunajt li l-pajjiz spicca dittatorjat. Il-lista ma' tieqaf qatt u minjaf kemm ghad irridu nisimghu b'aktar kummiedji.
Sur Prim Ministru taf li-dan il-Kunsill Generali kien l-uniku Kunsill minghajr titlu jew isem, taf li ammettejt li ghamilt sarima mal Kunsilliri biex hadd ma jitkellem u kellek il-wicc li wara sghatejn ta’ ftahir miktub hrigt bi proposta l-aktar assurda li issa qed titlob lill lis-stess Kunsilliera biex jivvutawlek fl-elezzjoni finta biex jikkonfermawk Kap tal-Partit u dan ser iwassal biex titlef aktar voti fl-elezzjoni li gejja tigi meta tigi u ghaldaqstant anke l-injurant jifhem li-dan kien biss ezercizzju biex ittawwal il-perjodu qasir li baqalek bhala Prim Ministru u Kap tal-Partit. U x’alternattivi tajt ghal din l-elezzjoni finta ‘xejn’ ghax jekk ma jkunx hemm min jikkontestak u li jkollu jgib id-due terzi tal-voti inti ser tibqa l-Kap….dik elezzjoni hux!!!!! Mhux ahjar li f’din l-elezzjoni tlabt wkoll biex jikkonfermaw jew le lill Franco Debono!!! Nispera li wara din l-elezzjoni finta tikkonsidra l-voti kontra, l-astenssjonijiet u dawk li ma jivvutawx u ma tghamilx lis-stess kif ghamilt fil-Parlament li l-astensjoni ta’ Franco dawwarta li m’ghaditx il-mozzjoni ta’ sfiducja……mhux ghalek ma kellekx il-‘guts’ li titlob ghal vot ta’ fiducja….aw trid tirringrazzja lill kap ta’ l-Oppozizzjoni li ghamillek forcina u serrhek wahda sew. U fejn huma dawk li jistghu jikkontestawk mhux warrabtom mis-saqajn ,fejn huma dawk in-Nazzjonalisti ta’ veru. Dur dawra mad-deputati tieghek u ma ssib lill had hlief lill Austin Gatt li ghandu kollox hlief karizma wiehed mil-ftit Nazzjonalisti ta’ veru li baqa, fejn huma in-Nazzjonalisti bhal Joihn Dalli u Louis Galea u mhux tghajjar lill Partit Laburista li ghad ghandu lill Debono Grech u ohrajn dawk huma l-Laburisti ta’ veru. F’dawn ic-cirkustanzi minn flok titlob biex tigi kkonfermat ghandek tkellem lill Eddie Fenech Adami u tatih lura x-xettru li tak biex ilhaqt Kap biex ikun jista’ jibqa jmexxi sa l-ahhar ta’ din il-legislatura u jkun jista’ jsib Kap gdid hekk biss il-PN jersaq vicin il-PL fl-elezzjoni li tmiss tigi meta tigi
@Zurrieq_Blues: Kont taf li Mintoff astjena mill-inqas 8 darbiet bejn is-17 ta' Novembru 1997 u l-15 ta' Lulju 1998? Kont taf li Mintoff ivvota kontra l-Gvern ta' Alfred Sant mill-inqas 3 darbiet bejn Gunju u Lulju 1998? Kont taf li Alfred Sant tilef vot ta' fiducja fil-Gvern darbtejn f'Marzu u Lulju 1998? Kont taf li Alfred Sant laqqa' l-Konferenza Generali tal-MLP darbtejn f'Novembru 1997 u Lulju 1998 minhabba l-krizi fil-Gvern tieghu? Kont taf li Deputati Laburisti gew fl-idejn fil-Parlament waqt li kien qed jitkellem il-Prim Ministru Sant nhar is-7 ta' Lulju 1998? Kont taf li fl-eqqel tal-krizi politika nhar il-15 ta' Lulju 1998, aggorna l-Parlament ghas-26 t'Ottubru, u halla pajjiz imdendel ma jafx x'se jigri sat-3 t'Awwissu meta xolja l-Parlament? Kont taf li wara r-rizultat tal-Elezzjoni Generali 1998, Alfred Sant qal li fil-pajjiz kien hawn Gvern illeggittimu?
Jekk veru temmen fid-dimokrazija sejjah Elezzjoni Generali. Il-poplu Malti jaf li int ma temminx fid-dimokrazija ghaliex fir-referedum tad-divorzju int hadta kontra ir-rieda tal-Maggoranza. Ghidtilna ukoll biex niggudikawk mhux fuq li tghid imma dak li taghmel. Hadt €500 fil-gimgha u lil poplu tajtu €1.16. B'din urejt is-solidarjeta mal familji Maltin? Is-solidarjeta urejta mal ftit tal qalba. We will meet you at the polls, sooner or later
@Zurrieq_Blues: sewwa qed tghid vot ta' fiducja ma ghaddiex...u l-gvern waqa. Ara llum l-oppozizzjoni tipprova twaqqa l-gvern b'vot ta' sfiducja...u ma jirnexiliex...
Luke Camilleri
Stop beating about the bush Dr. Gonzi! The way forward would have been calling an election and than , win or lose, go for a secret ballot to reconfirm yourself as leader ! Than we will get Loki Loo asking you if you would resign from Gonzipn / P.N. Leader if you lose the GENERAL ELECTION, not an uncontested Party Leader election!
Luke Camilleri
Stop beating about the bush Dr. Gonzi! The way forward would have been calling an election and than , win or lose, go for a secret ballot to reconfirm yourself as leader ! Than we will get Loki Loo asking you if you would resign from Gonzipn / P.N. Leader if you lose the GENERAL ELECTION, not an uncontested Party Leader election!
Meta Gonzi nhar il Hamis qal li ittiehed vot carr capcaptulu,issa li qed jametti li ma gabx maggoranza sa ccapcpu ukoll? Ara vera erba purcinelli tkunu quddiemu ta. ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!! nazjonalisti vera purcinelli
"My government is neither illegitimate like the 1981 government, nor has it lost a vote of confidence as Labour did in 1998," Gonzi said. GonziPN government shares more than one element with the 1981 Government. GonziPN got a minority of votes just like the MLP, there were more people against than in favour in both occasions. MLP in 1981 obtained power through gerrymandering of the electoral districts while GonziPN obtained power by deceit over the JPO and Mistra shenanigans. Like the MLP in 1981, GonziPN government does not have any moral authority.
kreatura tad-dahq dal-pm ghax issa l-anqas bniedem ma tista issejahlu.
Is it worthwhile for the country to await the full party re-election process (at least two months) once the incumbent leader wants to continue? Would not an immediate secret vote on the leader only have been much quicker and tension reliever? Or is this a mere partisan delaying tactic? MM
Is it worthwhile for the country to await the full party re-election process (at least two months) once the incumbent leader wants to continue? Would not an immediate secret vote on the leader only have been much quicker and tension reliever? Or is this a mere partisan delaying tactic? MM
Patricia Marsh
@lemini. Taf x'ma tistax tifhem int li nazzjonalisti fanatici bhalek ma jistghux jifhmu. Li l-vot ta' fiducja (mhux sfiducja, lemini basta tharbex imma l-istorja ma tafhiex)kien rabtu mal-Progett tal-Kottonera Alfred Sant stess. Seta kien vot li mhux ghax Sant ma kienx imwahhal mal-poter li ma jghaddix u l-hajja tal-Gvern kienet tibqa' ntatta. Alfred Sant dam imexxi Gvern tmien xhur minn wara l-ewwel astensjoni, Lawrence Gonzi ga ilu sentejn u donnu jrid jibqa jkaxkar!! Affari tieghu, iktar kemm idum ikaxkar ikbar tkun it-tkaxkira. Eh bilhaqq, mhux fl-interess tal-Pajjiz li ssir elezzjoni generali imma li nkaxkru xahrejn biex naraw jekk GonziPN ghadx ghandu l-fiducja tal-klikka ta' madwaru huwa fl-interess tal-pajjiz? Halluna!!! Ghax gibtu l-Malta c-cajta tal-Ewropa.
How democratic of Gonzi! It will not be a free election with an incumbent leader ! First resign then submit to contest! The Gonzipn is taking the nation for a ride! Instead of losing time why don't he try to recompose his parliamentary majority?by tabling a vote of confidence in him and his government, like he did in last November?
How democratic of Gonzi! It will not be a free election with an incumbent leader ! First resign then submit to contest! The Gonzipn is taking the nation for a ride! Instead of losing time why don't he try to recompose his parliamentary majority?by tabling a vote of confidence in him and his government, like he did in last November?
How democratic of Gonzi! It will not be a free election with an incumbent leader ! First resign then submit to contest! The Gonzipn is taking the nation for a ride! Instead of losing time why don't he try to recompose his parliamentary majority?by tabling a vote of confidence in him and his government, like he did in last November?
How democratic of Gonzi! It will not be a free election with an incumbent leader ! First resign then submit to contest! The Gonzipn is taking the nation for a ride! Instead of losing time why don't he try to recompose his parliamentary majority?by tabling a vote of confidence in him and his government, like he did in last November?
I think it's high time that somebody start leading the Maltese people like Eddie has done in the 80's! That would be interesting and would follow the path of what other European countries are going through. It would be very interesting to see 'arrogance' Gatt, tasting his own medicine! Enough is enough. There's no more DEMOCRACY in Malta, but only bullshit!!! Let's hope that the EU commission takes note of the arrogance of GonziPN! By the way, how come that during the press conference this morning, there was 'PARTIT NAZZJONALISTA' written, and not 'GONZI PN'. Maybe it's a confirmation that GonziPN has failed in too many fields, and the hijacking of the party is coming towards an end.
Luke Camilleri
So now it is the PN General Council which decides which party shall be elected in Government.What a mockery of the principles of democratic governance. Next news item please - Parliament reconvenes at Pieta to discuss bla bla bla bla. Isthu jekk tafu. So now Dr Gonzi meets EU leaders tomorrow and tells them his party has decided that he should remain at the helm of the country and forget about parliamentary and popular support. I think next thing they would do is to fetch him a flight to PyongYang in economy class obviously.
Ian George Walker
If Gonzi is serious about this, he should resign and make way for an interim Leader - someone who is neutral and declares he or she will not contest. Otherwise, it is just a farce and a smokescreen.
Ian George Walker
If Gonzi is serious about this, he should resign and make way for an interim Leader - someone who is neutral and declares he or she will not contest. Otherwise, it is just a farce and a smokescreen.
kif ma jistawx jifmhu qatt dawn tal-Lejber. Mintoff ivvota darbtejn KONTRA l-gvern tieghu bejn Lulju u Awwissu 1998 (it-tieni darba f'vot ta' sfiducja), u dan wara ma nafx kemm il-astensjoni waqt il-voti tal-budget li kollha ghaddew bil-vot tal-ispeaker.....Franco Debono astjena l-Hamis li ghadda mhux ivvota KONTRA mhal Mintoff. mhux ta' b'xejn issaddadtu fuq il-bankijiet tal-oppozizzjoni!!! halluna tridux!!
kif ma jistawx jifmhu qatt dawn tal-Lejber. Mintoff ivvota darbtejn KONTRA l-gvern tieghu bejn Lulju u Awwissu 1998 (it-tieni darba f'vot ta' sfiducja), u dan wara ma nafx kemm il-astensjoni waqt il-voti tal-budget li kollha ghaddew bil-vot tal-ispeaker.....Franco Debono astjena l-Hamis li ghadda mhux ivvota KONTRA mhal Mintoff. mhux ta' b'xejn issaddadtu fuq il-bankijiet tal-oppozizzjoni!!! halluna tridux!!
What a joke. An election while still leader. an election and he is a candidate. I bet that he will be the only one.
What a J***. unbelievable. Insulting the intelligence of his own people. PN = NEVER AGAIN ! Such a dictatorship in a ''nice'' way. After 25 years they keep on blaming the PL whatsoever. We've had enough and more than enough listening to such stupid accusations on others whilst it is all their wrong doings during their ruling. They are stuck in a time zone.
rassac habib, dak mhux imwahhal mas-siggu tal-poter, imma iwweldjat. B'danakollu xorta wahda se jsib il-grinder tal-poplu biex iqacctu minn mas-siggu fl-elezzjoni li jmiss u ghahekk Dr Gonzi ma jridx imur ghall-elezzjoni ghax jaf li daqshekk huwa u shabu se jkomplu jerdghu z-zejza minn fuq il-poplu Malti.
Lino Camilleri
@ psailaterry Id demokrazija nafuha biss lill Mintoff u Guido Demarco u mhux lin nazzjonalisti. Fenech Adami kien ghoddu gabna f'xifer ta gwerra civili bil bombi li lienu jsiru fi zmienu. Li ma kienux fiz zmien propizju li Mintoff u Demarco hadmu vera ghal interess ta pajjizna biex setet giet il veru demokrazija kieku illum forsi mhux qedin hawn niktbu l-kummenti taghna. Aqra u titghallem siehbi il verita u mhux titkelmu b'qalbkom biss. Dik mhix onesta
Maybe interested people should visit the Italian 'La Republica' site and listen carefully to the interview with the late President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro. Berlusconi has too many common things with GonziPN, regarding the bad administration of the country! Just watch and listen, and then judge for yourselves!
What a farce! This man keeps doing his utmost to become even more unpopular then he already is. GonziPN will eventually pay the price for taking the people for fools so many times. Call an election let the people vote , that is Democracy .
Rita Pizzuto
Miskin Gonzi kif tilef ghaqlu u unuru! Kif qed jikghaq kollox wara t-tghajjr lil Franco Debono. Issa qed jilghaq biex forsi jibqa' fil-gvern.  Imbahad jghdi li ma jhobbx is-siggu.  M'hemmx ghaqal u l-istabbo;ita' se tissokta.  Franco se johrog rebbieh minkejja li qal Gonzi li se jpoggi l-leadership ghall-vot.  X'vot? Min se jazzarda johrog jikkontestah issa li ghamel dawk il-gabirjoli kollha?  Jikkomntestawh WARA li JITLEF l-elezzjoni li jmiss u mela issa, biex igorru t-tgerfix li gerfix fuq spallejhom? Gonzi ikkonferma wkoll id-dizonesta' tieghu. Ghalkemm il-Labour ma kellux il-maggoranza tal-voti fl-1981, imma xorta kostituzzjonalment kellu d-dmir li jiggverna.  Ikun dizonest li jghid li dak kien gvern ILLEGITIIMU.  L-istess haga llum. Hu m'ghandux maggoranza imma jobqa' legittimu.  Imma xorta jibqa' jzappap u bil-puncture.  Le ma jistax isewwi l-puncture u jibqa' ghaddej.  Your time is up....but keep it going for the sake of your party not MALTA.
U min se jazzarda jikkontesta lil kapo? Hallina Gonzi u fittex mur ghand il president ghax qieghed izid linstabilita u mhux tnaqqasha.
Micheal Bonanno
Dear PM. The problem you have to face is with the Maltese electorate, not with the PN councillors!
Wrong Dr Gonzi. You have to have the support of a majority in PARLIAMENT NOT A MAJORITY of your party's general council. Are you now so oblivious of reality that you have even forgotten what our CONSTITUTION says even though you are a lawyer? DISGUSTING.
din ta' l-elezzjoni ghal kap tal partit nahseb li bdiet min sorma u mhi xejn hlif strategija biex hu(il-PM) jibqa il kap tal-partit kif fil fatt hekk ser jigri. l-ewwel immissu talab vot sigriet jekk il partit ghad ghandux fiducja fih bhala kap tal partit u jekk jigi sfiducjat wara issir elezzjoni ghal kap tal partit. min ghandu l-bocci li jikkostentah? min jikkostntah x'ha jsir mil kostentanti wara jekk jirbah gonzi? ha jigu vittimizzati bhal ma gralu john dalli?
Ian George Walker
This is all show and soap bubbles. What matters is not how much applause Gonzi gets in the PN General Council but: a) How much support he has in Parliament - and we know he has lost his majority there and, more important. b) How much support he has in the country. And he is TERRIFIED of testing that through an election.
Il-Partit Nazzjonalista kien, ghadu u jibqa' simbolu tad-DEMOKRAZIJA
Dahka fil-wicc. Whom does GonziPN think he is fooling? We may be Maltese but we are not all dumb as Tonio Fenech thinks him included) we are!
Igor P. Shuvalov
..... and he will get well above 90% if not 99% of the votes ... Who is so crazy to change the leader of a political party on the eve of an election?
Gonzi jaf li bil-medjokrita' kollha tieghu, u minkejja l-fatt li hu l-aghar prim ministru f'dawn l-ahhar snin, m'hemm hadd li jista' johodlhu postu u jkun ahjar minnu. Min, Beppe li l-uniku haga li ghandu favur tieghu hu kunjomu? Demarco - li wkoll hu medjokru bhala pulitikant u ma kienx jingabar kieku mhux ghax it-tifel ta' Gwido? Simon tal-EU? Mela dan jista' jhalli d-dar li tant iehob warajh? Tonio tal-iskandli? Kieku ghad fadal nies ta' stoffa bhal Louis Galea u John Dalli, kieku iva - il-vot kien jaghmel sens. Imma dawn gew imwarrbin b'cocktail ta' karrotti u euros. Ghalhekk il-votazzjoni ghall-kap hi hela ta' zmien u tattika ohra ta' Gonzi biex, b'hazen ikkalkulat (nahseb xoghol RCC), johrog ifuh meta kulhadd jaf u jammetti li jinten seba' pesti. Jalla jibqa' Gonzi bhala kap ghax il-biddla tigi aktar malajr.
"Votazzjoni miftuha berah li ghaliha ser jikkontesta Lawrence Gonzi ghal-kariga ta' Kap ta' Partit"
Il-votazzjoni hija miftuha berah, tigi rrispettata r-rieda tad-demokrazija.
Sur Prim Ministru, il-Kunsill Generali m'ghandu x'jaqsam xejn mal problema, il-problema hijja fi hdan il-grupp Parlamentari bejnek u bejn Franco Debono u ghaldaqstant hemmek ghandek titlob il-vot. Mhux kulhadd jaf li l-maggoranza tal-Kunsill ser ittik l-appogg.
If Dr Gonzi gets an overwhelming majority by secret vote he is the unquestioned leader of the PN and I respect that. But for God's sake cut this bulls***. Being the unquestioned leader of a party does not make one the unquestioned leader of the nation.Besides the majority rule to leading the party Dr Gonzi needs the majority of voting MPs and voting citizens to govern. Being the leader of the party does not essentially make one the leader of the nation. It is strecthing the principles of democratic rule way too far. Gonzi shall go out of the Council as the PN leader. But outside the doors of the Dar Centrali he is not as much a head of State.
dawk l evils ser jivvotaw ukoll. il vot fittxu mal poplu
Lino Camilleri
A true beleiver of democracy is the Labour party not Gonzi. Why? Because in 1998 having the same situation as today Alfred Sant went to the polls democratically and not sticked on the golden ,glorous chair as Gonzi is doing.
Ho ho ho........humbug!!! Reminds me of the " ballots" , Mubarak, Saddam an Ben ali used to submit themselves to. The only secret ballot which he should carry out is that of the whole nation!! We'll see then what happens. But then, Gonzi only participates in games he knows he will win!!
Maturita` politika min-naha tal-Prim Ministru li lest ipoggi l-pozizzjoni tieghu ghall-iskrutinju.
Fl-1981 il-gvern laburiata kien ta minoranza imma legittimu. Il-protesti nazjonalisti kienu lleggitimi specjalment l-armi lesti ghal vjolenza. Insomma skond Joesph muscat il-PL ta dak iz-zmien ghamel zball li mexa mal-kostituzzjoni.
il-PM ghandu kredenzjali demokratici. Lest li jkompli jservi, lest li jkompli jahdem biex jaghtina l-ahjar rizultati, lest li jahdem sall-ahhar tal-mandat tieghu, lest li jiftah ghal min irid jinghaqad mieghu fil-hidma, lest li jkompli l-bidla straordinarja tal-pajjiz.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi today put his leadership to a secret ballot by the party's General Council, asking councillors to reconfirm him as party leader and grant him unconditional backing to govern the country right to the end of its electoral mandate. It only shows that the rest of Malta does not count...just a handful of persons in Pieta' will decide my future. If this is democracy then call me Jack!!
Din hija xhieda ta' kemm il-PM ihaddan principji demokratici u sens ta' maturita politika.
" - Lest li nkompli nservi - Gvern li jaghti l-ahjar rizultati ghall-pajjizna - Gvern jibqa jahdem sal-ahhar tal-mandat tieghu - niftah il-partit ghal min irid jinghaqad maghna fil-hidma "lest biex inkompli inservi" Prim Minister Lawrence Gonzi