PN international secretary denies resignation

PN international secretary John Bonello denies resignation, however asks party to reduce his workload.

John Bonello was elected as PN International Secretary in 2008.
John Bonello was elected as PN International Secretary in 2008.

The Nationalist Party international secretary John Bonello has clarified his position and in comments to the Times said that he will retain the post but has asked the party to reduce his workload so that he could have more time for his private life and profession as a lawyer. The party accepted his request.

Yesterday, MaltaToday reported that according to Nationalist Party sources, Bonello had tendered his resignation from the post.

Contacted yesterday, Bonello said he had not resigned from the PN executive - which groups MPs and the party's administration - but when asked whether he had resigned from the post of international secretary he asked MaltaToday to send an email and hung up the phone.

The party's secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier did not comment after being asked for a simple yes or no on whether Bonello has resigned from PN international secretary. He asked MaltaToday to send the question by email. Both emails were never answered. 


You disappoint me, Dr John. You did a Grace Borg!!! Or have they made you withdraw your resignation so that the PN does not look bad ?
I know Dr John Bonello personally as a true gentleman, no fanatic and objecive in his words. Althoough he is a true blue, he is not a yes-man and so he is neither palatable to Paul Borg Olivier, nor to the Dear and Great Leader, Laurence Gonzi. If the PN is losing these type of people they are really in the sh****. The PN is leaking water from everywhere.
Par idejn sodi daqs gelat fix-xemx qawwija tas-sajf f'Awwissu.
Probably on the way to greener pastures or looking after No.1 before the house collapses around him.
Tghid beda jixxaqqaq min naha ta' fuq ukoll ? Jew bdiet tizzarma xi parti minn tal-klikka ? Dan qed nghidu ghax kulhadd jaf kemm hu u huh huma ta' gewwa ma' Gonzi .
Micheal Bonanno
He's the PN's prospective candidate. That's why he's resigning.
Il Borma qed tithawwad aktar milli Jidher,,,,,kemm jiddeletta bl'emails Pawlu jighbat xi salt emails bi zball lol