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PN councillors slam Labour for depicting Hamurn parking space project as “theirs”.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat visits ongoing works in Hamrun
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat visits ongoing works in Hamrun

PN councillor Paula Mifsud Bonnici flanked by other three PN councillors took umbrage at the fact that Opposition leader Joseph Muscat claimed Government did not help the Hamrun local council in the five-storey car park project in Duke of Edinburgh Street.

Reacting to an earlier press conference held by Muscat, Mifsud Bonnici criticised Muscat's "thirst for power".

"Joseph Muscat used a project administered by the whole local council for his partisan interests," Mifsud Bonnici said during a press conference.

This morning Muscat visited ongoing works at the five-storey parking and said that government had not helped the local council in their project to mitigate parking problems.

"This is completely untrue," Mifsud Bonnici said. "Government had guaranteed the loan which the local council needed for the project. Moreover, government had devolved the land to the local council. Muscat tried to deceive people by saying that the local council didn't have the support of government."

Mifsud Bonnici added that the PN local councillors had not been informed of the morning's activity and said that only through the media they got to know the date of when the project will be launched.

"All members of the local council worked hard on the project. It is a local council's project. How come such an important date was not discussed during the council's meetings?" Mifsud Bonnici said.


Opposition leader Joseph Muscat this morning visited works being carried out in Duke of Edinburgh Street, Hamrun. The project, undertaken by the Hamrun local council in collaboration with a private company, includes the building of a parking space of five storeys underneath the centre of the locality.

Muscat said residents and the commercial community will benefit out of the project.

Praising the work the Hamrun local council was carrying out, the PL leader remarked that the local council elections will be held in a "surreal" moment: "Because of the current uncertainty which exists and the political crisis which government has found itself in, the local council elections will be held in a surreal atmosphere."

Muscat went on to say that amid all this, the PL will remain close to the people: "But while Gonzi's government remains clinging to power, the Labour Party will remain close to the people who are our priority."

Over the project, Muscat said it is the result of the hard work carried out by the local council, who without forcing any burdens on the residents of Hamrun or on the local government, it worked with the private to make the project a success.

The Hamrun local council worked in partnership with Parkwell. €1.2 million were invested in the project.

Muscat also praised the local council for "the positive performance" the Labour-led local council had achieved.

Muscat added that a plan for traffic management could significantly reduce the pollution problem in Hamrun.

"If the present government doesn't help the local council in a project so important for the residents and the commercial community, a new government will take this project seriously," Muscat said.



@ J galea Issoltu tieghek dejjem thawwad u ixxerred il- gideb!! Ma irrezenja l-ebda MP min naha tal PL,issoltu xi nazzjonalist xerred il- gideb!! Jekk din froga ta JM, mela gonzi x'inhu jghameldan l- ahhar, qassati? Il- kritika lejn gonzipn gejja mill membri parlamentari tieghu stess u ex-ministri tal pn mhux mill pl, anke lill nieskhom stess issa qazzistu!! Xi wiehed bhalek nazzjinalist jghid il- hmerijiet huwa ta asset kbira ghall PL. Qrajthom l- editorjal tat times u il- malta independent nhar il-gimgha? Dawn ukoll qalulkhom li l- unika soluzzjoni ghall gonzipn hija elezzjoni bikrija, izda gonzi irid idahhaq billi ivvinta taparsi leadership contest minghajr ma irrezenja hu, haga li hija kontra l- istatut tal pn stess!!
Dan Joe Muscat arroganti mill bankijiet tal oppozizjoni, ahseb u ara mill gvern. BEWARE. Kif dejjem qal il PN taghna: Dan politiku PERIKOLUZ HAFNA. Irid jimita lil Mintoff f kollox, anke fl istil dittatorjat tieghu. Anke lil sihbu Luciano Busuttil halla barra. Ifisser li mhux parti mill klikka ta Muscat MLP. Dr. Busuttil irrizenja mill partit marxist. Dawk l ewwel juzawk, imbad jarmuk bhal lumija masura. Hallijom. Sena u nofs ohra ilaqtu tkaxkira papali, u jkollom izarmaw il partit.
Froga ohra ta Muscat. Qeda tigri xniegha il Hamrun li membu parlamentari socjalista irrizenja mill MLP wara il froga ta Muscat ta dalghodu. Issa is socjalisti ghandom 33 membri. Bhal ma jghidu "Tixtiqx deni lil ghajrek, ghax jigi f wiccek". U hekk gralom. Kemm ferhu bi Franco, u issa Franco ghamel paci ma Dr. Gonzi, u is socjalisti tilfu deputat. Msiken. Partit kollu xquq, u klikek. I SMELL ANOTHER PN FORTH CONSECUTIVE VICTORY NEXT YEAR, imbghad nghidu BYE BYE MLP mix xena politika ahahahahahahahaha!!!
Ms Dalli, Kindly be informed that you have a lot of wrong information regarding the Hamrun Car Park Project which you are passing on to your readers. Kindly verify the facts either with Dr Muscat or the PL communications officer himself. The wrong information is as follows: "The project, undertaken by the Hamrun Local Council in collaboration with a private company, includes the building of a parking space of five storeys underneath the centre of the locality." - wrong - This project was undertaken solely by the Hamrun Local Council wth the help of the central Government. Privae companies only featured when tenders where issued. "without forcing any burdens on the residents of Hamrun or on the Local Government, it worked with the private to make the project a success. The Hamrun local council worked in partnership with Parkwell. €1.2 million were invested in the project". - wrong - the Euro 1.2 million was wholly invested by the Hamrun Local council and the Central Government E.g Euro 168,000 from Mepa - no private investment was available for this project. Parkwell will be the administrators of the car park, providing the council with an annual fee for the management plus other financial arrangements in due course, and this tender was awarded just 2 months ago. Hope this will clarify that the investment to date was made only by the Hamrun Local Council with the help of the Central Government only. - Cedric Valletta - PN Hamrun Locality Councillor.
As a PN Hamrun Locality Councillor I would like to condem how this visit was orchestrated behind the PN councillors back. It is a disgrace that we, as PN councillors had no information about this visit and we had to find out about this visit from the Times of Malta online version. We are elected to represent the locality as a whole and not part of the community. Also I would like to remind the PL led Hamrun Council, that on the contrary to what Dr Muscat said, The Hamrun Local Council manged to get a lot of help from the Central Govt. Myself with the help of my PN colleagues managed to apply in the name of the Hamrun Local Council and benefit from Euro 45,000 in help towards the implementation of 2 different projects (and this was done on our own initiative since as minority councillors we have no real responsability). This without mentioning the Euro 23000 to organise the Palio della Carrera and around Euro 15000 to organise the Hamrun Chocolate Festival and the Euro 168,000 from MEPA to be used by the Council for this car park project. Our mayor should also be ashmed on not mentioning the help which Dr Chris Said gave to the Hamrun Local Council especially towards the finalising of this Car Park Project which was devolved buy the Govt in 2008 from public land. Aslo I humbly ask Dr Muscat and our Mayor, from where are we going to get the 1.2 Million investment needed for this project?. Maybe the Mayor and the other PL councillors are not aware that a big chunk of this repayment is going to be paid form the annual allocation that the Central Government will pass on the the Hamrun Local Council. What the Mayor and the Labour led councillors should have also said is that the offices which have been in use for around a year now, are still not officially opened and the official opening will be done in the coming weeks to concide with the Local Council Elections. Cedric Valletta - PN Councillor Hamrun