Updated | PN hits out at Labour’s ‘arrogance’ over support for Golden Rule amendment

Anglu Farrugia: ‘Gonzi needs Labour’s support, he doesn’t even have guarantee of full backbench’s support’

Lawrence Gonzi and his EU counterparts have agreed on entrenching balanced budgets in the Constitution.
Lawrence Gonzi and his EU counterparts have agreed on entrenching balanced budgets in the Constitution.

The Nationalist part has hit out at Labour for "arrogantly" taking credit of the Opposition's support of a constitutional amendment that will enshrine balanced budgets in the highest law of land.

The PN was referring to a statement by PL deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Anglu Farrugia, who this morning said Labour would support the Golden Rule amendment which needs a two-thirds majority in the House.

The PN's reaction was short of approving: "Labour thinks it is making some favour to government and the country. Joseph Muscat was obliged to give its support to government in such an important issue for our country and families," PN information director Frank Psaila said.

"Muscat does not even think that putting the national interest first does not invite a pat on the back, but that's because he views politics as 'the seat of power' he covets," Psaila said.

The PN said the uncertainty Muscat talked about was coming from people's questions over his policies on work, health, education, tourism, environment, taxation and social policy. "Muscat is refusing to concretely say what his policies are if elected to power... uncertainty is created by those who see power as more important that investment and employment; when Muscat and Farrugia lose a vote in parliament and insist they have won it," Psaila said with reference to the no-confidence vote the government defeated through the Speaker's casting vote.

Anglu Farrugia this morning said the PL will put the national interest first in its support of a constitutional amendment that makes it incumbent upon governments to plan balanced budgets.

"Without our clear commitment, the Prime Minister could not assure anybody of this change," Farrugia said of the constitutional amendment, which requires a two-thirds majority in the House, and the de facto support of Labour MPs.

"Gonzi is not even in a position to ensure a majority from his own backbench," Farrugia said, in a reference to the abstention of Nationalist MP Franco Debono during a vote of no-confidence moved by Labour.

"We could have embarrassed GonziPN by doing otherwise, but we feel it was in the national interest that in these times of political crisis we look towards the country's interest first. The GonziPN system has to recognise this reality and go for election to quell the uncertainty created by his grip to the seat of power," Farrugia said.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi yesterday evening submitted a Bill to amend the Maltese Constitution that will enshrined the so-called "golden rule", new fiscal rule which says national budgets must be balanced and the annual structural deficit does not exceed 0.5% of nominal GDP.

Gonzi added that Parliament should also ratify the European Union Act to include the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) as soon as possible.

Anke l-qahba!!
Priscilla Darmenia
Vera l-isizjar milli jkollu itik.
@IFenech. What makes you think that you have an IQ above the rest? You and other narrow minded PN apologists are the real disgrace to our country. Why do you keep trying to twist history? We had our problems in our administration but your description is utterly nonsense, Why don't you mention your party's complete lack of cooperation during any PL administration.
The LP should not vote with the government, this mob does not have the majority in parliament, the interest of the country is better served if this incompetent , arrogant, useless bunch of buffoons are kicked out. Let them swim in their own muck.
Tal PN imexija minn Gonzi ma ghandhomx maggoranza fil parlament, Imma l PL = mhux bhal PN - ghazel l interess tal pajjiz. Imma tal PN hargu starrija moqziza bhas soltu. Li kont minflok Dr muscat kont nirtira s support tieghi. Gonzi ikun waqa ghac cajt ma shabu tal Europa u jkollu isejjjah elezzjoni. Jidher li tal PN iridu jimxu bix xabla anki fejn jidhol l interessi tal pajjiz
I. Fenech. How can you tell who will be the Deputy Prime Minister if the PL wins the general election ? As far as I know, certain party posts would have to be subjected to the general conference, and can be contested. So no one can say who will be the Deouty Prime Minister. Certainly, if there is a contest we will not see the farce invented by Gonzi and his triumvirate of campaign strategists where Gonzi will be the only contestant for the position, without first resigning, as the PN statute stipulates !John Dalli reminded Gonzi of this but Gonzi reolied " resigning is irrelevant"!
@IFenech. I wonder who the real dumb ass is! It is typical of Nationalists who live in a time warp (like your good self I Fenech) to shoot off insinuations of all sorts. And yet you do not have the proverbial balls to come out and say what you have to say so that your damned lies can be challenged. Youn are not unlike those little kids who throw stones and go a hiding. Give us a break!
I honestly cannot understand the reason for all this hate towards Anglu Farrugia by the PN saints. He was not even in politics during the period these saints prefer to mention and, as one reader stated, he was one of the trusted ones of Gwido Demarco. He was never involved in anything that could incriminate him - i am sure that if there were, the 1987 PN government would have rounded him up, as they did Pullicino. So, if anyone wants to blemish Anglu's reputation, i challenge them to mention dates, places etc so that we shall know what his crimes were. As to the adjectives used by these readers in regard to Labour, well, they remind me all the time of the PN - degenerate, semi-literate,vindictive, offensive, dumb etc etc. These readers are warned that if they want to degenerate these columns by using such adjectives, there are others who are ready to rise to the challenge. Editor please note.
@ franco - Are you living in a fairy tale? Labour is not throwing a life line to Gonzi and is certainly not trying to avoid embarrassing him with the EU. A constitutional amendment requires a two thirds majority and this has nothing to do with the Franco Debono saga. What Labour is really trying to do is avoid its own embarassment because the last thing that mummy-boy Joseph Muscat needs noq is to be seen anti-EU like his mentor Alfred Sant. Labour cannot afford to be seen voting against this constitutional amendment, not with Joseph Muscat ambition to hold the presidency of the EU. For God's sake stop thinking like you live in a fishpond! Malta is part of the EU.
Imma kif ma tisthix titkellem hekk , inti trid titkellem fuq l-arroganza Sur Prim Ministru ? Int li rbaht l-ellezzjoni bi ftit voti u flok ma tajt kas ta' dak li qallek il-poplu , bdejt tirrombla min fuq kullhadd ? Inthomm tridu titkellmu fuq l-arroganza , meta kontu inthomm li hadtu min wara dahar kullhadd zieda ta' aktar min €650 fil-gimgha ? Ma tisthix titkellem Sur Prim Ministru ? Int li sallabt lill-poplu b'dak kollu li tista timmagina . Hallina Sur Prim Ministru u tkunx aktar arroganti .
@I. Fenech. If you like to mention the past, where were you in the Golden 60's? or in the 'Terinu' case? Or in the lie of EFA about Dr Sant, ON THE EVE OF AN ELECTION? Or the many corruption cases brought in front of the Courts in these past 25 years - MEPA, etc Facts are facts! In the late 80's the then PN joined forces with the MLP to amend the Constitution re: general elections for the benefit, not only for Malta, but also for the political parties. The MLP could have decided not to and leave things as they were! This time PL is joining forces with GonziPN for the benefit of Malta ONLY. And that IS a big difference.
@ I Fenech Have you heard all of Dr Debono`s accusations ? Or perhaps you tend to remember what feels right for you.Do you remember Franco talking about the marmalia,the evil,and the attention he was getting from Dr Gonzi.Re consent don`t you remember that PN even voted against old pensions wage because they said that they will spent it on wine.If you need more let us know
PN knows that if PL withdraws its support gonzi will be embarrassed and would have to call immeddiate elections as the EU cannot wait on gonzi limping through the rest of the legislature as he hopes to do. PL is doing him a favour so that he can come to his senses and seek a gentleman's way out of his crisis.Prosit PL you just shown that the interest of the country comes before that of the party.
@Zunzan. No you are wrong. Who Labour elects as deputy leader is everyone's concern because the way things are going, this Anglu Farrguia is going to be deputy prime minister very soon. And as deputy PM he will reflect the will of those semi-literate Labour delegates who voted for KMB and his ilk in the past. His appointment as deputy leader is an insult to our intelligence and our history. And he just needs to open his month to prove it. That is Labour standard, as it has always been - cheap and degenerate.
@IFenech. Il-hdura li ghandek tixghel. You were living in a different Malta than. Who we elect a deputy leader is our concern. Your concern is to try and patch up your party! Insejthom il-bombi, l-armi fil-HQ u l-isparar fir-Rabat ipokrita.
Anette B Cassar
@I Fenech. GonziPN is acting as if it and government are the same thing.
@ vcas1 - It is incorrect to say that the late de Marco "trusted" only Anglu Farrugia, as there were a number of other police officers who collaborated with de Marco and even got promoted, much to the disdain of Nationalists who had suffered the wrath of a politicised police force of which Anglu Farrugia was a part of. I will not venture to speculate on why de Marco chose to "trust" these officers, but it was certainly not to his credit that he did so. As to Farrugia's record...ha ha ha! The very fact that he is Labour's Deputy Leader is offensive to all those who suffered under the Golden Years of Labour scum rule. It also goes to show that Labour has learnt nothing and has not changed one bit. For Labour's delegates to elect the likes of Anglu Farrugia as party leader shows that they still yearn for those horrid KMB-Mintoff years. And with Anglu Farrugia at the helm, they are sure they will get it. That's Labour for you. Degenerate, vindictive, offensive and dumb.
PN never managed to balance one single budget through out its 25 years of government! Now they want it enshrined in the constitution! It shows how irresponsible and serious they were!
@briffy@maltanet What Anglu is saying is that the LP is agreeing to give its consent to the 2/3 majority needed to have this amendment pass through Parliament. the LP could have made like other instances in the past and requested that this amendment is attached to some other condition as such would have delayed the passing of this amendment through. But no the LP has agreed to vote with the Government side and pass this through. What Gonzi has agreed to with the other governments does not go pass automatically through our Parliament or Constitution
@briffy@maltanet What Anglu is saying is that the LP is agreeing to give its consent to the 2/3 majority needed to have this amendment pass through Parliament. the LP could have made like other instances in the past and requested that this amendment is attached to some other condition as such would have delayed the passing of this amendment through. But no the LP has agreed to vote with the Government side and pass this through. What Gonzi has agreed to with the other governments does not go pass automatically through our Parliament or Constitution
Mario Pace
Always Bla Bla Bla from the PN, when the PL says something. For me if the PL wants in the present political situation can take advantage and not support the governemnt in this bill. Let's now see 'IF' when the bill is being discussed inparlament and the PL puts in their suggestions as to how to improve the bill, if the PN will accept them or not?
@[email protected]: You state the obvious. So what are YOU babbling about? @I Fenech: As far as I know, Anglu Farrugia was never incriminated for any wrongdoings. He served the Police corps efficiently nd it was him who was called by Deputy PM Prof Guido de Marco to investigate Comm Pullicino and no one else because the late De Marco mistrusted them all. He did this out of his loyalty to the government of the day. Unlike other police officers who were given promotions but were never trusted by the PN administration of EFA and the late Guido De Marco. Qabel tlablab kun af il-fatti!
The PL will only support the PN where the interest of the country is at stake. And the interest of the country is not to be determined by Gonzi and his clique. Should the PL consider that what Gonzi is proposing is not right, then Gonzi can be sure that there will not be any support from PL. Frank Psaila, or whoever drafted the press release, is the arrogant one, for the PN knows that they do not even have the 51 per cent, least of all the two-thirds majority needed. So, whether they can swallow it or not, they need PL in Parliament for the amendment to be approved.
Once changes in the Constitution need a 2/3 majority in the House, isn't it obvious that the government side needs the support of the opposition to enable the changes to be approved? So, what is Anglu Farrugia babbling about?
Why are the PN so desperately trying to label Labour as arrogant? Are the PN's opinion polls telling them that they are perceived as being themselves arrogant? Seem so, but these attempts are as futile as the pseudo-leadership contest that Gonzi set off last Sunday.
@Astrolux Boy ,,,,kemm tohlom ikrah,,jew tak hmar il lejl,,,qrajta tlett darbiet ha nara hux nara sew....Issa igib il maggoranza tal Kunsill u ghall parlament dik ha tiswa daqs bas..a lol
Come on behave as two mature political parties. Oh that is to be done and what the PM proposed about Golden Rule. It is in Malta's duty for this rule to be enshrined in the Constitution and please do not bring up politics into it. Either Malta first and foremost or else who is going to get the credit. For me it is immaterial, it is a profound matter that needs the support of the two sides of the House of Representatives. Why all this bickering about the credit? Both PN and PL knows that it is the electorate that will decide who will be right party to win power for 2013-18. Things pointing the Labour Party's way. Come up, grow up both of you, PL and PN. I give my support 100% for the golden rule. And be bold enough to enshrine in the Constitution the time when all the incumbency from the the Government is stopped for a definite period prior to General Elections.
It is not "GonziPN" that will be embarrassed if Labour does not support the constitutional amendment, it will be the "Maltese Government". This may be too refined a point for Anglu Farrugia who wants to turn the clock to the 1980s when he was a police inspector under Pullicino and when the Labour government made absolutely no difference between party and government. If this excuse for a politician, pining to become deputy prime minister, cannot see the difference between a political slogan called "Gonzipn" and a government, then Malta is really in for trouble.
This shows that, unlike Gonzpn, national interest comes first for the PL. Since the govt lost its majority the H o R is not meeting when the PM is away. This means that home business is waiting while Gonzi gives his invaluable adn indispensable (!) advice to Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron!!!!!!! This is a situation which developed after the Govt lost its majority. The PM is evidently NOT TRUSTING his own kind and is afraid that while the cat is away the mice will play. Gonzi has been reduced to a tottering PM whose idejn sodi are engaged desperately holding on to his seat ( a good poster by the PL says it all). In a way I pity the man who has been humiliated and reduced to obeying the clique's wishes and agenda.
I think that PL is over-doing it. The fact that they are hindering a democratically elected government from functioning properly just because PL almost won the 2008 general elections, is not right. This has been going on from day 1 when they refused to nominate a speaker and when they removed the pairing agreement. Winds will change and the PN will do likewise if PL wins the next elections with just 1 seat majority. And Malta will remain in Limbo ad eternum. Why don't both of you meet around a table and take immediate C0-Joined decisions that need to be taken? Why not start with the unsustainable health system that is going to ruin us ALL? Nobody cares about the well-being of our country. One is interested in remaining afloat and in power and the other just eager to end an era. Shame on you both.
I think that PL is over-doing it. The fact that they are hindering a democratically elected government from functioning properly just because PL almost won the 2008 general elections, is not right. This has been going on from day 1 when they refused to nominate a speaker and when they removed the pairing agreement. Winds will change and the PN will do likewise if PL wins the next elections with just 1 seat majority. And Malta will remain in Limbo ad eternum. Why don't both of you meet around a table and take immediate C0-Joined decisions that need to be taken? Why not start with the unsustainable health system that is going to ruin us ALL? Nobody cares about the well-being of our country. One is interested in remaining afloat and in power and the other just eager to end an era. Shame on you both.
"The GonziPN system has to recognise this reality and go for election" Taf liema elezjoni jmur ghaliha Gonzi,ghal dik li jaf li ser jirbah zgur - dik tal kunsilliera u mhux dik tal poplu ghax jibza.
Il-PL ghandu jara x'hinu l-ahjar interess ta' Malta. Toqghodux wisq fuq il-PN biex tiehdu d-decizjonijiet li jeffettwaw lil Maltin. Dawn dejjem qalluna li Alla hares ma nidhlux fl-EU ghax it-train se jibqa ghaddej minghajrna. Qallulna wkoll li imbierka l-Euro u Alla hares ma nidhlux fl-Eurozone. Issa gie kollox ta taht fuq. Pandemonju shih. Spiccajna ma' klabb tal-falluti.
Arah sejjer jigri ghand il-President biex jghidlu li ser isejjah elezzjoni, mela mhux hekk jaghmel tghid iserrahkom. Ahna ndumu hemm sa sena ohra zgur u l-elezzjoni li gejja nirbhuha hands down.