PN leadership election for 25 February, Gonzi: resignation is ‘irrelevant’
PN executive lays down parameters for leadership ‘contest’.
The Nationalist Party's executive has resolved to hold elections for the PN leadership, called by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi during last Sunday's extraordinary general council, on the 25 February.
The election will take place between 11am up till 8pm, while in Gozo the election will close at 6pm. The nominations for leaders will close next Monday, 6 February.
The result will be announced on Saturday, 25 February and if the result is conclusive - the PN said in a statement - the General Council closes on Sunday, 26 February. Should a second round be necessary, this takes place the week after on Saturday, 3 March.
The electoral commission will be composed of Michael Refalo, former Nationalist tourism minister, as chairman, MEP David Casa, Azad board member Anne Fenech, Nationalist Women's president Sonia Vancell, and PN treasurer Boris Xerri.
Earlier today, Gonzi once again reiterated that he had not resigned from his post as party leader, since announcing last Sunday that he will open his leadership to nominations for a contest that is expected to be a one-horse race.
Asked by MaltaToday whether he has handed in his resignation as PN leader to create a vacancy, Gonzi said: "The matter is irrelevant since the party has now initiated the process to hold an open leadership contest. Anyone can contest the election freely and I have already said that I will be contesting."
Gonzi reiterated his position that he would not speculate on what threshold of votes were a yardstick of credibility for his re-election by the PN's General Council, its highest decision-making body.
When he was elected party leader in 2004, he obtained 94% of votes cast in the second round of elections. He was uncontested after Louis Galea automatically dropped out of the race and John Dalli withdrew his nomination.
The PN's statute says that a leadership contest is held when a "vacancy is created" and the executive may receive nominations up to two months from when the vacancy for leader arises.
Tonight, the PN executive is expected to lay down the parameters for the PN leadership contest and appoint an electoral commission to oversee the election.
The last time the Nationalist Party held a leadership contest, party leader Eddie Fenech Adami had resigned as leader on 7 February 2004, but stayed on as prime minister.
The first round of elections was held three weeks later on 28 February. Lawrence Gonzi was elected leader after he obtained the backing of 94% of the party's councillors in the second round of voting held on 3 March.
In the first round of the election, Gonzi obtained the backing of 59.3% of the PN's councillors, John Dalli obtained 25.3% but withdrew his candidature from the second round. The third candidate, Louis Galea, obtained 15.4% of the votes and was automatically dropped from the race.
Gonzi needed 66% of the vote in the second round to get elected according to the party statute. He obtained 808 votes out of 859 votes cast.