PN leadership election for 25 February, Gonzi: resignation is ‘irrelevant’

PN executive lays down parameters for leadership ‘contest’.

Lawrence Gonzi explaining the reasons for his leadership contest to the press last Sunday.
Lawrence Gonzi explaining the reasons for his leadership contest to the press last Sunday.


The Nationalist Party's executive has resolved to hold elections for the PN leadership, called by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi during last Sunday's extraordinary general council, on the 25 February.

The election will take place between 11am up till 8pm, while in Gozo the election will close at 6pm. The nominations for leaders will close next Monday, 6 February.

The result will be announced on Saturday, 25 February and if the result is conclusive - the PN said in a statement - the General Council closes on Sunday, 26 February. Should a second round be necessary, this takes place the week after on Saturday, 3 March.

The electoral commission will be composed of Michael Refalo, former Nationalist tourism minister, as chairman, MEP David Casa, Azad board member Anne Fenech, Nationalist Women's president Sonia Vancell, and PN treasurer Boris Xerri.

Earlier today, Gonzi once again reiterated that he had not resigned from his post as party leader, since announcing last Sunday that he will open his leadership to nominations for a contest that is expected to be a one-horse race.

Asked by MaltaToday whether he has handed in his resignation as PN leader to create a vacancy, Gonzi said: "The matter is irrelevant since the party has now initiated the process to hold an open leadership contest. Anyone can contest the election freely and I have already said that I will be contesting."

Gonzi reiterated his position that he would not speculate on what threshold of votes were a yardstick of credibility for his re-election by the PN's General Council, its highest decision-making body.

When he was elected party leader in 2004, he obtained 94% of votes cast in the second round of elections. He was uncontested after Louis Galea automatically dropped out of the race and John Dalli withdrew his nomination.

The PN's statute says that a leadership contest is held when a "vacancy is created" and the executive may receive nominations up to two months from when the vacancy for leader arises.

Tonight, the PN executive is expected to lay down the parameters for the PN leadership contest and appoint an electoral commission to oversee the election.

The last time the Nationalist Party held a leadership contest, party leader Eddie Fenech Adami had resigned as leader on 7 February 2004, but stayed on as prime minister.

The first round of elections was held three weeks later on 28 February. Lawrence Gonzi was elected leader after he obtained the backing of 94% of the party's councillors in the second round of voting held on 3 March.

In the first round of the election, Gonzi obtained the backing of 59.3% of the PN's councillors, John Dalli obtained 25.3% but withdrew his candidature from the second round. The third candidate, Louis Galea, obtained 15.4% of the votes and was automatically dropped from the race.

Gonzi needed 66% of the vote in the second round to get elected according to the party statute. He obtained 808 votes out of 859 votes cast.

Sur Demartino ,ahjar tmur taghmel vista sal-Burns Unit ghax tidher mahruq wahda sewwa . Barra min hekk ,jekk inti thobb issegwi it-tlielaq tal-hmir , dilwaqt ikollok wahda organizzata mil-PN f'tal-Pieta. Sahha Sur Demartino u kompli segwi it-tellieqa.
Sur Demartino , Nissugerilek li tmur ftit sal-burnes unit ghax tidher li int mahruq wahda sewwa. Jekk inti tiehu pjacir bit-tlielaq tal-hmir , kompli segwi il-partit tieghek ghax ser jorganizza wahda dalwaqt . Sahha.
tidder ovja din l-elezzjoni sabiex itawwal l-elezzjoni generali ha taghti aktar zmien lill dak ir Romblu u vera bniedem bax u pastas bil mod kif irisponda lill gurnalisti il bierah, ghax ghadu lura fil homework tal HMIEG,biex terbhu bil FOTTAMENTI AAARRROGANTI
jekk xi hadt jikkontestak ghal ellezzjoni, la int ma rrezenjatx, ma thosx li jkun sfiducja? m'intiex tara li anka il shabek qed timbarazza? min sa jidhollok Dottor Gonzi?
Speaking from the economics part, it isn't really suitable for investors wouldn't likely to invest in Malta. They say GONZIpn has the majority of the people after him, why doesn't he call for an election, GONZI called an election to show us how democratic is he, how funny, he will win 100% either because no one contest which is a pretty low probability or another contestant appears by GONZI winning, remember when Gonzi was elected? I laughed hard at that democratic vote.
Grazzi Sur Matthew Vella.
Din x’ tip ta demokrazzija li jemmen fiha Dr Lawrence Gonzi?. Tellieqa ghal-siggu gia mimmli? Jaqaw tfisser biex hadd ma jazzarda jersaq lejn dak is-siggu? “siggu tal-bellus li thatu mimli flus”. Fil-verita min huwa imkahhal mas-siggu tal-poter?
Rummienu dhalt maghhom int. Kumment bla sugu, assolutament bla ebda sugu ta' xejn Intom fl-ahhar mill-ahhar x'imhu affarikom kif AHNA naghzlu l-kap TAGHNA?
This is going to be a very interesting leadership contest! Obviously enough, the only contendant will be the winner! He's going to be challenged by NOBODY, and so he will be declared the WINNER, and great leader! Arrogance at it's peak! I hope that when the prime minister was at the EU summit, he told his collegues, that he's playing games like Mr.Berlusconi, in order to stay in POWER! Probably they laughed behind his back, like they've done to Silvio! I don't know if the Maltese people show laugh or cry!
I think that this is case when the printed media can prepare, from now, their headlines for the 26th Feb editions. "" LAURENCE GONZI RECONFIRMED LEADER OF THE NATIONALIST PARTY WITH 99.9% OF THE VOTES. No other contestant bothered /was allowed / was stupid enough to contest the incumbent Prime Minister!"" If this isn't a cse of taking the mickey i don't know what is. Taking the Lorry ? Why ? oh Why do they think we are so stupid?
Malonki , ma ghandikx ghalfejn tinkwieta ghax mhux se jkun hemm il bzonn la tat-tieni round u aktar u aktar tat-tielet round ghax tigrija bi hmar wiehed se jkun hemm . U ibqa zgur li ser jitlef,jirbah u jigi draw fl-istess waqt u dan ghax flimkien kollox possibbli. Issa tara kif hekk ser jigri.
Jidhru organizzati sew dawk ta' gonzipn ghal din il-votazzjoni avolja austin gatt ghadu ma poggiex l-istamperija - haga wahda biss qed tinkwetani lili u wisq nibza' li qabzitilhom. il-votazjoni se ssir fil-25 ta' frar u jekk ikun hemm bzonn tat-tieni round, dan se jsir is-Sibt ta' wara, it-3 ta' Marzu. Imma jekk ikun hemm bzonn it-tielet round, meta se jsir? Ta' cuc Malti li jien, kont nahseb li haga daqshekk importanti mhux se taqbzilhom !!!!
Maureen Attard
Min ser jemmen li min ser jivvutalu mhux ser jaghmel hekk kontra qalbu biex ma jidhirx ikrah u jew jigi mwarrab fil-genb. Jekk hu veru demokratiku ghandu jirrizenja u jhalli l-haddiehor jikkontesta. Il-bqija fl-istess ilma ser jibqa fil-parlament.
I am certain that this sham party election is just a ploy to rally support, create diversions and gain some more planning time for preparing for the next general election. In this respect it has succeeded in gaining for the PN campaign machinery at least a eight week breathing space and definitely unhitched the general election from the local council March date which was a natural point for holding it, in terms of money saving and avoiding duplicating voting processes and arrangements. I would expect that the PN strategists are now busy devising other strategems to see the government safely through to the summer recess. Come September we are likely to see government dissolving parliament. The added austerity measures and the bleak economic prospects for this year mean that it is unlikely that the PN would want to present a 2012 budget without a fresh mandate. Signs are that it will be more difficult to enthuse and retain voter support beyond the end of the year especially once the economic performance figures for 2012 become known.
Our dear prime minister should have conceded a secret vote in parliament,for his pn/mp support.He could have been in for quite a surprise.Rallying the masses is a cheap public relation exercise.I am sure the clique of evil would have voted in favour,but those 5/6 mps who have been blackmailed in silence ,would have found courage in the secret vote.Go ahead mr gonzi,call a secret vote.
I am sorry dr gonzi but the fact u consider resignation as irrevelant just compounds the not so subtle impression that you are ARROGANT. You and your lackeys just want to milk us dry before you call an election. Shame on you and shame on those who vote to keep you in your dictatatorial position. You put yourself before the welfare of the country. Well, it seems that your self interests are all that matters. Disgusted by all of this.
I have a strange fillings that all the PN MPs will second The PM. to show their loyalty. The question is. How many extra chairs will rewarded to the PN in PARLAMENT. Kull tant nahseb li PM qall Lill T.Fenech biex jajarna cwiec!
My prediction is that Gonzi will come in last :)
The whole "election" process is irrelevant.
Issa smajt li biex ma jhalluhx wahdu wahdu se jgelu lil purtinar tas sufle tal hgieg biex jikkontesta wkoll.
Hafna ma jistawx jifhmu lill Prim Ministru x’qed jimmanuvra, jekk tipprova tifhem izjed u izjed tithawwad, donnu telaq jigri ghall rasu u ma jafx fejn sejjer. Il-vera problema li ghandu hi u tibqa Franco Debono li issa qabzed ‘the point of no return’ anke jekk ikun hemm xi forma ta’ ftehim. Il-Prim Ministru jrid jifhem li l-opinjoni pubblika hi kontrieh u favur Franco u jigri x’jigri fil-votazzjoni finta mhux ser jirranga xejn. Jekk dawk il-Kunsilliera li ma appogawhx fil-kampanja ta’ meta lahaq Kap jergaw jaghmlu lis-stess u dawk li issa raw li kienu zbaljati li kienu tawh il-vot u jastjenu jew jivvutaw kontra ser ikollom sorpriza ghax jigi kif jigi r-rizultat il-Kap xorta ser jibqa l-Kap, hekk ta’ l-impressjoni li ser jaghmel. Biss biex il-PN jigi vicin il-PL fl-elezzjoni li gejja u jkollu xi cans u ma jaqlax it-tkaxkira li pprevala Austin ghandu jmur quddiem il-poplu b’Kap gdid, veru li ftit huma dawk li ghandom il-kwalitajiet neccesarji biss hemm bzonn ta’ bidla ghax is-sadid ohxon wisq biex jinqala.
Skont Giovann Demartino sew dawn ta' taht kif ukoll dawn ta' fuq ma qed jiktbu xejn bis-sens. Mela kemm int bravo int,Sur Demartino? Kemm trid tkun aktar bla sens int biex lanqas biss tinduna li b'dak kollu li ser jaghmel il partit nazzjonalista mhu se jsolvi xejn . Sur Demartino,ghax ma taghmilx suggeriment lill-partit tieghek biex jghid lill-Prim Ministru jaghmel vot sigriet fil-Parlament? Tghid jitwerwer ghax jista jkollu xi sorpriza kbira tistennieh? Prosit , x'kuragg ghandu il-Prim Ministru. Hemm ikun qed jaghmel sens. Il-Veru tliftu il-boxla ghall kollox.
Mario Pace
Has anyone considered what would happen if Dr.L.Gonzi, if he will be running by himself for the post as expected, want get the 2/3 majority needed? Also, Dr. Gonzi needs to answer a simple question: Dr.Debono told you to resign as he want back you anymore 'IN PARLAMENT', so what is he going to do about this? Also is Dr.Debono still asking for Dr.Gonzi's resignation?
Hawn xi hadd rasu flokha li kieku jmur il-korsa taz-zwiemel il-Marsa biex jara tigrija fejn ziemel jigri wahdu ? U zgur li LE ! Izda hekk qed jintalbu jghamlu l-kunsilliera nazzjonalisti fil- 25 ta' Frar !!
Igor P. Shuvalov
... and the independent observers will be....!!!!
Saddam, Ghaddafi, Assad, Mubarak, Kim il Sung u issa Gonzi. X'Fiha b'daqshekk . Mhux l-aqwa li juruh li kollha jridduh. U il-poplu jibki u jħallas il-kontijiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@slicer.Why bother to see bondi - and xarabank.They are always biased.They know that that their time on PBS is running out.
@slicer.Why bother to see bondi - and xarabank.They are always biased.They know that that their time on PBS is running out.
@slicer.Why bother to see bondi - and xarabank.They are always biased.They know that that their time on PBS is running out.
Lawrence Covin
Jien bilkemm ma nazzardax nghid li dan ir-ragel spicca mohhu bonswa!
Zack Depasquale
Wasal iz-zmien mistenni minn kulhadd, eviva, eviva iz-zmien tal-karnival. Jaghjtu ix-xjuh u jaghjtu t-tfal, kemm GonziPN hasbuna tac-cajt.
what amazes me is Lou Bondi , he is so biased , watched him tonight and he always interrupts Anglu Farrugia and contradicts whatever Dr. Farrugia all the time ,yet he helps Dr. Tonio Borg to an extend to answer the question himself, real pathetic biased programme , he literally vidoe clipped all Last Sunday Pn conference, showing Gonzi mentioning past history of 1981,calling for the than MP still serving in the opposition ,yet he does not mention 1996 when labour won with 8000 majority and just had one seat, and he was a member of parlament yet he never claimed or admit that it was gerrymandering in some districts , Labour should have had at least two or three more members of parlament more tha PN. When Pn won in 2003 and had a 12000 majority they had 5 more menbers in Parliament. What does Mr Bondi say about this?
And the winner is.... the wizard of the circle of evil.
If Dr Gonzi meant what he said he should have given a free vote/secret one, for his members in Parlament What is happening is like playing musical chairs .Carnival is being extended
We can't play the rules can we? Once Saddam Hussein called his generals around the table. He explained to them what he intended to do with Kuwait. Then he asked if anyone disagrees with him. One general stood up to disagree. Saddam pulled a gun there and then and shot him. Sounds familiar?
mela ma cediex postu.mela ma tafux li ghad irid jaqta li spaga ta bieb i l belt u parlament,u bil haqq il
and the winner is?????????????? Dr.adolf(GONZI) HITLER.
Giovanni DeMartino : kemm taf titkellem, kemm naqbel mieghek, kemm hu tajjeb Gonzi, xi gvern ezemplari ghandna, kemm huma hamalli l- laburisti, kemm hu stupidu Joseph Muscat, kemm mixjin fuq ir-rubini, kemm hawn xoghol, negozju u gid, kemm qedin sew, ahjar minn hulhadd, grazzi Mulej lil tajtn lil Gonzi u lil shabu li tant ihobbu lil pajjizhom lil ma jridux jitilqu s-siggu biex ma jhallux lil hadd iehor minn flokhom lil min mhux bravu bhalhom... etc etc etc Happy, Mr Demartino? Now you will not complain that all comments are bla sens. Bury your head in the sand, and bury it deep, because I am sure that the show down there is better than the ugly things your Gonzi and his clique are doing to the country!
One man race. Hope he finish first. Good luck Dr.Gonzi, the same luck you wished to the workers when you sent them letters, signed by you, promising job guarantee and latter they finished unemployed causing problems to them and to their families. Time up soon...not to start the race but to finish your race as a party leader and also a Prim Minister.
If only he stops to realize just what a ridiculous image he is making of himself. Monty Python has nothing when compared to GoneziPN.
So the scenario is set...we have to wait till next Monday February 6 to know whether 'our' dear Prime Minister will be contested as the Nationalist Party leader. In fact, it seems Lawrence Gonzi will be seeking re-confirmation (and no thresholds) as NP leader both as PN leader and Prime Minister. Who is the fool within the NP that will dare contest Dr. Gonzi as new NP leader in what is set to be only a little than a fortnight campaign? I feel sorry that Malta and especially the Nationalist Party are excelling in tragic-comedies. Congratulations Dr. Gonzi as the reconfirmed leader of the NP, and Malta's Prime Minister to the end of the legislature, since I am sure that now you have your mind at rest regarding Franco Debono.
Mela il karnival se jibda illum u jispicca fil 25 ta' Frar. Ghax ghandna il Gonzi maghna ahna maqudin hawnhekk iima mhux fil parlament.
Resigning 'taparsi' is irrelevent! Kemm int demokratiku? Ma tarax li se jikkuntestawk ISSA Demarco, Busutill,Cassar, Dalli, Arrigo,jew Debono? L-ewwel tiehu grind mill-grinder ta l-istorja, imbaghad ikollok tirrezenja tridx u ma tridx! Min hu bhal Dr Gonzi, li ma joqghodx ghall-istatut tal-PN?
I am sure that if he ever had a games console, he always used cheat codes to win. He does not like the idea of loosing at all and am sure he is a bad looser... and a very bad one too.
qed jajdu li l-kumpaniji tal-karnival din is-sena sabuwa difficli lil min ha jaghmlu buffu?.Tejd veru jew le?.Fil-kas nissugerilom jaslu wasla sal-pieta illeja ghax ha jkun wiehed ezatt teqodlu.
I am sure that if he ever had a games console, he always used cheat codes to win. He does not like the idea of loosing at all and am sure he is a bad looser... and a very bad one too.
Nahseb ergajna koppi!
Ti piace vincere facile hux. Ghamel listess fil parlament. Vot sigriet.
Il karnival se jibda illum
it is amazing how Gonzi always has to manipulate to win, even in his own party's leadership contest. Disregarding the party statute merely because "The matter is irrelevant since the party has now initiated the process to hold an open leadership contest" is the most lame of excuses, usually used when we do not want to give something to children. That's how Gonzi treats his colleagues - as children.
yea yea yea that's what great leaders or those who walk the Great Leader's walk say.
I tend to agree with Dr. Gonzi. Resignation or no resignation and who is going to lead the Nationalists is irrelevant. The most important thing is to find a way for a stable government. Instability as it is now is of detriment to our little Island, and it could have long term irreparable bad consequences.
Kieku jiktbu kumment wiehed bis-sens dawn l-anonimi t'haw taht.
Please give a secret vote in PARLIAMENT not with your party. We know this is a big JOKE.
Nixtieq nistaqsi mistoqsija semplici lill-Onorevoli Prim Ministru. Inti verament temmen li jista jkun hemm xi hadd li hu tant mignun li jista jasal biex jitfa in-nomina halli jikkontestak ghall kap tal-partit ? Jekk inti temmen dan , allura veru tlift il-boxla ghall kollox ? Min u nerga nghidlek min se jissogra jaghmel din il-gennata ? Mhux haga min awl id-dinja , li jekk xi hadd jaghmel dan , zgur jigi ittimbrat li hu komplici ma Dr.Franco Debono ? Li tiftah il-kontestazzjoni ghall kap tal-partit meta taf li il-probabbilta' li jkun hemm xi hadd li jista jikkontestak hija zero , turi li inti trid tkompli tidhaq bin-nies , haga li ilek taghmel ghall zmien twil. Issa wasal il-waqt li tiehu risposta ta' dak li ilek taghmel u li kien ta' dannu ghall kumplament tal-poplu malti. Ghalhekk tigrija wahdek hija tigrija ta' hmar .
Iwedljajt mas siggu. Issa mbili jinbidel il kap, mux ghar ghax fadal 1 year, Nafu li Gonzi se jibqa' hemmek...u viva l Ekonomija.. Xi darba dott ghid is statistici ta kemm jahdmu Full time u part time :)
Common people say the eleltion for the leader is ' irrelevant'
So this man has first ignored the consitution of malta by ignoring the 34-34 result of the vote where his govt lost its majority, and his right to govern; and now he is ignoring the PN statute which states that there must be a vacancy for an election to take place to fill that vaacancy. While few of us care how much he is taking his party for a ride, adn how much he flaunts its statute, we DO care that he is also taking the maltese people for a ride. Gonzi knows that his election is a big farce. He will come first in a race of one runner only. How ridiculous can that get, and how lower in dignity can he stoop.In the meanatime the situation in Malta is becoming more and more serious. If Dr Gonzi has any dignity left , he should stop playing with our future , go to the President to take a decsion from this ugly impasse. Never has Malta and democracy been vilified in this manner. Pwoer hunger has never been so blatant.
First the councilors asked for the resignation of Dr Debono and now they have to confirm Dr Gonzi as leader. Quite a job for the boys.
Aktar dahk fil-wicc u l-kunsillieri u d-delegati, bhall-angli tal-festa, jitbissmu. X'faqar ta' prim ministru!
If gonzi says so then it is gospel. Why should parties have satuetes?
Li Dr Gonzi jrrizenja hija irrelevanti ghalih allavolja l-istatut tal-PN jghid li l-post irid ikun vakanti. Jaghmlu kollox qisu chewing gum. Idawru u jgebbdu kif jaqblilhom. Imbasta jidhru sbieh. Jighdu li tal-PL huma amateur. Ajma hej. Ikolli nghid li l-bookmakers kollha qed jaghtu rebha lil Gonzi. L-ewwel ghax wahdu.
U tahsbu li jekk ikun hemm xi bahnan johrog jikkontesta lil gonzipn ghandu xi cans ilaqqat vot kontra c-champion tad-dinja u r-rebbieh tal-world cup ta' sport interessanti - kif tuza' u tabbuza mill-poter biex tqassam il-promozzjonijiet, favuri, pjaciri, permessi, weghdiet, ecc mill-gvern lil dawk li ghal min jaf kemm-il sena tkun ittraskurajt u gejt titmellah minnhom?
He's the contestant, the judge and the spectator...all rolled into one.