Minister’s son sues One News for defamation

Icon director Gege Gatt sues for defamation over news reports alleging his IT firms will be ‘platform for attack’ against Joseph Muscat in electoral campaign.

Gege Gatt has sued One News for defamation for alleging his IT firms will be a platform of attack against the Opposition leader.
Gege Gatt has sued One News for defamation for alleging his IT firms will be a platform of attack against the Opposition leader.

Updated with correction at 9:45am, 3 February.

Gege Gatt, the son of transport minister Austin Gatt, has sued Labour's One Radio for defamation over a news item alleging Gatt will use his IT firms to launch media attacks against Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.

Gatt, whose father will be coordinating the PN's forthcoming electoral campaign, said the 20 January news item on One Radio was defamatory in his regard and asked the courts to order the radio station to pay damages for the content of its broadcast.

In the news item, One Radio alleged Gatt's role in the electoral campaign would be "to coordinate the attacks against Joseph Muscat and the Labour party through the internet."

Gatt, an IT specialist and lawyer by profession, has already been touted as the person who will manage the party's social media for the electoral campaign.

But the One News item went further in stating that Gatt's firms Icon, a web development company, and Muovo, a specialist IT recruitment firm, had been "beneficiaries of a great deal of business in a short period of time, something that companies long established before them find hard to explain."

The news item also alleged Gatt will be using his firms' resources as part of the PN's electoral campaign "as a platform of attack against Joseph Muscat and Labour on the internet."

One News also said PN sources reported Gatt as part of the campaign triumvirate that include his father Austin Gatt, former PN secretary-general Joe Saliba, and Permanent Representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana.

One News added that Gatt was also being pushed to replace Paul Borg Olivier as secretary-general of the PN.

Nahseb bully daqs missieru hiereg !
Tidher li resqa elezzjoni ghax ha nibdew bil libelli!
We shall see in the near future what will come out from his role in the PN campaign. Time will tell.
Mur gib kieku qalulu " mignnun " bhal ma ghajjar missieru lil Franco Debono, x'kien jaghmel ! Insomma, kif jghidu l-Inglizi - " like father , like son " !
Like father like son arrogance galore.
Pure bluff Nothing libellous in what was printed.
FFS. Libel is written defamation. Slander is spoken. It's little wonder the people of this nation have such a hard time with basic English language skills.