Lawrence Gonzi to visit Gozo today amid rising political tensions

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is expected to be given a rowdy welcome as he attends the 41st ‘Ikla tal-Hbieb’ at the Calypso Hotel in Marsalforn today.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is expected to be given a rowdy welcome.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is expected to be given a rowdy welcome.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is expected to be given a rowdy welcome as he attends the 41st 'Ikla tal-Hbieb' at the Calypso Hotel in Marsalforn today - but the PN leader who has put his leadership to the party's vote on 25 February - will address a disillusioned community, and an island that is seemingly rejecting the party.

Franco Debono's abstention and the subsequent political crisis that followed, has triggered a record booked attendance for today's activity, which will be attended by the most staunch supporters in Gozo.

The activity however, is expected to be cosmetic in an island that is witnessing a rush from those chasing favours on the eve of a touted early general election.

The reality for the PN in Gozo is bleak in both the local council and general election scenario. 

Labour has had its local council candidates in place for weeks, if not months, and most of them have already completed their and home visits in their respective localities, but the PN is seemingly struggling like never before to find enough candidates to contest these elections. 

Newly-appointed Justice Minister Chris Said is reported to have been instructed by the party to find and convince candidates in all eight localities.

Said is said to be approaching many new faces - mostly people he knows and who support him - in an apparent bid to put aside the 'old guard' which the party has relied on for years. 

The PN's campaign office in Gozo has been once again entrusted to veteran activist and district manager Euchar Mizzi, a known 'soldier' loyal to transport minister and PN's national campaign manager Austin Gatt.

Mizzi has been brought back into the fold after retiring from politics some years ago, putting aside his successor, the present inexperienced district manager Kevin Sciberras who heads the culture and information department in Gozo.

Besides Mizzi, the PN's organisational inner core in Gozo is composed of Paul Buttigieg (Qala Mayor), Anthony Debono (Gozo minister Giovanna Debono's husband), and Said.

They have been entrusted with the preparation, implementation and execution of PN electoral and political policy in Gozo for local and national elections.

Former members of the PN's inner core in past elections, Noel Formosa (San Lawrenz mayor), Dr Raymond Xerri (Qala deputy mayor) have been set aside due to Formosa's recent arraignment over alleged EU funds fraud, and Xerri, charged for filing a false report, of which he was cleared in 2008.

This article appeared in today's print edition of GozoToday.


aw galea hi int ghadek ma gejtx mill qamar? vera li mill kummenti tieghek tidher li int immatur politikament,pero jiswik tajjeb li terga tigi lura maghna fid dinja ta! alla tiela u alla niezel,int tahseb li alla ma jafx x qed jaghmel? toqghodx tuza lil alla siehbi,jekk trid taghti opinjoni aghtiha b hiltek,int jaqaw xi wiehed li tilghabha tad demokristjan? ghandek tkun taf li fid dinja reali li qed nghixu bhalissa fl 2012, f malta, ghandna partit fil poter li M GHANDUX maggoranza u qed jilghabha man, u dik mhix demokrazija, taf x inhi demokrazija? fittex fuq google ta hi forsi tiftah naf zgur hu li gonzipn QAZZIZNA! u nies bhalek misskom tis
Gonzi should go to Filfa next, there he's got more support then the rest of these islands.
@ jgalea - "u ta dan jien cert li Alla jerga jipremja lill PN" Is he, this alla also voting then? And how can you be sew cert he is voting PN?! LOL ... Grow up whoever you are: in a democracy it is people who cast their vote and it has nothing to do with alla, leave her out of it, she's got enough on her hands!
Luke Camilleri
Taking his Arriva Task Force with him and maybe Manwel Delia to sort out chaotic roadwork projects ?
@ j galea You are either not gozitan or live on cloud9 because what you just said is totally the opposite. the roads in gozo are a total disaster and the work is even worse. victoria shopping district this morning was totoally empty even hough the shops all have huge reductions on their items. What does this mean? have you even seen the amount of people that travel everyday to Malta for work? Because here in gozo it is DEAD. The pn have been in govt for 25 years and giovanna has been in that seat for a very long time. doesn't she know the problems there is in gozo. So please take your blue blinkers off before you talk.
Mela ghawdex sa jibda kmieni il Karnival din is-sena...........Il KING diga wasal ghawdex tajt mar jaghmel pipi hemm ukoll..le le dak il pastas Agostino jaghmel hekk
Dr Gonzi should take a drive to where Chris Said lives - Hanaq/Ramla Road at Nadur - and then continue to drive down on Ramla Road in the residential area so that he can see for himself what this road looks like. It's been a big mess for the past 50 years and no one has bother to fix it even though it leads to Ramla Bay. The part where it's not residential has been tarmaked, but the rest in the residential area is all potholes and has not been fixed in 50 years. What a big shame.
Yes he should take a tour of the island to see for himself the state it is in. The minister is always sitting comfortable in her heated office. It's a complete disaster wherever one goes. Eco Gozo? Gozo Tuunnel? What a joke!! No more PN. Gozo will definitely have a labour majority this time around. Gonzi will be leading the PN to a very heavy defeat come election time. No doubt about that!! Enough is enough!!
Nispera li kif ikun hawn Dr. Gonzi qabel imur jiekol jdur dawra mat-toroq tjbin li ghandna bhalissa ghax nahlef li t-toroq ta' Bagdad huma ferm ahjar minn taghna, u jdurhom qabel l-ikla ghax inkella jekk jdurhom wara l-ikla jkollu jieqaf x'imkien ibattal l-istonku. Gharkaza bicca triq ta' hdejn il-lights ilha maghluqha minn Lulju u ghadna ma ftahniex bicca minnha. Ara veru ahna l-poplu hekk jisthoqilna swat fuq rasna imbaghad tmru ghal VRT u naturament tehel. Anke jekk tghaddi mill-VRT u u jumejn wara tmur terga ghal VRT ma tghaddix. Viva d-dizordni li hawn gewwa Ghawdex.
Zack Depasquale
Heq meta tkun qieghed f'nofs kampanja ghal hatra ta'mexxej ta'Partit politiku bhal GonziPN trid taghmel ftit canvassing biex tilhaq l-gheruq kollha tal-Partit.Fit-tellieqa tista titlef hux u anke l-Partit ikollu jbidel ismu u ma jibqax imsemmi ghalih GonziPN.Bilhaqq insejt din mhi tellieqa xejn ghax Dr Gonzi wahdu ser itellaq.U halluna nghixu GonziPN, anke Nazzjonalisti tal-affari taghhom qieghdin jghidu li din tejatrin.
Political tension in Gozo? Dream on! Ghalhekk il PN dejjem gab maggoranza kbira f Ghawdex, u ser ikompli jgib! Ghax hemm tensjoni politika LOL! Huma il laburisti li jizirghu dawn id dubji f mohh il poplu, u ta dan jien cert li Alla jerga jipremja lill PN tax xoghol siewi li dejjem wettaq ghal Malta, kontra kull hazen li jista jostakolah.
Nisperaw li Dr Gonzi jmur Ghawdex b'xi 4 wheel drive ghax hemm dizastru fit-toroq. Bejn wiehed u iehor jixbah lil Baghdad wara l-ewwel attakk Amerikan. Lil-Ghawdxin ghandu bzonn jghidilhom kif se jgibilhom ix-xoghol ghax is-sitwazzjoni hija tal-biki.