It was the night for Kurt Calleja
Kurt Calleja won the Malta Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'This Is The Night'.
Kurt Calleja will represent Malta in Azerbaijan with his song 'This is the Night'.
Kurt Calleja won the Malta Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'This Is The Night' in front of a cheering crowd during the final night held yesterday at the Malta Fairs and Conventions Centre, Ta' Qali.
Calleja will represent Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest final being held in Baku, Azerbaijan on May 26 only after having gone through another crucial test at the May 22 and 24 semi-finals in Azerbaijan.
Last year's Malta Eurovision Song Contest winner was Glen Vella with his song 'One Life'.
The voting system is based on televoting by the public and a professional jury comprising both Maltese and foreign individuals. The finals were screened live on the State's TV broadcasting station.

proset hafna kurt u halli lil min jejr alik :)) ogbitni hafnaa lili inkollu nismhaaa kommpli sejer kif int sejer :)) xx

Imbarazz. Hekk nidiskrivih il-festival. Nehhi id-dwal li kienu profesjonali, kenna preżentaturi tat-tqalliegħ u konzunetta rebbieha ta tral la la. Jekk kien hemm kanzunetta li kellha tirbah kienet dik ta' AMBER li apparti il-vuci tagħha li hija vicin sew dik ta' Amy Whinehouse, kellha kanzunetta tajba, li setet tinzel sew barra min xtutna. Mil-bqija I'm sorry IMBARRAZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Imbarazz. Hekk nidiskrivih il-festival. Nehhi id-dwal li kienu profesjonali, kenna preżentaturi tat-tqalliegħ u konzunetta rebbieha ta tral la la. Jekk kien hemm kanzunetta li kellha tirbah kienet dik ta' AMBER li apparti il-vuci tagħha li hija vicin sew dik ta' Amy Whinehouse, kellha kanzunetta tajba, li setet tinzel sew barra min xtutna. Mil-bqija I'm sorry IMBARRAZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

another deja vu in maltese music and musicians stuck in the 90s. sad story. spare the money and just pick up anyone that you fancy for the eurovision song festival.
would be nice though to attend to a maltese music festival with some real good music competing and not the tra la la songs that we watch year after year.
anyhow folks enjoy the show in azerbajan.

hear we beter off, if make the english languig, no 1,and the malteas languig last,we dont need it,now we have international money, so the english languig, gose with it.Kirt is the best singer for today, tomorow we will see.

Jurgen Cachia •
Kanzunetta oħra bl-Ingliż. X'mistħija!

Buckley's chance just ordinary.