Prime Minister tells Gozitans, ‘Labour overrun by extremists – no guarantee of university stipends’

Lawrence Gonzi in Gozo says Joseph Muscat foisting uncertainty on country without concrete policies and alternatives.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi set much store today in claiming the Labour party had been overrun by "socialist extremists" who were at the heart of the government that won the 1981 election without a majority of votes.

In denouncing Joseph Muscat's attempt at limiting January's no-confidence vote to three hours, Gonzi said the Opposition leader had been egged on by the "extremists" in the PL to move a 'guillotine' motion to limit discussion on the no-confidence motion they presented against the government.

"At least Muscat has recognised the immorality of the 1981 government," Gonzi told his audience in Gozo today, referring to the Labour government elected on a majority of seats but not with a majority of votes. "Muscat still defends those who were at the centre of that government, people like Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca who was Labour secretary-general at the time, Leo Brincat, George Vella, Karmenu Vella, and Alex Sceberras Trigona."

Gonzi laid into the Opposition leader's no-confidence motion, which the government won with the Speaker's casting vote after the abstention of Franco Debono, and blaimed Muscat of creating uncertainty in the country.

"There is no worse moment than now to hold early elections," Gonzi said, who accused Muscat of foisting uncertainty on the country with his call for elections.

"What uncertainty? Every student I speak to knows they will surely get their stipend at university under a Nationalist government. Are they certain they will get their stipends if Joseph Muscat is in government?

"I say this because Labour MEP Edward Scicluna, who is already being touted for finance minister, said in 2006 that university stipends were like the shipyards' subsidies, and that they should not be paid because they are unsustainable."

Gonzi also accused Labour of never having proposed their alternatives or any policies, saying their silence on policy was creating uncertainty. "I ask Muscat how can he guarantee that he will decrease the energy tariffs. Does he think he can control the international price of oil? Uncertainty comes from a political party that cannot gives us an answer to these questions."

The Prime Minister also insisted his government was not tied to the seat of power. "We're not like Labour back in the 1980s, who ran roughshod over the people's will... I want to tell everyone we are only tied to the trust the people put in us, which is why I have put my leadership to the vote of the party."

Lawrence Gonzi last Sunday opened his leadership to a contest in a bid to reconfirm his authority among the PN General Council's 850-odd members. He is expected to be uncontested. "I have given party councillors the liberty to pass judgement on me as party leader through a secret ballot."

Gozitan MPs who addressed Sunday's public dialogue like Frederick Azzopardi pledged their loyalty to Gonzi, saying they had supported the prime minister when he was elected party leader in 2004.

Echoing the prime minister, the newly-appointed justice minister Chris Said praised Gonzi for his record in job creation. Recent Eurostat data found Malta had the fifth-lowest unemployment rate among the EU's 27 member states.

Said also reiterated Gonzi's suspicions over the university stipend system, which had been reduced in 1997 by the Labour government, saying the number of Gozitan university students had increased and did not need to secure a bank loan to subsidise their university education. "They don't need to get a bank loan like Evarist Bartolo made them do back in 1997," Said said.

Said lambasted Joseph Muscat's comparison with the current Nationalist government with Labour's in 1981, saying it was only constitutional reforms in 1986 that had guaranteed a government is elected with the majority votes, rather than seats. "It had to be the sacrifices of people at Tal-Barrani and Raymond Caruana to lead to these constitutional reforms."

Gozo minister also pledged her loyalty to Gonzi: "How can we not reconfim you as our leader, Prime Minister... God willing, this country will have more prime ministers like you."

@jgalea- Miskin spiccajt wahdek tipprova tfahhar lil Gonzi. Kap skadut li qed jghix fid-disajnijiet!!! Illum mhux biza irridu nisimaw u elogji fuq il-kap bhal zmien Mintoff u Fenech Adami izda x'ser isir. Il-bambin fetah mohh il-Maltin sabiex lil PN inehhuh mill-Gvern!!!
"God willing, this country will have more prime ministers like you."ouch feel like throwing up.
Oh dear me! What kind of socialism is Dr Gonzi saying that will overrun Malta should Labour be elected? Reformist? Revolutionary? With all due respect to Joseph Muscat, I think the possibility of a socialist state under his leadership is as remote as it was under Mintoff. We now have a global economy and even Russia and China are not truly socialist. It is a pity that there are far too many lawyers than political scientists in govenment. One thing can be said for certainty, at least Muscat treats the electorate with respect, Gonzi on the otehr hand with disdain. Unless Malta wants to go the same way as Greece (and I do not believe it is that far off notwithstanding otehr claims), it should start taking some serious measures to curtail its expenditure. That is what responsible government is all about and has bugger all with socialism. The problem with GonziPN is that the country's wealth is being distributed among the few. That has to end. In the name of justice, a fair go or socialism if you want to go that way. This is the sort of political nonsense that has died out in civilised countriues.
One can compare the vote for the Great Leader later on this month as 'Hadd il-Palm'. The 'Holy Friday' of the Great Leader will come after the next general election.
It is true that in the long term student stipends are unsustainable unless once they graduate and are earning above a certain threshold students pay back through some fiscal measure the support given to them. Therefore ES as an economist simply expounded established economic principles. However as a politician within the PL ,as he has clearly stated, he understands fully the current dire position in which low wage earners and middle class families are finding themselves in. Without stipends most average earning families are not currently in a position to put their children through post secondary education. Unfortunately in these times of austerity and budget cuts it is the average and low earners who are bearing the brunt of government cuts. It is totally unfair and unwarranted to accuse the PL that it will reduce social easements and student support when it is in power . Indeed this is the party which has historically always created a raft of social support measures for the average earners. For the next legislature we trust the PL to provide a wider raft of social support benefits such as cuts in utility bills and help for students and pensioners. The modern electorate is much wiser and it is not going to be swayed by unfair scaremongering attempts to depict the PL as intent to cut down on benefits . Indeed I feel the majority of voters who are average earners have just the opposite feeling and show full trust in the social support the PL will provide.
Lawrence Covin
Ghogbitni l-battuta ta' Giovanna! Hliet iz-zmien. Likieku ghadhom zghar Gonzi u Giovanna forsi kienu joholqu xi tnejn. Oramai... Apparti c-cajt, dan li ghandu erba siggijiet rigal x'qieghed joffri, precizament? Xejn hlief garanzija li ma jahkimniex babaw li ilu mejjet 30 sena u li qed jirxuxtah hu! Government by default, jghidulu. Ghalija, ta' madwaru jafu li qed jigru wara wiehed li tilef l-ingranaggi, imma ma ghandomx hlief hekk x'jaghmlu. Xjah kmieni Gonzi.
Tkompli tikonvincini biex tigi meta tigi l-elezzjoni nivotta ghal-ewwel darba LABOUR. Dal-biza bil-babaw ikompli juri kemm int maqtuh mir-realta Sur Prim Ministru. Spicca iz-zmien tal-babaw il-poplu jaf jara u jagħzel. U x'estrmeisti qed isssemmi. Deborah Schembri, Manwel Mallia, Marisa Micallef, u nista nibqa sejjer. Mhux ta' b'xejn li il-polls qed juru b'mod car kristall li il-poplu idejjaq minn GonziPN!!!
Lies, Fear & Despair....GONzipn. Dr.GONzi can you stop lying about the stipends. Don't forget YOU decreased the stipends! Just to remind was the Labour party that started the stipends system.
Ma x'biza.halluna hsibtek se tiftahar x'ghamiltu f'ghawdex.tbezza in nies.
no wonder the labour party is ahead of the gonzipn by 13% and gonzi's credibility is on the decline in the same survey. who do gonzi think is taking for a ride but he will stop at nothing to hang on to power including lies and half truths.
Between the church and the political parties - Maltese are probably the nation that has been most lied to on this planet. These lies and deceit has been going on for centuries and since Independence it has gone completely out of control. The result of these false believes and lies forms a big part of the Maltese character and believe system. We live in the information age - yet the level of disconnect with the international reality is shocking when you talk to Maltese. I truly believe that for many people - they have been lied to for so long - they are now allergic to the truth. The future truly belongs to our children if they can throw away the shackles of ignorance. Teach your children to question everything and to take nothing for granted. Free them from the stupidity that is your heritage.
no wonder the labour party is ahead of the gonzipn by 13% and gonzi's credibility is on the decline in the same survey. who do gonzi think is taking for a ride but he will stop at nothing to hang on to power including lies and half truths.
il giddieb ta kull zmien . lawrence gonzi .
Why is gonzi shocked about that PL has old hands working within its structures . It was him who put the present speaker of the house who was embroiled in the bus ticketing scandal back in 1995/6 so much so that that said person was not re-elected in 1996 and 1998.
I guess it is not Franco Debono only who needs to heed the advice he was given in the media gonzi should do the same.
"What uncertainty? Every student I speak to knows they will surely get their stipend at university under a Nationalist government. Are they certain they will get their stipends if Joseph Muscat is in government?"............ how shamless can one get, have the SeaMalta employees surely kept their jobs under his government, have the AirMalta and the shipyards. Trying to impress the young will get you nowhere you are trying to woow those whom you refused to give a vote at sixteen but are good to vote at eighteen. Wiccu infurrat we say in maltese.
Dear Save Gozo, didn't you know that PN stands for Paroli si fatti No
The stipend system is unjustified to remain in place for ever! It will have to be scrapped! Just a point is that the rest of europe one has to pay to study at universities in that country. It does not make sense to pay students and university or other lecturers for courses that are of zero value to the local economy!! Our higher educational institutions have to be redesigned and improved. Another idea if the stipends are to be mantained is that students who find jobs will be forced to pay back for the stipends they took when studying. But why pick only on the students. The university is paying many lectures who do not even lecture!
ALl he talks about is 30 year old events and FEAR. Where are his guarantees to Airmalta, Maltacom, bus drivers and the hunting lobby???? AND the 25% tax max rate???
Ghal darb ohra ghanda gonzipn jigdeb sfaccatament.Dawk il persuni li semma, ghalkemm huma old labour kpllha kemm huma nies honesti li hadmu u ghadhom jahdmu ghal Malta.Iktar ma jghidu li il labour ghandu vantagg iktar qedin jitfaw il hmieg. Kemm insejt malajr sur gonzipm il weghdi li ghamilt u mort kontra taghhom..Halliena Man..mela ghawn xi hadd li ser jibqa jemmnek.Ciao man
deally Gonzi should resign from post as a PN Leader, even Paul Borg Oliver should resign (he has been the worst general secretary in the PN history, i dont know how he got elected, i never saw not even good as a Mayor for Valletta, he does not have the capabilities for the job, I hope he resign before the election)...the pn have never had been in this mess before...I agree in what Franco has said in the Parlament that certain people have to go or to be changed. Why all the good PN people are leaving the PN?...something is wrong and I hope that it will be solved and the people that are harming the party should resign but I doubt if they resign...if they resign it will be good for the party... The person that I would like to take the post is Joe Borg (the ex EU Commissioner), I think he will do good as a PN and Malta, because he had done a very well as a EU Commissioner...If he comes forward, it will be good at the moment... The way Gonzi informed the Joe Borg as he’s not going to be anymore as EU Commissioner wasn’t nice seems that he has no respect to high profile people, I dont think it is way to inform the person that he will not serving the post anymore... How Gonzi can respect the normal people... Mr. Gonzi please make way for other honest people to serve instead of you...
Pathetic. Retards sucking up to morons. The culture of incompetence lives on. If Gonzi gave a toss about democracy, he would not stand for a third term and in fact champion the enactment of this rule in the constitution - rather then champion changing our constitution to turn Malta into the whore house of the american navy. Also on the subject of democracy - did not gonzi simply take the government over from Eddie, a week after election - does that sound like someone who could give a shit about democracy? And what about this mandate for his second term - with some 1,000 votes? Bear in mind that you have canvassers taking note of everyone who turned up to vote and they have a spy in each street and in each class room from six form upwards. A friend of mine decided to change his mind on election day and go and vote after he received pressure from PN canvassers regarding what might happen to his brother job if he did not vote. This is the light in which a mandate of 1000 votes should be seen.
And the Oscar goes to Dr Gonzi in 'Delirious Illusions'.
All PN candidates expressed their loyalty to their leader Kim El Supremo...I think their script writers should read some books as they can come up always with the same rhetoric...bla bla 1980's....bla bla stipends....bla bla Joseph Muscat u l-poter....bla bla...mexxej wiehed jiena biss GonziPN...bla bla...nerfa' r-responsabilita fuq spalti (dan se jsir body builder mhux se jibqa' PM)...Viva l-Karnival...f'Ghawdex beda kmieni...bla bla bla.
The ex-President of the Azzjoni Kattolika, who, like his predecessor and most of his party colleagues, never misses an occasion to be seen going up to receive the Holy Communion, will, again like his predecessor, resort to all type of lies and half-truths if it means garnering a few votes in the coming election. But that's what Christian Democrats are made of - they're the worst kind of christian hypocrites around.
Ideally Gonzi should resign from post as a PN Leader, even Paul Borg Oliver should resign (he has been the worst general secretary in the PN history, i dont know how he got elected, i never saw not even good as a Mayor for Valletta, he does not have the capabilities for the job, I hope he resign before the election)...the pn have never had been in this mess before...I agree in what Franco has said in the Parlament that certain people have to go or to be changed. Why all the good PN people are leaving the PN?...something is wrong and I hope that it will be solved and the people that are harming the party should resign but I doubt if they resign...if they resign it will be good for the party... The person that I would like to take the post is Joe Borg (the ex EU Commissioner), I think he will do good as a PN and Malta, because he had done a very well as a EU Commissioner...If he comes forward, it will be good at the moment... The way Gonzi informed the Joe Borg as he’s not going to be anymore as EU Commissioner wasn’t nice seems that he has no respect to high profile people, I dont think it is way to inform the person that he will not serving the post anymore... How Gonzi can respect the normal people... Mr. Gonzi, please make way for other people to serve instead of you...
Ideally Gonzi should resign from post as a PN Leader, even Paul Borg Oliver should resign (he has been the worst general secretary in the PN history, i dont know how he got elected, i never saw not even good as a Mayor for Valletta, he does not have the capabilities for the job, I hope he resign before the election)...the pn have never had been in this mess before...I agree in what Franco has said in the Parlament that certain people have to go or to be changed. Why all the good PN people are leaving the PN?...something is wrong and I hope that it will be solved and the people that are harming the party should resign but I doubt if they resign...if they resign it will be good for the party... The person that I would like to take the post is Joe Borg (the ex EU Commissioner), I think he will do good as a PN and Malta, because he had done a very well as a EU Commissioner...If he comes forward, it will be good at the moment... The way Gonzi informed the Joe Borg as he’s not going to be anymore as EU Commissioner wasn’t nice seems that he has no respect to high profile people, I dont think it is way to inform the person that he will not serving the post anymore... How Gonzi can respect the normal people... Mr. Gonzi, please make way for other people to serve instead of you...
Edie Fenech Adami kien GIDEB fuq Alfred Sant lejliet l-elezzjoni. Inti qed tigdeb fuq Joseph Muscat lejliet elezzjoni oħra. Din hija l-karatteristika tal-mexxejja moderni tal-PN.
Have you come to Gozo to tell us how much work we got ?? We need work Dr Gonzi not paroli biss
Reading this makes me sad. Eddie Fenech Adami for long time had a minister from Borg Olivier time and we were hooked with a clique of minister till they were appointed Presidents.Dr Gonzi still had ministers who served the country much longer than Sciberras Trigona, Vella and Karmenu. Marie Louise was not a minister. So to who shall we vote to Tonio Fenech, puliccino, giovanna, Austin, Dolores, CarmMB, Tonio borg ? these clique are all outdated and they made gross mistakes running their Ministries. The leader of the PN is still hooked in the past, so much so that he promised us new faces and we still with the old ones.Give us a life Dr Gonzi.
Prosit dear Dr. Gonzi. Ahna lilek ghandna bzonn. Is sur Muscat huwa bniedem perikoluz. Kull min ghandu ideat estremisti f Malta, jinsab jimmilita mieghu. Bambin ifthilom mohhom. Ghinom jikkonvertu, u jinghaqdu mal PN taghna :)
How many times should one repeat a lie for it to be believed? You can only wish to have among you politicians like Karmenu Vella, Marie Louise Coliero and Edward Scicluna! Dream on baby.....who knows, may be in for a surprise even from Gozo....!!
Il-PL diga qal li stipendji mhux ser jintmissu u ghalhekk diga esprima li huma u se jibqghu iggarantiti. Ghalhekk ma taghmilx sens dak li qed jghid il-Prim Ministru dwar garanziji u mhux garanziji. Taf xi jmissu qal il-Prim Ministru li hu ta diversi garanziji lill diversi persuni f'diversi setturi li kollha gew miksura . Partit u prim Ministru li jinqdew bis-sentimenti tan-nies biex jizirghu il-biza .
Zack Depasquale
Is this guy for real? Whatever Dr Gonzi tries to blame the opposition with, the fact still remains that he has a problem with his majority in Parliament from one of his backbenchers who is fed up with GonziPN tactics. Dr Gonzi has to bend over backwards to accomodate this backbencher otherwise bye bye seat of power with all its perks. All this scarmongering on the opposition will impress no one except the few who gather to hear his ramblings every Sunday morning.
anna calleja
Quote: "Gozitan MPs who addressed Sunday's public dialogue like Frederick Azzopardi pledged their loyalty to Gonzi, saying they had supported the prime minister when he was elected party leader in 2004." I bet the newly elected Minister Dr. Chris Said did not make a similar statement. Dr. Chris Said was the person who spearheaded Mr. Dalli's bid for the PN leadership in Gozo. And he did it in an aggressive manner, belittleing Gonzi in no uncertain manner like Edwin Vassallo did. Who can forget Edwin Vassallo being sarcastic on Xarabang back in 2004, with regards to Gonzi's expectations of becoming the PN leader. No wonder Dr. Franco Debono feels cheated by GonziPN.
Now that we are about to amend the Constitution in order to ensure the Nation's economic health, should we not also include an article which ensures the mental health of the Great Leader of our country? Would it not be a great tragedy for Malta if it ends up being led by delusional madmen? Say a test every three years?
'God willing, this country will have more prime ministers like you'That really is extreme, I mean how can one defend a Prime Minister who listens to what the clique says; not to mention the evil hand that feeds GonziPN?
'God willing, this country will have more prime ministers like you'That really is extreme, I mean how can one defend a Prime Minister who listens to what the clique says; not to mention the evil hand that feeds GonziPN?
Dr. Gonzi, people judge you by what you say AND by what you do. Saying one thing and doing another is synonymous to the unstable track record that this government has shown over the years. Who can believe what you say if the minute you say it, you change your mind and do something else? The question people out there are asking, and have been asking for many months now is, where do we stand with GonziPN? By continuously trying to belittle the PL and Dr.Muscat and avoiding to answer the real questions and problems afflicting this country you continue to bury your head in the sand.
Well, what do you expect. First in Marsaxlokk PM called to stop rabble rousing. Now the Dear Leader is inventing a body of lies, his speciality for him and his cronies. Of course there is always a lapsus. Perhaps he ought to remind his PN supporters as what was he cooking on the eve of 1987.... Gonzi mhux ta min jafdah Long live the theocracy! God willing, if there is indded one, we will get rid of the Partit Negattiv.
Anton Portelli
yes i believe you........ when i get a real tax reduction as promised .... and not when the pittance reduction was offset by increases in the NI
Jigifieri regghet bdiet l-orgja ta' gideb li gonzipn kien, ghadu u jibqa' imsemmi ghaliha !!!! Mhux bizzejjed il-gideb li kiteb fl-ittri lill-haddiema tal-air malta, tat-tarzna u tat-trasport qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni? mhux bizzejjed il-gideb li kiteb lill-kaccaturi zmien ilu? Dan ir-ragel jahseb li se jitwemmen meta ghandu karriera ta' gideb tigri warajh? Ahjar imur jaghmel tellieqa wahdu ghax hekk biss jirbah !!! Tajba din - issa ta biex jilghab wahdu wara li franco gabu fixxa !!!!
Am I wrong to say that the PM is going to be the first and the last in this race? Should the country be hostage becauce of an internal problem in a political party? Should we change our costitution that an MP cannot abstain? Then we do need the speaker's vote (after all is not elected by the people) PS to all polition "Its the people who are suffering no more no less! Lets go for an election!!
Hon Dr Gonzi, I lived the 80s and am living proof that people like Marie-louise coleiro, karmenu vella, george vella, leo brincat and yes alex sciberras trigona have a conscience. you may not agree with the modus operandi of alex but when he was foreign minister he worked hard to bring investment to Malta. The members of the foreign ministry were not, unlike today, chosen for their political beliefs but for their professionalism. Today we have Directors who failed a public exam but were appointed bec their family is a constituency of the incumbent Minister. Need I say more.
I cannot believe my eyes. If there is someone not qualified to speak about morality it is the Gonzi family. Have they forgotten the pain that the PM uncle caused those families that had family members buried in a dump site (mizbla). Has Dr Gonzi forgotten the divide his uncle caused across the nation. Shame, shame and more shame.
is this guy suffering from stress-related dementia?? He quotes the Economist Scicluna- note the Economist not the politician, and extrapolates his comments to that of a whole Political party. How about Gonzi explainging HIS comments as a politician and not as a lawyer, when he promised the drydock and airmalta employees that their jobs were guaranteed for life or when he told all of us that he will reduce our taxes. With his own reasoning GONZI IS THE MOST UNTRUSTWORTHY OF ALL!!! Give us all a break from your verbal diarrhoea