Prime Minister has no moral authority on spending cuts - Labour

Labour MP Helena Dalli says Lawrence Gonzi asking civil servants to cut €40 million from his 'optimistic' budget.

Malta Enterprise chairman Alan Camilleri and finance minister Tonio Fenech: Helena Dalli said ME was given a free hand in spending close to €4 million on their temporary premises.
Malta Enterprise chairman Alan Camilleri and finance minister Tonio Fenech: Helena Dalli said ME was given a free hand in spending close to €4 million on their temporary premises.

The Prime Minister is asking the heads of the civil service to recommend cuts in budgetary spending to reduce €40 million of this year's projected government expenditure, Labour MP Helena Dalli said today.

The cuts are part of an agreement with the European Commission to intensify Malta's deficit-reduction programme.

Dalli said Lawrence Gonzi had asked civil servants to cut down on their budgets, when the 2012 Budget last October had been "too optimistic an exercise" to keep Malta's debt and deficit-reduction programme on track.

"The prime minister does not have the moral authority to ask his civil servant heads to cut down spending, because he is not leading by example.

"Many of the heads of public authorities are people he himself appointed, whether on the strength of their abilities or their partisan preference. Now, after reaping the popularity of his budgetary measures, he is going back to the civil service and telling them to cut back their programmes and initiatives," Dalli said.

The Labour MP was lacking in practical examples of how a Labour government would go about cutting €40 million in spending.

But she said the government had given a carte blanche to public authorities and corporations to rent out private office space at great expense. She listed as an example the €3.87 million refurbishment of the former Institute of Healthcare for the temporary relocation of Malta Enterprise, the government's investment arm.

"Government is always giving these authorities a free hand to spend millions," Dalli said. "Now it's a bit late in the day for the Prime Minister to put the onus of spending cuts on these people."

Dalli also complained that government was not being honest in indicating exactly where cuts in budgetary spending will be taking place.

"If government is not honest and does not show its cards, how can we suggest practical examples? It will be a different picture once we are in government. One of our proposals would certainly be not to give ministers a salary increase, especially when we are in this financial situation."

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced his ministers would be forfeiting their parliamentary honoraria as part of the €40 million in budgetary cuts on 6 January, when announcing a cabinet reshuffle.

The 0.59% cut in government spending, after  European Commissioner Olli Rehn informed the Maltese government on 11 November - three days before the last Budget - that Malta will have to meet its target for a deficit that is lower than 3% of gross domestic product.

The finance ministry said the budgetary cuts will comprise of reducing €6.85 million in new recruitment; €2.75 million in overtime; €4.68 million in operations and maintenance; and a massive €14 million in programmes and initiatives and €11.4 million taken away from public sector entities.

Labour MEP Edward Scicluna has said government will have to wipe off as many as 500 jobs in a recruitment freeze to save millions in spending on the European Commission's orders: "The first lever the government suggested is a sort of freeze on recruitment and on overtime. I reckon some 400 to 500 jobs need to be wiped off the government sector and the suppression of 400,000 hours or so."

Can you please explain how 4 milion euros were spent on a temporary premises.I cannot believe this when we are being told to accept budget cuts and they do whatever they want .Lead by example Mr Fenech
" The Labour MP was lacking in practical examples of how a Labour Government would go about cutting the 40 million in spending..." Really ? You report tis, and then you mention that one thing Labour would not be doing is letting organizations like Malta Enterprise spend millions in new offices. You could have mentioned also that Labour would never accept that MCCAA Chairman rents new offices for 318,000 euri p.a. when so many Government office blocks are empty and unused. Neither it will allow Chairpersons to romp abroad almost all the year round. Isn't this a practical example on how to cut down on spending. What's more, I heard a report of Dr Dalli's Press Conference on another medium and it was reported that sehe maintained a Labour Government would not build a new Parliament when there are so many government buildings. She also said that Labour would not squander millions on a bridge to nowhere. She also said that Labour, unlike this Government, would heed the Auditor General's report when it points to wastage within the public administration as this is the people's money.
Another way to cut down on expenses the government should stop paying Austin Gatt who is spending more time at the Dar Centrali instead of his office.
"The Labour MP was lacking in practical examples of how a Labour government would go about cutting €40 million in spending" ......... Does Malta today have proof readers, this sentence should have read "The Labour MP was NOT lacking in practical examples of how a Labour government would go about cutting €40 million in spending"....... this is what serious reporting is all about please rectify mistake as it gives the wrong impression.
L-ewwel u qabel kollox il-Gvern irid jaqta minnufih il-performance bonuses, il-karozzi + il-petrol, l-mobile u telephone b'xejn li qed jaghti li dawk id-Diretturi u mpjegati ohra li hemm mal-Gvern ghax dawk qed johduhom ta' xejn ghax ix-xoghol isir minn ta' tahthom ibda mill-izghar skrivan. It-tieni, hawn qabda mpjegati mal-gvern li jahdmu f'dipartimenti li tarahom bil-karozza/van/trakk issuplixxut mill-Gvern, (dawn generalment ikunu mikruja ghax hekk il-moda ma dan il-Gvern li jgawdu tal-klikka), dawn tarahom kulljum il-hin kollu jekk hu b'inhar jew bil-lejl, Sibt u Hadd dejjem jigru bihom u juzawhom ghal kollox ghax anka n-nisa taghhom tarahom ghaddejin bihom. Hemm il-hela u nahseb li jekk jaqta dawk biss igib il-€40 miljun. Barra minn hekk hemm ruxxmata(mhix zghira) ta' mpjegati mal-Gvern li jmorru jiffirmaw/jippancjaw fis-7:30 u jitilqu lura lejn id-dar u jmorru jaghmlu l-part time u mbaghad fil-5:00 jergghu jmorru jiffirmaw u meta jkunu jridu joqghodu bil-fors ghax ikun hemm il-bzonn li joqghodu xoghol bil-fors ikunu jridu t-time in lieu. Hemm anke min imur jahdem mal-kuntrattur li jkun qieghed jahdem xi offerta minn tal-Gvern u naf x'qed nghid. Abbuzi, abbuz u abbuzi u dan ta' fuq jafuh imma ghal xi raguni ma jridux jiehdu azzjoni u issa la riesqa l-elezzjoni nahseb iktar u iktar ma jaghtux kaz ghax hemm dik il-bicca karta li nghidulha l-VOT. Qum minn hemm Sur Gvern u Sur Ministru tal-Finanzi ghax reqdin wahda nobis qiskom bil-loppju.