Labour pledges closure of Marsa Power Station

Government’s role is crucial if local councils want to work in favour of the residents, says Labour leader Joseph Muscat.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat visits Marsa
Labour leader Joseph Muscat visits Marsa

The Labour Party has pledged to close the Marsa Power Station if elected in government.

"Our priority will be the closure of the power station," Muscat said, as he visited Marsa as part of the PL's local councils election campaign.

Muscat said that a Labour government's main priority for Marsa would be solving the sewage problem, which mostly affects Triq is-Sajjieda. "It is not a suitable environment for people to live in," he said.

He added that it was important for central government to compliment works carried out by local councils. "Projects must combine the positive work which local councils do," Muscat said. 

In a run-up for the general elections, Muscat said that a Labour government would guarantee jobs to the workers of Enemalta. "GonziPN cannot do this and will treat you in the same way he treated Drydocks workers, the former public transport drivers and workers at Air Malta."

Muscat hailed the works carried out by the Labour-led Marsa local council, including the administrative building of the council which will host a library and other services for the community.

Marsa mayor Frans Debono said that the biggest inconvenience for the Marsa residents are environmental problems, especially the pollution emanating from the power station and the sewage overflow.

Debono added that the increased environmental problems in Marsa are leading residents to leave the locality and will continue insisting with government and the respective stakeholders to keep their promises.

Among other projects, the Marsa local council has just finished a football pitch.


@ Briffy I remember quite well Eddie Fenech Adami, more than 20 years ago promising us that once the dellimara power plant will be up and running the Marsa power plant will be decommissioned,to date it is still running my friend.
Luke Camilleri
Is the Marsa Power station still open? Wasn't it supposed to have closed down already, was an electoral promise in the 1987 P.N. Electoral Manifesto! Ane when will the Delimara Power Station be paid , records are still showing that it's still unpaid for after 10 years of nationalist Administrations..... whilst embarking on an extention- GONZI's gift to guture Maltese generations?
@ briffy@maltanet- It was scheduled to be closed ages ago briffy. But still polutting our air!!!!
The Marsa Power Station is scheduled to be closed as soon as the Delimara extension plant is on stream.. So what's new here?