Protest against ACTA on Saturday

Political parties and civil society organisations to protest against controversial anti-counterfeiting treaty signed by government.

Demonstrators will protest the government's support of ACTA on Saturday.
Demonstrators will protest the government's support of ACTA on Saturday.

The Malta Anti-ACTA Group (MAAG) has announced a public protest for Saturday 11 February at 11am in Valletta, organised by various civil society organisations and political parties.

"The ACTA Treaty has been negotiated behind closed doors without engaging public debate and has suffered from numerous problems of transparency.  This treaty establishes a committee which operates outside the normal framework of the World Trade Organisation and which has powers to amend the treaty itself in a way which potentially circumvents the normal democratic process," spokesperson Reuben Zammit said.

"MAAG is urging the public to attend the protest on Saturday to express its concern regarding a treaty which poses a threat to democratic processes, right to privacy, freedom of expression and medicinal distribution."

Zammit said MAAG was worried ACTA would result in disproportionate actions against intellectual property rights infringement becoming the norm.  "The ambiguous nature of the treaty also makes the measures introduced for protecting intellectual property rights liable to abuse."

"In particular, the implementation of these measures can have a detrimental effect on the rights to privacy of individuals, forcing ISPs to reveal personal information about alleged infringers.  The treaty also paves the way for courts to consider ordering compensation for infringements consisting of amounts based on questionable criteria defined arbitrarily by rights holders themselves."

Organisations such as the Malta Linux User Group, Moviment Graffitti, Front Kontra ċ-Censura, Kunsill Studenti Junior College, Malta Alliance for Freedom, Malta Humanist Asociation, ir-Realtá Collective, MOVE Progressive Students, Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagh, Forum Żgħażagħ Laburisti and Pulse, support and will be attending the demonstration.

Zammit also saijd ACTA's ambiguous language puts generic medicine at the risk of being targeted unjustly as a counterfeit product. " This is further aggravated by the border control provisions in the treaty, which would also allow for the interruption of the transit of these medicines between two non-signatory countries whenever they pass through a signatory country."

The finance ministry has insisted that ACTA - the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement signed by the Maltese government as part of the EU bloc - will "not censor websites and has nothing to do with how individual citizens use the internet."

The ministry was reacting to comments in the media regarding the signing of the ACTA in Japan in 26 January.

Labour MP and spokesperson on consumer rights Michael Farrugia said ACTA was not negotiated at an inclusive multilateral forum, such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) or the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO. "ACTA is intended to go beyond former agreements and the signed version of the ACTA contains words which are not clear and could be misconstrued to encompass various things," Farrugia said.

Alternattiva Demokratika said the agreement will target internet distribution and prosecute people for sharing news links or posting videos on YouTube.

"The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) was created with the aim of establishing international standards on intellectual property rights enforcement, yet will deal with tools targeting internet distribution and information technology, meaning people could be prosecuted for merely sharing a link to a newspaper article or posting a video on YouTube," AD spokesperson for IT and communications Henrik Piski said.

@skaldazghira: hekk kif zort is-sit ikkonfermajt, ghal-darb'ohra il-medjokrita' tas-CNI...ghadhom qed jippromwovi pozizzjoni kontra s-shubija fl-Unjoni Ewropea....xi haga li sa fejn naf jien hawn konsensus nazzjonali...inklus dejjem tad-dahk kienu l-argumenti taghhom....ara Dr. Joseph Muscat kemm kiber wara esperjenza bhal dik fi Brussel!!!
Ok, then its time I show my self. Well this post goes to all people here, especially those people having a good knowledge about social politics. I will say this once only!!! People fighting "Acta" is not going to work, simply because "Acta" is a treaty paper, meaning its just a paper stating rules. The problem is not Acta its self but its effects and its cause. Let me put it simple for you guys, its like joining a group of people, were its members have to abide by its rules!!! The problem would be if one person or few people decide for the majority. Remember our country is suppose to be democratic, meaning ruled by the force of citizens and not by the force of few people. our constitutional law states that the present governor has the power to decide and take actions in our name so his act is not of a treason, yet when analysing the prospectus of all one can immediately see that this act does not effect only the few people but effect others and yes in a direct way. Think well people the shout should not be against the rules of a group "Acta" but the lackness of respect that our governor has shown to his country. ethically this governor has betrayed us all, mind you not only Gonzi PN its also about the Labour party, because they should have done something before rather then acting after to grasp the throne of power!! The shout of this protest has to be against the phew people that are in power! The shout of this protest has to force our governor to answer WHY! The shout of this protest has to be resolved also in court! Shout in peace and obviously legally!! Act in strong idea and in peace!! ITS TIME TO GET THESE POWER SUCKERS TO A LEGAL STOP SGIN!! LET US REUNITE AND TAKE BACK OUR TRUE VALUE OF DEMOCRACY!! WE ARE MALTESE AND WE TAKE NO SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! FORCE THIS GOVERNOR TO ANSWER WHY HE DID THIS ACT OF TREASON IN A MORAL WAY. R.A
I don't think that the EU of today is what we voted for. Today we have Merkel and Sakorsky who are trying to dominate Europe. Of course Sakorsky is just hanging by a thread because of the huge risks French Banks face. Only Cameron of the UK had the guts to stand up to Merkel and her other cronies in Brussels.
ZeppiZammit nahseb li inti m'ghandekx l-icken idea tal-UE. Nahseb li taghmel tajjeb jekk tmur taqra ftit fuq l-izvilupi ta' l-UE u tara ftit x'kien minn dejjem il-hsieb ta' dawk li waqqfuha. Mur aqra ftit u tghallem.
ZeppiZammit nahseb li inti m'ghandekx l-icken idea tal-UE. Nahseb li taghmel tajjeb jekk tmur taqra ftit fuq l-izvilupi ta' l-UE u tara ftit x'kien minn dejjem il-hsieb ta' dawk li waqqfuha. Mur aqra ftit u tghallem.
Why do we need a Goverment when all our laws are made in brussels
@ Eddy Privitera: MA TIFLAHX TKUN AKTAR VOJT U BANALI...BHAL MA DEJJEM KONT META KONT KONTRA S-SHUBIJA....META QED TGID LI "ma kienux qalu lill-popli tal-ewwel 6 pajjizi..." JEW LI L-UE "det is-sovranita tal-popli kollha tal-istati membri." M'GHANDEKX IDEA FUQ XIEX QED TITKELLEM...BHAL KULL META TKELLIMT KONTRA L-UE
L-Unjoni Ewropea tghatina l-isbah ezempju. Bdiet bhala organizazzjoni ekonomika biss ( European Economic Community - EEC ). Apposta ma kienux qalu lill-popli tal-ewwel 6 pajjizi membri x'kellhom f'mohhom ! Araw illum fhiex waslet l-UE - Istituzzjoni li hadet is-sovranita tal-popli kollha tal-istati membri. Illum lanqas il-Budget m'ghadhom jistghu jaghmlu minghajr il-permess tal-Allat li hemm fil-Kummissjoni Ewropea ! Hekk jigri wkoll jekk ACTA tidhol fis-sehh minkejja kull paraventu li jippruvaw jaghmlu biex jaljenaw lill-popli!Eddy Privitera
The finance ministry has insisted that ACTA - the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement signed by the Maltese government as part of the EU bloc - will "not censor websites and has nothing to do with how individual citizens use the internet." is this like what the PN told us before we joined the EU that hunting and bird trapping will not be removed.