Sant describes government as 'euro-fanatic'

Former Labour leader and Prime Minister, Alfred Sant says government is "euro-fanatic" and dubs EU amendment bill "suspicious".

Former Labour leader Alfred Sant slammed government for not briefing Parliament on EU matters.
Former Labour leader Alfred Sant slammed government for not briefing Parliament on EU matters.

During this evening's parliamentary sitting, the House discussed the European Union Amendment Bill. Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg said the bill is being amended on the advice of the Attorney General in order to ensure that all EU treaties and amendments are properly scrutinised and ratified by Parliament.

Former Prime Minister, Alfred Sant said the bill is "suspicious" and "legally shaky" as the Lisbon Treaty was ratified by Parliament without these amendments and the real problem lies with the lack of scrutiny of EU agreements in Parliament.

Sant refuted accusations of being a euro-sceptic levelled at him by government and labelled his critics as "euro-fanatics".

Sant blamed the lack of scrutiny on a lack of resources, a lack of recognition to MPs and stonewalling on behalf of government. "In contrast with other European parliaments, the Maltese Parliament is under briefed or not briefed at all on European matters."

In his explanation of the bill, Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg said "A lacuna was created unintentionally because the original act was introduced before the 2009 Lisbon Treaty which changed the method of amendment of treaties. The amendment to the original act is needed to make sure the entrenchment of EU laws to Maltese law is done properly".

"The bill will demand Parliament to debate and vote on any changes to EU treaties at committee and plenary levels unless Parliament decides to forgo this process," Borg said.

Borg explained that the bill will pave the way for the implementation of agreements such as the stability pact, the golden rule and ACTA.

The debate on the bill will be resumed on Monday, since tomorrow's parliamentary session was cancelled to enable MPs to attend the ordination of Prospero Grech as bishop at St John's Co-Cathedral. At the end of the sitting Labour's deputy leader Anglu Farrugia addressed Parliament and held an eulogy for Grech, who will be appointed as cardinal in the coming days. 

ghad jigi zmien meta tal labour jibdew jghidu li dhalna fl ewropa bis sahha taghhom............. ghidlu lil fredu sant.
tarxieniz1 there are a lot of Maltese citizens against EU membership, a lot more than when the referendum was held. If the EU and the PN were honest and democratic they would hold another referendum to see whether the people still want to be part of the EU colonialist dictatorship. Anyway, the EU is not going to last that long and we shall soon be freed from its colonialist dictatorship.
"Euro fanaticss" is too mild an adjective to describe gonzipn. I have a couple of adjectives myself but believe too graphic to be published so I'll stick to "Brown nosed lackeys"
There is a difference between striving to be a part of a team and make most of the team efforts (PL) and a groupie like gonzipn are,being there for the ride and available as a diversion when called for.
"Euro fanatics" is too mild an adjective more likely "euro A**-kissers", "Euro-Brown nosed lackeys" "Euro Goblins"
Nahseb iktar milli fanatici huma laghaqa
Nahseb iktar milli fanatici huma laghaqa
Government should not only preach transparency but should act on a transparent basis. The dealings in Brussels on behalf of each and every Maltese are massive and Government hides what is happening to the local media and the public in general, except when there is something positive to sell. This is an arrogant way of running a government as treating everybody as a non entity does not fly at this day and age. Why did we become EU members? Each year there is at least three ministerial meetings for each ministry. In each meeting issues on a long agenda are adopted. All these decisions have an influence on the way we live. Take ACTA, which is simply one example. Government should publish the minutes of each meeting on the internet as soon as these meetings end, so that the general public could take a position and express his views. That is what I call a transparent democracy.
Dr. Alfred Sant is 100% correct when he described GonziPN as being " euro-fanatics". I remind readers of the time when an ex-PN minister and later EU Commissioner, Dr. Joe Borg, had said that for Malta to join the EU they were ready to go on their knees to Brusells ! Eddy Privitera
Dr. Alfred Sant is 100% correct when he described GonziPN as being " euro-fanatics". I remind readers of the time when an ex-PN minister and later EU Commissioner, Dr. Joe Borg, had said that for Malta to join the EU they were ready to go on their knees to Brusells ! Eddy Privitera
Maureen Attard
And Sant is an anti euro fanatic.