GRTU president, ‘Economic uncertainty down to MP’s rebellion’

Paul Abela says government has to go for election only in 2013.

GRTU President Paul Abela - government must stay on till 2013.
GRTU President Paul Abela - government must stay on till 2013.

The Chamber of SMEs' (GRTU) president Paul Abela has made a call to political leaders not to go for early elections, and for the government to solve its political instability inside its own party.

Abela, who made his intervention at a Times debate between the Prime Minister and the Opposition leader, said businesses demanded a climate of certainty, and "condemned" those who created uncertainty and instability.

"We expect that when an election is planned, it takes place in its own time and nobody in parliament should invent something to create uncertainty. We insist the parties have to solve their internal disagreements between themselves, and not confuse people," Abela said, in a reference to Lawrence Gonzi's threatened one-seat majority.

Abela also claimed Malta was being "ridiculed" - according to reports from his colleagues in the EU seat of Brussels - while other countries were facing greater problems that had caused instability.

"They have greater problems than Malta, where we don't have big economic problems but we are still suffering from economic uncertainty due to the rebellion of one MP."

Abela said the GRTU wanted government and oppositon to agree on a legislative plan until the country goes to the polls in 2013. "MPs must not be encouraged, whoever is in power, to blackmail the government. Businesses want that a government with majority of votes to govern for its entire legislature... the Cabinet may change and laws may not be passed, but a government's stabiity must not be threatend."

Paul Abela is a known PN diehard . He would have played a very different tune if in Govt it was the PL facing the same problems. Due to him and his friend Vince Farugia are the cause of dwindling membership in the GRTU because business people do not want to belong to poltical parties hiding behind associations - like the PN is doing behind the GRTU. Like lackeys like him, he thinks the probelm is franco debono. He refuses to see that the problem is Gonzi and his cronies who are being seen as hjijackers of the country. Evidently Paul Abela is pleased with the status quo until 2013.
Mr Abela and Co knows that we are in a country that we have uncertainly and instability right now,but the clique denie it.Is it for some of the supposed neutral unions that rapresent supposed the citizens from different sectors to have the same party in gov till and even after 2013?
Jidher komdu l-boy.
Who's this Paul Abela? Well, you can say what you want, since maybe your are comfortable in your seat, but we, many, many Maltese citizens, want otherwise that you wish. If there'll be the possibility, early elections will be the best thing to happen in Malta in recent times. We respect your point of view, but you have to respect ours too!! it seems that most of you who relly pumped for Malta to join the EU, are so sacred of political instability! Maybe you don't know that it's something common to have MPs from the party in government to criticse openly their Prime Minister in the EU! We voted for the EU to bring ALL the changes along, like divorce and many other important civil rights! And remember that you always get what you asks for!!!!!!
Who's this Paul Abela? Well, you can say waht you want, since maybe your are comfortable in your seat, but we, many, many Maltese citizens, want otherwise that you wish. If there'll be the possibility, early elections will be the best thing to happen in Malta in recent times. We respect your point of view, but you have to respect ours too!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Was Abela presenting the views of the small businesses or of the Nationalist Party?
Does GRTU have ANY credibility left at all?
Nixtieq nistaqsi li Sur Abela jekk kienx tal l istess opinjoni fi zmien Dr.Alfred Sant. Dak iz zmien lanqas fetah halqu s sur Abela. Wara kollox il krizi fil gvern ma gabiex Dr Debono imma l inefficjenza u arroganza ta GonziPn. Wara kollox qieghed jissorprendini s sur Abela kif bhala president tal GRTU ma semma xejn fuq il kontijiet esagirati ta dawl u ilma u l burokrazija li ihabbtu maghhom il membri tal grtu.Nahseb l sur Abela kollox blue jara
Zack Depasquale
If there was any doubt that the GRTU has become a branch of Gonzi, today's statement by Mr Abela confirmed this.
Dan Paul Abela kien johrog ghal Kunsill tar-Rabat mighalija taht il bandiera tal-Pn, il GRTU kemm il President u kemm is sgretarju Vince Farrugia huma Nazzjonalisti ferventi u mhumiex jirraprezentaw il membrui kolla ghax hemm hafna mebri fil GRTU li mhumiex nazzjonalisti, saret kazin tan-nazzjonalisti imma l-membri mhumiex kuntenti bli jinghad min President li jhares lejn bandiera wahda u lejali lejn il Partit nazzjonalista bil hmerijiet li jghid, go pajjizi demokratici bhal l-Ewropa jitkazaw binha meta m'hawnx demokrazija imma Oligarkija u meta il-Gvern mghandux maggoranza u ghada jigverna, fkull pajjiz fl-Unjoni Ewropeja mal-ewwel isiru elezjonijiet allura Sur Abela ghalaq halqek ghax qieghed taqa ghaz zuffjett.