Parliamentary report suggests setting up of Paceville town centre management

The parliamentary Social Affairs Committee report on Paceville suggests the setting up of an executive committee to manage the entertainment mecca.

The report calls for more CCTV cameras to be installed in Paceville.
The report calls for more CCTV cameras to be installed in Paceville.

The parliamentary Social Affairs Committee has published a report for public consultation on security and public order in Paceville. The report forwards a number of suggestions which resulted from a consultation process held with entities and residents connected to Paceville.

The most notable suggestion is about the day-to-day management of Paceville, which the report says should be handled by an executive committee headed by the Mayor of St Julians. The report adds that the committee should be given the necessary resources to operate effectively and should also include stakeholders from the private and public sector.

The report also includes a suggestion to have a police station or sub-station in the centre of Paceville . The proposal was forwarded by the St Julian's Local Council. The report says that the GRTU expressed its concern about keeping troublemakers in a police station in Paceville as this could create more trouble.

The report also calls for closer collaboration between the police and the entertainment sector, including bouncers. Police also suggested that a contingency plan for Paceville should be in place to make sure all involved parties are trained and prepared for the eventuality of an incident.

The report suggests a revision of penalties when public order laws are broken and the police forces should be given greater resources to maintain order. The report calls for more CCTV cameras should be installed in the streets to help the police in crime prevention and the identification of perpetuators.

The Millenium Chapel has offered to host a clinic on its premises. The local council and the GRTU also called for the deployment of an ambulance and a doctor in Paceville.

The report calls for information campaigns on alcohol use and foreign language students should be handed leaflets on general behaviour. The report also says that Paceville needs better organisation in refuse collection.

Suggestions include the need of more incentives to encourage people to make use of the park and ride facility and make use of public transport to travel to and from Paceville. The report also calls for reserved parking spaces for residents.

Other suggestions in the report include the need for gentlemen's clubs to be regulated to ensure that there is no illegality, ensure that all roads are accessible when works are ongoing, updating of public order laws, the use of decibel meters to check sound levels in places of entertainment and the relocation of the taxi stand to a place outside the centre of Paceville.



They make me laugh these gentlemen clubs, they're all about sex but they cant show a nipple
Malta kollha ila tistenna dan ir rapport wara li kelna diversi delitti,u abbuzi min bouncers.Hemm hafna aktar problemi gewwa Pacevilli min dawk elenkati fir rapport finali.Paceville u San Gorg hemm telqa ta hmieg, tkissir ta bankini. Ma jghezisti l-ebda flood relief meta tkun hafna xita. Storbju sa sbieh il ghodwa.Il pulizija rari tati kaz u ma nahsibx li hija facli li tikkontrolla. Ghalhekk huwa tajjeb li li storbju ghandu jigie kontrollat b'mod eletroniku u jkun hemm multa ta eluf ta ewros ghal min jikser is sound barrier.Pero biex ma nkunux negattivi dan huwa l-bidu, nispera li naraw it tmexxija tieghu ghal aktar organizzazzjoni.Grazzi lill Kumissarju u l-Assistent Kummissarju li fl-imkien mas Super jghamlu aktar min hilithom biex ikun hemm kontroll. Pero min dawn l-isfel hemm rebus shih.