Hundreds protest against ACTA in Valletta

A sizeable crowd turns up for the anti-ACTA protest held this morning in Valletta. Protesters wearing Anonymous masks and carrying anti-ACTA placards voice their opposition to the controversial treaty and urge government to reject it.

Between 400 and 500 persons turned up for the anti-ACTA protest held this morning in Valletta.
Between 400 and 500 persons turned up for the anti-ACTA protest held this morning in Valletta.

A sizeable crowd took to the streets of Valletta this morning to protest against ACTA, the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement which the Maltese government signed together with 21 other EU countries.

The protesters started the march from the Triton Fountain at the bus terminus and proceeded to St George's Square, where speeches were held by spokespersons of the various organisation s present.

Some of the demonstrators wore Anonymous masks as worn by hackers around the world and since then adopted by the anti-ACTA movement.

The anti-ACTA movement is urging the Maltese parliament not to ratify the act and also called on the European Parliament to reject it.

All speakers who addressed the sizeable crowd agreed that the act lacks transparency and was drawn up by big corporations behind closed doors.

Ingram Bondin, from the Front Against Censorship said ACTA is collapsing as "more and more people are voicing their opposition around Europe". He said that Germany is delaying the decision and other countries amongst the original signatories are backtracking. "The treaty seems to be dying thanks to people power."

Organisers of the protest expressed their satisfaction at the turnout. They estimated the crowd at between 400 and 500 persons.

The protest, organised by the Malta Anti-ACTA Group was attended by a number of organisations, including the Malta Linux User Group, Moviment Graffitti, Front Kontra ċ-Censura, Kunsill Studenti Junior College, Malta Alliance for Freedom, Malta Humanist Asociation, ir-Realtá Collective, MOVE Progressive Students, Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagh, Forum Żgħażagħ Laburisti and Pulse.

The protest was also attended by a number of Labour MPs and Alternattiva Demokratika officials. There was no sign of any PN official or MPs. The Nationalist Party has defended its decision to sign the treaty and MEP Simon Busuttil has said that he has yet to be convinced that ACTA should not be implemented.  

Just before the protest commenced, the youth section of the Nationalist Party announced it would be joining the protest. Speaking to MaltaToday, the president of MZPN, Kevin Plumpton, said the sudden decision to join the protest was motivated by the need to have a "wider discussion" on the controversial act. Asked whether MZPN agrees with the stand in favour of ACTA taken by the PN and its MEPs, Plumpton said "We are here because we believe that the people are voicing justified concerns and we are here to represent these concerns. MZPN has no stand in favour or against ACTA. We only want a wider discussion before deciding on ACTA".




Protesti fl-Ewropa
Li kieku is-siggijiet gew ivvintati illum, kien ikollna nhallsu 'royalty' biex inserrhu l-warrani fuqhom. Ghal dan mar jivvota Dr.Simon Busuttil naturalment bil-barka tal-Gonz u minn wara daharna. Issa li l-poplu gwejjed Malti qed iqum, il-Gonz lest ghal U-turn ohra, mhux b'konvinzjoni, imma ghal-konvinjenza tal-voti. L-anqas il-KMB ma kien jaghmel dan l-ammont ta' paprati fi zmien daqshekk qasir.
Priscilla Darmenia
So now we have another section of the PN who is not in line with the official party policy. I believe that the MZPN acted wiser than our Prime Minister who rushed to sign the agreement made behind the peoples' back.
Falza stikka ohra tal-PN u ta' l-MEP Simon Busuttil. Haddiehor ghadu jahsibha imma ahna bravi eh....Ara din il-link..