Cyrus Engerer will not contest March local council elections

MaltaToday is informed that there have been no formal calls for the former PN councillor to contest with the Labour Party.

Cyrus Engerer
Cyrus Engerer

Former deputy Sliema mayor Cyrus Engerer will not be contesting the upcoming local council elections on a Labour ticket, MaltaToday can reveal.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Engerer confirmed that at this stage he has no intention of contesting any type of elections.

"Because of the ongoing court case, I felt I shouldn't contest the local council elections, even though the case has nothing to do with my work within the council," Engerer said, adding that once the case is finalised, he would certainly consider future elections.

Engerer added that even though he will not be directly involved within the Sliema local council, he will still be helping Labour candidates to gain votes during the elections.

"I have worked hard for the Sliema residents and I will continue doing so through the Labour Party," he insisted, adding that there were not only the councils in which give his contribution.

Engerer went on to say that the Sliema elections are being held simply to place the Nationalist Party at an advantage.


@Ken - Try to get this into your mind once and for all. Engener's case (for which he still innocent until proven guilty) is not a "private affair" but a public affair because he is a public person. It is not a "youthful error" he is accused of but a crime. As for redemption? This is politics not religion- I thought you Labour supporters, admittedly despite IQ deficiencies, can manage to see a difference between the two. Engerer is a public person. The PN won't have him, but Labour will. Says a lot about Labour standards doesn't it?
Ghandek zball Cicco. Dawk kollha li ghal xi raguni jew ohra telqu/tkeccew mill-PN sabu post fl-iskip taghkom. Dimech, Engerer, Woods, Marlene....hemm ohrajn...kollha ghamiltuhom idoli mtaghkom u lqajtuhom maghkom.
To all those who are writing against thses comments against Engerer, I have only these two comments: 1.Was he good when he contested under the PN Ticket? 2.Waht do you expect from a PN Counciler? He is all yours and you may keep him. PL have much better candidates. You can also keep Franco Debono, Pulicino Orlando, Robert Arrigo and Mugliett. Theya re all yours
to i Fenech: If I remember correctly, Mr Engerer's problem with justice was about a private affair after having just broken up with his lover over two years ago. Do you really think that a youthful error of judgement in his private life should be held against him for the rest of his life? What about redemption? And while we're on the subject of "standards of behaviour", the fact that this all blew up within days of his quitting the National Party says more about the Party and THEIR standards than it does about Mr Engerer. After all, the ex-lover had withdrawn the charges... why were the police suddenly so interested in advancing the case? Try connecting the dots...
Engerer claims his court case "has nothing to do with my work within the council". This guy just won't get it will he? Yes, Mr Engerer, the court case has everything to do with your work within the council because the standards you apply in your private life are the same standards people expect you to apply in your public life. Is it so hard for you to understand that? Is this what liberal thinking does to you - an inability to see that in life not everything is relative and that there are values and standards a public figure is expected to uphold? But then again, what are we to expect from a prospective Labour candidate?
L-ahjar haga li jaghmel Engerer hi li jisparixxi mill-publiku halli n-nies jinsew kemm jista' jkun malajr.
Bet Cyrus should change his work description on face book now. He is no longer a politician then. He is just a normal political helper like 100's of others throughout the island.
Fl ahhar. Bye bye Cyrus. Taf li jekk tikkontesta mhintix ser iggib imqar vot wihed hahahaha. Illum jew ghada tinduna xi zball tkun ghamilt li issehibt ma partit moribond.
Hu l-parir li tajtek jien zmien ilu: Ipprova tidhirx izjed fil-publiku halli n-nies jinsewk.