[WATCH] Legislation to strengthen civil rights in government offensive against ACTA uproar

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has announced legislation to strengthen citizen’s rights to information and expression through internet, to balance ACTA concerns.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Addressing the media in Castille this evening, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced that he has instructed lawmakers to prepare draft legislation aimed at "strengthening the fundamental principles of people's right to information and expression through information technology."

Gonzi, who recognised the ongoing debate on ACTA, said that while recognising the need to protect author's rights and intellectual property, "my government is not in favour of any measures that could potentially suffocate citizen's rights to acquire, share or communicate information."

Mentioning Facebook and Twitter as modern-day social media phenomena, the Prime Minister said that his government is committed in its belief towards four fundamental principles which are entrenched within the modern age of communication.

Describing them as "fundamental rights" Gonzi said that government believes in the citizen's right to communicate via the internet, his right to information, to express an opinion, and choice of social media."

He stressed that government was committed to be among the first nations to legislate in favour of protecting these fundamental civil rights while also being committed to safeguarding intellectual property.


Anette B Cassar
Sorry. Third U-turn. There was the announcement of knocking down of the Family Court Extension.
Anette B Cassar
2nd U turn in a week. If there was a protest about against stipends, Gonzi will probably come out with another law to limit them. I cannot understand how a government that signs something one week and then turns against it can be called stable.
mela lewwel bzaqta u issa laqta
So in the middle of his party's crisis, Gonzi calls a press conference. He doesnt divulge whats it about to ensure the media attends as otherwise nobody except his groupies will attend.Then we get to know what its all about-'that he has instructed lawmakers to prepare draft legislation'. A press release would have spared everybody so much time but no-he wanted to appear in the media as doing something different beside trying to control his party's in-fighting. Oh come on, give us a break. How lame do you think we all are!!!!
Luke Camilleri
Did he give he media , ALL the media the chance to ask him questions or will it be the usual statement and than scarpering off to void journalist questions! AT THE MOST WILL HE BE GIVING AT LEAST A QUOTA TO EACH JOURNALIST?
Din bhaz-zieda minn taht tal-hames mitt Ewro Gonz! L-ewwel ftehmtu fil-mohbi wara dahar kulhadd issa trid tara kif titmellah bina. You passed the point of no return.
Qed taraw kif veru gerfxu u hawwdu franco debono lil gonzipn !!!! Issa spicca qed ikollu "jahdem" (!!!) is-Sibt u jsejjah press conference is-Sibt biex taparsi jipprogetta ruhu ta' xi bniedem dinamiku, habrieki u dejjem lest !!!!! Anki tonio fenech u clyde puli kellhom "jahdmu" imsieken illum u raw kif ivventaw press conference biex jiftahru bil-flus li l-UEFA qed taghti lill-MFA !!! Imma biex minghalihom jiehdu xi ftit tal-glorja huma wkoll, malajr cappsulna avveniment biex taparsi juruna kemm huma wkoll qed jahdmu ghall-pajjiz !!! Tghid meta l-kuntratturi li kien jiltaqa' maghhom borg hedley kien qed jaghmlu x-xoghol fuq il-villa (jew dar, ma nafx ezatt) ta' tonio fenech, kienu jahdmulu s-sibt u kien imur jara x-xoghol li kienu jaghmlulu nhar ta' sibt jew le? Imma bilhaqq, haga bhal dik ma kienx igibha fuq it-television halli narawha ......
Zack Depasquale
Dr Gonzi ghandu permess min ghand L-Onor Franco Debono biex imexxi il-quddiem din il-ligi. Mela sewwa il-Gvern ta'GonziPN qabel mal-ligi tal-ACTA umbghad wara li ra li l-poplu qam kontriha din il-ligi issa jrid jillegisla ligi biex tahdem kontra il-ligi tal-ACTA. Hawwadni ha nifhem.Hella ta'hin galore gewwa l-parlament u bir-rata li qieghed jiltaqgha l-Parlament dan l-ahhar, meta bihsiebu jressaq din il-ligi??Ghandu zewg money bills imwerwer qieghed biex iressaqhom.
Joseph Pace
Quite tired look. Is this a damage control exercise?
Sounds like a step in the right direction, but ACTA is not only about the internet. It affects our Freeport and the entire Maltese pharmaceutical industry, our freedom from arbitrary searches during travel and many others.
Uff xi dwejjaq, another U-turn. Dan Gonzi qieghed igelni nisthi li nkun nazzjonalist.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. But will gonzi sign ACTA? That is the million euro question.
Dan Gonzi dejjem jahdem bil-karettun qabel il-hmara. L-ewwel iffattara imbaghad jara kif jigborha. Il-kelma djalogu smajtha xi darba sur Prim Ministru???
This is a Prime minester acting and runing after crisis! Please act for the interest of Malta not in the interest to stay in power! Sorry but the only word that really is 'BLUFF'
And now, the end is near, and i must face the final curtain...............BLA BLA BLA. Nobody takes you seriously anymore Gonz
nithassrek dr. gonzi. kemm int patetiku u tan nej...K.
Igor P. Shuvalov
If you cannot beat them, join them.
l ilma diehel min kullimkien .....salga abordo c....