Syrians protest against Russian government

The Syrian community in Malta hold a peaceful protest in front of the Russian embassy in Kappara. The Syrian community calls on the Russian government to join the international community in its efforts to stop the bloodshed in Syria.

The Syrian community in Malta held its second protest in three days. This afternoon a peaceful protest was organised outside the Russian embassy in Kappara. The community is urging Russia and China to support a United Nations resolution calling for an end to the violence in Syria.

Earlier this week Russia and China vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution sponsored by Western and Arab states that backed an Arab League call for Assad to step down. The Syrian community is holding Russian and China responsible for the death of their families back home.

Yesterday, Syrian forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, unleashed new tank and rocket bombardments on opposition neighbourhoods of Homs.

Around 100 persons, including women and children, gathered in Kappara and chanted "Free Syria" and anti Assad slogans. The protesters carried photos of massacred bodies in Syria. Zakaria Khatib, a Syrian national living in Malta, told the crowd that Russia and China must stop supporting the Syrian regime and join the rest of the international community in its attempts to stop the violence.

He urged Russia to stop providing Assad with weapons which are being used to kill thousands of innocent children, women and men.  "We have come here in peace. We want Russia to stop supporting Assad and we want them to stop using their veto in the United Nations."

Khatib thanked Malta for its support and also reserved special praise for America in its efforts to end the bloodshed in Syria. He told MaltaToday that the Syrian community asked for a meeting with the Russian ambassador or embassy officials but their demand was rejected.

He said that the embassy even refused to receive a letter asking the Russian government to change tack and stop supporting Assad. A similar request was also rejected by the Chinese embassy in Malta.

Today's protest followed a similar protest held on Friday outside the Chinese embassy in St Julian's. The protestors were joined by Imam Mohammed Elsadi. Addressing the crowd, the Imam exprerssed his "support and sympathy with the Syrian people who are fighting for freedom and democracy, for its right to choose its leaders and to decide its policies".

He said the Syrian regime does not want to negotiate a peaceful solution but wants to "suppress this uprising and this peaceful revolution." He added that Syrians have no alternative but to "defend themselves, their children and their houses." He also urged the international community to recognise the Syrian National Council, who is opposing Assad's brutal regime.

The Imam told the protestors that "the Syrian people will emerge victorious because they are fighting for justice, freedom and democracy."

The Syrian community intends to step up its efforts in the coming days by holding more protests outside the Chinese and Russian embassies.


I am hoping when these countrie like Libya Siria Egypt gian there democracy all their citiziens will go back so we can have a peacefuul Malta agian