Sexual health survey to be launched

The Department of Health Information and Research launches a national survey on sexual health as part of the sexual health strategy.

A nation-wide survey on sexual health will be held in the next few weeks.
A nation-wide survey on sexual health will be held in the next few weeks.

The Department of Health Information and Research (DHIR) launched a national sexual health survey during a press conference held this morning in Gwardamangia.

The fieldwork to collect the data will commence in the next two weeks and is expected to last between four and six weeks. The results are expected to be published in summer.

The survey, part of the Sexual Health Strategy, will be concentrating mostly on behaviour, knowledge and other social indicators. The study will be held nationwide amongst Maltese residents aged between 16 and 40.

The younger population aged 16-18 will also be asked to for feedback on their sexual health education, since they are familiar with the current forms of sexual education in Malta.

The study will have 1200 respondents in total. A probability quota sampling model will be used in order to achieve a better representative sample of the Maltese population. The ob jective is to collect data on knowledge, attitudes and parcatices amongst the population.

Chief medical officer, Natasha Azzopardi Muscat said that since launching the Sexual Health Strategy in November the health department identified data collection as one of its main priorities. "This is the first study of its kind and it will provide much needed data on sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. This will help us build a sound strategy on sexual health. I encourage all persons approached to participate in the survey."

The fieldwork will be carried out by 11 qualified health care officials who have received appropriate training. The questionnaire will be self-completed and respondents' anonymity will be guaranteed as each questionnaire will be sealed in an envelope by the respondents themselves.

Respondents will be invited to enter their contact details separately to participate in a lottery. Whoever participates comes in with a chance to win an iPad2. All participants will also receive a pen drive with health promotion materials and a contact card with details of the GU clinic and the Health Promotion Department.

The Health Promotion director, Charmaine Gauci, said "Sexual health goes further than sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancies." She said that the department is targeting different groups by using different mediums such as social networks on internet, talks and community outreaches.