€24,000 for George Pullicino’s adviser on four-month contract

Five ‘persons of trust’ officials employed by resources ministry, Pullicino replies to PQ by constituency MP Robert Arrigo.

Resources minister George Pullicino was answering a PQ by Sliema MP and parliamentary assistant Robert Arrigo.
Resources minister George Pullicino was answering a PQ by Sliema MP and parliamentary assistant Robert Arrigo.

The resources ministry said it will respond to questions tomorrow on a €24,000 contract for the engagement of an "adviser" for four months, on a 'person-of-trust' basis.

Resources and rural affairs minister George Pullicino revealed in parliament that architect Arthur Apap, 62, had been awarded a four-month contract on a €6,000 monthly wage.

The information was revealed in a reply to a parliamentary question tabled by Nationalist MP Robert Arrigo, a party heavyweight on the tenth district, which is also Pullicino's constituency.

Arrigo specifically asked Pullicino how many employees had been engaged by the ministry and its departments or authorities, between 1 November 2011 and 31 January 2012, and whether these engagements had been covered by calls from the Employment and Training Corporation or public adverts.

Apap is formally employed as Pullicino's consultant, but the minister's spokespersons could not verbally confirm with MaltaToday what his specific role in the next four months will be. Questions have been sent by e-mail.

Another four persons were also employed on the same basis with the ministry, Pullicino has told parliament.

The contract does not stipulate what kind of consultancy Apap will be offering. Apap's job description is to render services to "the Minister for Resources and Rural Affairs and for any other duties which may be designated to him by the said Minister."

According to the contract signed by the ministry's permanent secretary, Apap "will act in all respects according to the instructions or directives given to him by the Minister" or by an official delegated by the minister.

Apart from the monthly €6,000 wage, Apap will receive a monthly €290 car cash allowance and mobile phone facilities. Although the contract is only valid for four months, it could be extended for a further period.

Attempts to speak to Apap were futile. A person who took MaltaToday's call to Apap's office said Apap "is never in the office".

If the Maltese people still elect this corrupted lot back in parliament comes next election then as the saying goes, we deserve the government we get.
Se jgibuna bhal Grecja. Dawk kienu jivvintaw kif se jaharqu l-flus tal-pubbliku. Bhal Malta hadd ma kien jiftah halqu. Issa qed jaharqu kullimkien.
Se jgibuna bhal Grecja. Dawk kienu jivvintaw kif se jaharqu l-flus tal-pubbliku. Bhal Malta hadd ma kien jiftah halqu. Issa qed jaharqu kullimkien.
E io pago. Hallas Gahan la int bahnan. Ghalhekk ma jridux elezzjoni bikrijja biex jibqghu ipappha sa lahhar.
Luke Camilleri
.....and having the concession to telework with flexi hours! No need at all to go to the office and no specified number of hours to be worked in office!!
nahseb ha jejd li wiehed minnhom xi dietician
Vera jekk din PQ hija vera ara veru tal-misthija igiefiri 120,000 ewro ghal erba' xhur ghal "hames persuni tal-fiducja" barra l-affarijiet l-ohra bhal mobies,karrozzi,bonuses mhux ta'b'xejn id-deputat franco debono jghid il-pajjiz imexi minn klikka.Wiehed irrid jghid li PQ sarret minn persuna fejn johrog George Pullicino fuq l-10 distrett..... u glieda tkompli fuq l-10 distrett. Tghid L.Gonzi se jerga jikkontesta fuq l-10 distrett? Ghalhekk ha ssir l-elezzjoni fuq tas-sliema f'marzu li gej? biex naraw l-opinion poll fuq tas-sliema?