Gonzi undeterred by Moody's downgrade

Prime Minister says small Maltese economy remains vulnerable to eurozone's misfortunes.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says Malta's fortunes are tied to the vicissitudes of eurozone nations.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says Malta's fortunes are tied to the vicissitudes of eurozone nations.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi was undeterred by a downgrading of Malta's credit rating to A3 from A2 by Moody's today, saying the country's deficit-reduction programme was on track and that its debt status was not threatened by exposure to foreign lending.

Addressing the press on a visit to the offices of EMD Services, Gonzi said Moody's was not seeing "any particular difficulty" when asked about Malta's weak debt metrics - highlighted by the agency as one of the drivers of Malta's downgrade.

"Our debt is mainly national debt, which means we are not exposed to the uncertainty taking place in other countries," Gonzi explained of Malta's debt status, whose foreign lending is a very minimal portion.

Gonzi also insisted that Malta's credit status was secure: "We ask for money and we get offered double."

The prime minister said Malta's main problem was the vulnerability of its open economy to the vicissitudes of the global economy. "Our market is so small that we depend on exports, like our tourism, to generate growth. This means that if there is uncertainty overseas, that reduces demand from the rest of the world for our tourism."

Gonzi also defended the 'certificates' that registered Malta's successes, citing tourism figures and low unemployment levels. "The point Moody's is making is that we depend on foreign markets, and if their markets go wrong, we suffer too."

The prime minister also said Malta's deficit-reduction was on track, after the government approved €40 million in spending cuts over and above the approved Budget and is now about to approve the Constitutional entrenchment for balanced budgets.

Malta is facing detoriorating growth prospects that will expose the government to "constrained, higher-cost" funding conditions, Moody's Investors Service said yesterday as it downgraded the island along with five European nations.

Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Italy and Spain received one-notch downgrades and still have negative outlooks, Moody's said. Moody's actions follow similar moves take by Standard & Poor's an Fitch Ratings last month where multiple downgrades were made all at once. Like S&P and Fitch before it,

Moody's said the two drivers for Malta's downgrade were the uncertainty from the eurozone area, which was weighing on an already fragile market confidence; but also Malta's relatively weak debt metrics compared with other 'A' category peers, and the country's reliance on the strength of the European economy.

This, Moody's said, would dampen Malta's growth prospects and worsen its debt dynamics.

So the fact that our debt status is not threatened by exposure to foreign lending means that we can continue to increase our debt by €430,000,000 annually? This is our Prime Minister who is talking and no one bothers to utter a single word except Franco Debono and the opposition. Otherwise there is a single chorus of how fine Malta's economy is performing considering the current financial crises that is effecting European countries. We will see in a year or two, and we will see whst the current PN gate keepers will say.
This article should read . Gonzi undeterred by reality and further proof of the failure of his administration. Does not see fall in personal fortune. Extols populace to further sacrifices for the good of the talent-less hacks so loyal to him.
Lawrence Covin
Wiehed jispera li ma humiex jintbaghbsu l-figuri li jintbaghtu l-Ewropa. Taf x'inhu jigri l-Grecja, Prim hux, minnhabba f'hekk?
Gonzi contro Moody's! Jew,Gonzi contro tutti?
Digging one's head in the sand, ostrich-like, as if problems do not exist, is the hallmark of this PM. He believes no one, except himself, and most of the time he is proved wrong. Still, he insists he is right. Will this attitude win him more votes?
This downgrade is mainly due to a negative outlook for the Eurozone as a whole. Nevertheless, it can be serious for countries who have to go out an borrow internationally. Thankfully Malta doesn't. There are always plenty of local investors to take up the government stocks (who are these people by the way?) so this has little or no consequence for Malta.
Sur edituri tal-MALTA TODAY - ma hemm xejn gdid li gonzipn ikun undeterred - ikun hemm xi haga gdida jekk gonzipn ikun deterred !!!! Kien deterred meta john dalli hareg jghajjru xi snin ilu dwar kif kien tah il-genb fuq rapport falz? Kien deterred meta ir-ribelli fil-backbench daru kontrih u kellu jivvinta l-post ta' Parliamentary Assistant? Kien deterred meta kellu jwaqqaf il-progett tal-Katidral ta' San Gwann? Kien xi darba deterred meta ministru wiehed wara l-iehor inqabdu fi zbalji amministrattivi kbar u hadd minnhom ma assuma r-responsabbilta? Kien deterred meta kull sena f'dawn l-ahhar tmien snin qal li d-deficit kien se jkun tant u kull darba spicca biex kien xi tlett darbiet aktar? Kien deterred meta franco debono mesah l-art bih u bil-ministri tal-klikka ta' madwaru? Kien deterred meta ghajjar lil Partit Laburista li kien jinnamra ma' Gaddafi meta hu kien l-ahhar mexxej li mar jghannqu meta kienu ga ghaddejjin l-irvelli fil-Libja? Kien deterred meta Brussell xi gimghatejn ilu qaltlu li l-budget li kien ressaq fi-Parlament ma kienitx temmnu u gieghlitu jqaxxarlu 40 miljun meta inka fuqu bilkemm kien lahqet nixfet? ...... Ahjar nieqaf nahseb li ma jmurx allahares qatt gonzipn ikun deterred b'dak li qed nikteb!!!!
Found somewhere else. Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad
irresponsabilta galore
You can run and you can hide but it will finally catch up with you. Gonz time to call it a day, you are an absolute failure call elections time for PL to take the helm and stir the boat to calmer waters. Your expiry date has long gone by.
Niskanta u nitnixxef kif ghal P.M. Gonzi, id dinja kollha zbaljata, pero huwa le..QATT ma ikun zbaljat.Issa qeghed jilghaq kull proposta li qeghed jghamel Franco Debono, li dan min naha tieghu, gab lil P.M. ,il kelb tal but, li kull ma jonqsu huwa ic cinga.Bil klikek ma saqajk hekk jigrilek, ma tistax tiehu id decizzjonijiet. Sur P.M,issa qeghed jidher bic car li ghanke jekk int tiddecidi li tirrezenja, ma tistax ,ghax ma ihallukx....Qeghed maqbud f`xibka.
Of course Dr Gonzi is 'undeterred'. Nothing 'deters' Dr Gonzi and his Gonzpn , except loss of their seat of power. Only that fact will switch on their panic button. The fact that that downgrading means that Malta is losing its appeal to investors, is not something that bothers Gonzi and his stooges and he is nto about to hang his head in shame. Oh no, not him! Not quite Nero playing his lyre whilst Rome is burning , but Gonzi is playing around with the country and it is starting to smoke !
Sewwa qal JM, li aktar ma ħa idum igranfat mas-siġġu Gonzi-PN-egattiv aktar jaqbel lil PL iżda kosegwenzi gravi Għal Għażżiża MALTA tagħna.