Updated | Labour does not exclude no-confidence motion in Carm Mifsud Bonnici

Labour spokesperson for home affairs, Michael Falzon says somebody should carry political responsibility for widespread drug use in prison.

Michael Falzon said the home affairs minister needed to shoulder political responsibility for the situation at the Corradino Correctional Facility.
Michael Falzon said the home affairs minister needed to shoulder political responsibility for the situation at the Corradino Correctional Facility.

Adds Home Affairs ministry statement at 9pm

Labour shadow minister for home afairs Michael Falzon has called on Carm Mifsud Bonnici to shoulder responsibility for the grave problems inside Corradino Correctional Facility.

Falzon did not exclude moving a vote of no-confidence against home and parliamentary affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici. He said the situation in prison was "unacceptable" and somebody had to shoulder political responsibility for the widespread use and trafficking of drugs at Corradino.

Referring to a recent court case, where a prisoner was caught with drugs inside prison and admitted to trafficking heroin in prison last July, Falzon said that the minister cannot remain in a "state of denial".

Falzon said that the minister had used the excuse that he was not in charge of prison when Josette Bickle had been sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment and fined €23,000, after being convicted by a jury for trafficking of drugs in prison. "This time the minister cannot say that drug trafficking did not happen under his tenure."

The Labour MP added that the minister cannot hide behind the excuse that drugs were being smuggled into prison by  inmates' families. "If anything, it is a shame that security is being breached by families of inmates. However, the problem is deeper and more complex."

He also spoke about the lack of statistics on drug use in prison. "The minister cannot stop hiding the number of drug users in prison by not carrying out drug tests, despite the promises to hold regular tests. Random checks have not been carried out since 2008."

Falzon listed a number of problems which need to be addressed at prison. He mentioned the lack of staff, quality of recruitment, overcrowding and drug use.

In reaction to Falzon's press conference the ministry for home affairs issued a statement and described Labour's attitude as "puerile and shameful".

The ministry said: "Contrary to what the Opposition said today in relation to the drug trafficking case in prison, drugs were not introduced or trafficked in the prison. The drug was intercepted as somebody tried to hand it to an inmate, having hid it inside a baked pasta dish. The drugs were found by a warden who was guarding the visitors room."

"These facts did not emerge in court because the accused admitted to the charges immediately. Although drugs are a problem in all prisons around the world, this case honours the job being done by the prison officials who intercepted the drugs. These efforts are being discarded by the Opposition," the ministry said.

Min jistad ghandu cans jaqbad!!
Min jistad ghandu cans jaqbad!!
Jistadu, jistadu u jistadu......
One stop shop u allajbierek Carmenu bil-mezzi kollha li ghandu ma jafx li jezistu id-drogi.
@Antoine Vella...L=akbar unur li tista tghati lil min huwa laburist /socjalist, huwa meta issejjahlu Mintoffjan. Kull meta issemmi dak l-isem tkun qeghed tfakkar il gid li ghamel dak il bniedem ,li kull min huwa Malti PUR ghandu jirrispetta.Jekk ghad ghandek mera id dar hares lejha u staqsijha min ghamel 90 % tal beneficcji li ghadhom jezistu sal lum. Ghar rigward Franco Debono,ma jaqbillux jiehu il lixka ta Michael Falzon ghax ikun qeghed jitlef ic cans li ikompli imexxi min imniehru lil politika ta Gonzi PN, li sar il kelb tal but tieghu ( ic cinga jonqsu ). @ Lemini...Jekk ghalik ,li issib id droga fil habs ,hija xi haga normali, ikolli nghejdlek li ghandek problema.Jekk ghalik ma hiex problema li Ministru ifarfar, u jghejd li meta inqabdu bid droga gewwa il habs,ma kienx hemm huwa ,imma siehbu stess,nahseb ghandek problema.Jekk ma taccettax li ix xoghol ta oppozizjoni serja hija dik li tara li il ministri jerfaw ir resposabbilta li huma imhallsin ghaliha min flusna, ghallura ghandek problema akbar. Il kultura tar rizenji, ghalikhom in nazzjonalisti ma tezistiex. Meta dawn l-affarijiet jigru go pajjiz demokratiku ,li in nazzjonalisti tant jiftahhru bihom, kieku ma ikunx hemm il bzonn li l-oppozizjoni tghoqod tressaq voti ta sfiducji, ghax hija normali li Ministru jerfa ir responsabbilta, ta ghemilu u tal ministeru li huwa responsabbli li jara li jimxi sew.
Kemm ghad tridu taqdfu biex ikkolkom il-maturita' politika ta' GonziPN.....toholmu biss tafu u tistennew il-bajtra taqa' f'halqkom, minflok tkunu pozitivi u turu x'tafu u tistghu toffru....
Dr Michael Falzon, Franco Debono will NOT take the bait. Mintoffjani never learn.