Gonzi leadership: who nominated the PN leader?

PN’s administration and executive leadership second Prime Minister’s leadership ‘bid’

Lawrence Gonzi chooses expedience with 10 nominees rather than the sensational 275 members he had seconding his candidature in 2004.
Lawrence Gonzi chooses expedience with 10 nominees rather than the sensational 275 members he had seconding his candidature in 2004.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's nomination for the PN leadership was signed by the minimum amount of nominees this time around, the party's information director Frank Psaila told MaltaToday.

Gonzi chose expedience over sensation this time around, when in 2004's leadership election he submitted his nomination with the signatures of 275 PN members of which 20 were MPs and five were ministers.

Gonzi's nomination today was backed by the PN's administrative and executive leadership.

With no rivals for the one-horse race that Gonzi launched on 28 January as a response to Nationalist MP Franco Debono's calls on him to resign, Gonzi's nomination was signed by the following party officials: deputy leader Tonio Borg, secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier, general council and executive committee presidents Paula Mifsud Bonnici and Marthese Portelli, international secretary John Bonello, assistant secretary-general Jean-Pierre Debono, party whip David Agius, and administrative council president Karol Aquilina.

@spionkop ......... mhux bilfors jekkitellaq bix-xemx warajh dellu jiedhol qablu..... hehehehehe!
Was gonzi afraid to ask for Beppe's signature, or Demarco's, or Simon's Busutill or Chris's Said. I would have thought he would have asked for Tonio's Fenech or Austin's Gatt or maybe Doloreses's Christina for that matter. Pullicino would not have refused nor would Cassar. But then most probably he wants to distance himself from all of these. Some because they may be future contenders others because of disgraceful and incompetent results as minister under his tenure as PM.
mela la iffirmawlu 10 baqa wiehed biex jaqqad team tal-futbol.nissugerilu lil franco debono ghax dak ir-rahal baggio jejdulu.come on gonz keep it up.hahahahaha
Il-fatt li l-applikazzjoni ma gietx iffirmata mill-Membri Parlamentari Nazzjonalisti juri li hemm firda li kienet tikxef min huma dawk li ma jaqblux li Gonzi jibqa' Kap u Prim Ministru. Dik għaqda!!! Hallina Dottor Gonzi. Fittex ghamel dik l-elezzjoni halli nixkupawk minn hemm.
L ewwel se jiehu ghax se itellaq wahdu!!!!!!!!!!!
Lawrence Covin
Naturalment, la bdiha jkollu jkompliha. Min webblu jaghmel dil-bahnanata mohhu fjakk, u hu iehor li sema minnu -sakemm ma' kienx hu li hareg b'dil-brainwave. Jien nahseb ahjar nibdew nidqu b'dawn in-nies, ghax talli hadnihom bis-serjeta bdew jahsbu li huma serji. il-kirjelejs, dawn qatta mgienen!
Ohh Bly me . Is this the complete cast of " Carry On Laughing " ? I'm looking farward for the launching of this comedy . I bet ,it will break all the records in the box office.
Luke Camilleri
Kemm kummiedji... imbghad sppost irridu jnehhu il-brokrazija!
Qeghdin taraw kemm hu umli l-prim ministru li ghandna ? Ara x'kuragg irid ikollok terga tapplika biex issir Kap tal-PN meta ghadek Kap u ghidt li int m'intix se tirrizenja kif jitlob minnek l-istatut tal-partit, halli almenu l-kariga tkun vakata imqar ghal ftit jiem sa kemm issir it-tigrija ! Ma niftakarx li qatt xi darba fli-storja politika ta' Malta kellna prim ministru li ried itellaq wahdu ghal kariga li qatt mhu se jkun telaq minn bejn dawk il-par idejn sodi !Eddy Privitera
Qeghdin taraw kemm hu umli l-prim ministru li ghandna ? Ara x'kuragg irid ikollok terga tapplika biex issir Kap tal-PN meta ghadek Kap u ghidt li int m'intix se tirrizenja kif jitlob minnek l-istatut tal-partit, halli almenu l-kariga tkun vakata imqar ghal ftit jiem sa kemm issir it-tigrija ! Ma niftakarx li qatt xi darba fli-storja politika ta' Malta kellna prim ministru li ried itellaq wahdu ghal kariga li qatt mhu se jkun telaq minn bejn dawk il-par idejn sodi !Eddy Privitera