Nurses’ union sounds alarm on Mater Dei overcrowding

MUMN to meet nurses on necessary steps over healthcare division’s decision to introduce more beds to hospital corridors.

Nursing union MUMN has sent a strong protest to the health division over the introduction of extra beds inside the medicine and surgery wards, as overcrowding over the month of January necessitated the use of stretchers and corridor space inside Mater Dei general hospital.

MUMN secretary-general Colin Galea said even more beds were being lined up in the middle of the hospital corridors, which already have beds on both sides of the corridors. Elderly patients had been transferred to the St Vincent de Paule home.

"There is a serious shortcoming in government policy here. Despite having a state-of-the-art hospital, this country needs another hospital due to patients' demands... this crisis is down to the lack of implementation of primary health reforms, or Mater Dei will go from one crisis to the other," Galea said.

Galea added that the lack of nurses inside MDH could not guarantee the necessary care expected as patients increase in number. "Even food is being warmed up 'irregularly' due to the number of extra patients, leading to the possibility of food poisoning. And overcrowding inside the rooms means nurses cannot provide the necessary care in case of emergency."

The MUMN will be analysing the situation and assemble nurses on the necessary steps to take to safeguard their rights.