Complete overhaul of PL candidates for Mosta council elections

Labour party proposes €700,000 project to regenerate the Ta’ Mlit housing estate in Mosta.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat addressing the media at Ta' Mlit housing estate
Labour leader Joseph Muscat addressing the media at Ta' Mlit housing estate

The Labour Party has carried out a complete overhaul of its candidates contesting the local council elections in Mosta.

The local council elections will be held in 35 localities, including Sliema, on 10 March.

Undoubtedly, it will be an uphill struggle for the PL to gain the majority of votes in Mosta, a local council afflicted by much criticism over its work. This has led PL leader Joseph Muscat to carry a complete overhaul of his candidates in the locality, with the group now practically made up of new faces.

Addressing the media this morning at Ta' Mlit housing estate, Muscat again admitted that the Labour-led council had failed its residents.

"The local council didn't work enough for its residents. There was no team spirit among the Labour councilors, while the PN councilors did not collaborate either," Muscat said. Surrounded by the new group of candidates, he added that he took the decisions "which had to be taken".

Muscat was referring to his decision to inform Mosta mayor Paul Chetcuti Caruana not to contest the local council elections on a Labour ticket.

Asked what he will do to avoid a repetition of the saga, Muscat said the PL will not be afraid to take "the unpopular decisions" and that local councils will always be subjected to the people's judgement.

Muscat also unveiled the Labour's proposed project for the regeneration of the Ta' Mlit area. If approved, it is estimated that the project will cost some €700,000.

"For years government has abandoned the housing estates, treating the people as if they were second class residents. Allocating small amounts of money to improve the common areas is too little, too late," Muscat said.

Finances from the local government, the local council and the private sector will cover the costs of the project, one of a number of pilot projects part of the PL's electoral programme.

"Like government forked out €4 million to refurbish Alan Camilleri's office, it shouldn't be difficult for it to find €700,000," Muscat said, referring to the €3.87 million refurbishment of the former Institute of Healthcare for the temporary relocation of Malta Enterprise, the government's investment arm.

The project includes the regener

ation of three parts of the estate: the construction of a childcare centre, to accommodate around 30 children, the creation of a landscape area, organised parking spaces, the construction of a 5-aside football pitch and increased recreational spaces for all generations.

Tghid MICA fejn tghallem jiktbu l-Malti?
Prosit Dr Muscat,urejt li int leader serju,veru li stajt taghmel din il mossa qabel imma qatt mu tard biex tiddegiti.Issa nisperaw li dan x xoghol ma iddumx ma jibda ghaliex dawk linhawi il veru dizastruzi.Tinsiex!!!!!!! li il maggoranza tal haddiema f'dawk n nahat qedin. Giovann rega tfacca ...hehehehe.
Il-Poplu Mosta ingidem wahda tajba hames snin ilu. Dahqu bih. Jekkim jergghu jidhqu bih allura IKUN TORT TAGHNA.. Mhux tieghi, naturalmenmt. Tiftakruha l-istorja tal-handyman? Daqshekk ipokriti dawn in-nies.
Il-Poplu Mosta ingidem wahda tajba hames snin ilu. Dahqu bih. Jekkim jergghu jidhqu bih allura IKUN TORT TAGHNA.. Mhux tieghi, naturalmenmt. Tiftakruha l-istorja tal-handyman? Daqshekk ipokriti dawn in-nies.
Prosit Dr.Muscat qed turi li minn jizbalja irid iwarrab. ghalhekk inheggeg lil Mostin biex 10 ta Marzu johorgu jivvutaw ghal kanditati laburisti kolla ghax taht it tmexxija ta Joseph Muscat wara elezjoni li gejja il Mosta tiehu dak li jixraqila. Veru kien hemm dizgwid bejn il kunsiliera laburista imma il kunsiliera nazzjonalisti x'ghamlu hlief bsaten fir roti bhal ma ivvotawx meta gew ik flus mill EU ghal progett tal bandli u okkazjoniet ohra u falla kollox. Ghalhekk mappella lil poplu mosti biex johrog jivvota ghal kanditati godda tal partit laburista
Means business? Tajba dic-cajta. Means business kieku ha passi qabel u mhux halla d-dizastru li halla. Il-Mostin zbaljaw id-darba l-ohra u issa ghandhom ic-cans isewwu l-izball li ghamlu.
Luke Camilleri
Dr. Joseph Muscat is the way forward! No time wasting here....with one-man two legged races!
@edyjoyce I thought the PL WAS already elected ...! You have been in election mode for the last 20 years
Prosit PL.Hekk ghandhom imorru affarijiet, minn jizbalja ghandu jkun umli u jghid li zbalja. Din hi differenza kbira bejn zewg partiti. Wiehed jammeti u jbidel u l-iehor jghid li hu perfett u ma jammeti qatt. Jien bi hgari issa nista mur u nivvota ghal kunsilliera kollha tal-pl ghax nemmen li huma l-ahjar ghazla ghax meta kelna kunsill imexxi mil-PN hlief dejn, u pjaciri ghal tal-qalba ma sarux.
That is how leadership goes, those who do not deliver should take a hike. Good for you Joseph it is a good move by you and PL to show the people that PLK means business when it says it wants to clran up the syatem.
That is how leadership goes, those who do not deliver should take a hike. Good for you Joseph it is a good move by you and PL to show the people that PLK means business when it says it wants to clran up the syatem.
DR. Joseph Muscat is proving that he means what he says, and is not afraid to call a spade, a spade !Now we need a Mosta Local Council much more than before. Because if the PL is elected to govern, Mosta residents need a Labour led council to guarantee that those areas which have been left abandoned under a GonziPN government, will be taken care of as Dr. Muscat promised today ! SO ALL YOU MOSTA RESIDENTS GO OUT AND VOTE PL ON 10 MARCH ! Eddy Privitera
DR. Joseph Muscat is proving that he means what he says, and is not afraid to call a spade, a spade !Now we need a Mosta Local Council much more than before. Because if the PL is elected to govern, Mosta residents need a Labour led council to guarantee that those areas which have been left abandoned under a GonziPN government, will be taken care of as Dr. Muscat promised today ! SO ALL YOU MOSTA RESIDENTS GO OUT AND VOTE PL ON 10 MARCH ! Eddy Privitera