Defence says Vince Farrugia ‘made political contacts to exercise influence’ on court hearing

Defence lawyers of Sandro Chetcuti, charged with the attempted murder of the GRTU director general Vince Farrugia, file writ against request for ban on SMS publication.

Vince Farrugia (right) and Sandro Chetcuti, first from left - Chetcuti was a former GRTU official.
Vince Farrugia (right) and Sandro Chetcuti, first from left - Chetcuti was a former GRTU official.

The defence lawyers of building contractor Sandro Chetcuti, who is accused of the attempted murder of GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia, have asked the court of Magistrate Edwina Grima to turn down a request by Farrugia's lawyers for a media blackout on court evidence.

Farrugia, 67, made a formal request to the law courts for a ban on the publication of text messages sent from his mobile phone to third parties, before and after he sustained an assault by Sandro Chetcuti.

Chetcuti's lawyers, Emanuel Mallia and Edward Gatt, asked the court to deny the "odious" request, saying Vince Farrugia had attempted to destroy Chetcuti's reputation by banning the publication of evidence that "shows he fabricated evidence by contacting journalists to give importance to his case."

Chetcuti's lawyers said the SMSes had show members of Farrugia's family "made direct and influential contact with witnesses who were going to testify on sensitive matters", that Farrugia "made various political contacts with authorities to exercise influence on these proceedings" and that Farrugia was only uncomfortable with the SMSes when the media started publicising them.

"Vince Farrugia previously testified on an SMS from Chetcuti, and now he is asking for a lifebuoy by asking for a ban on the SMSes that embarrass him. These SMSes throw a shadow on the veracity and credibility of the prosecution's witnesses."

Mallia and Gatt added that Farrugia could sue for libel, but that there was no law to provide a ban on the publication of the evidence, and that there was no obscene or immoral content in the SMSes that warranted censorship.

"The original request is motivated by Farrugia's preoccupation of the media coverage about his behaviour and what he wrote. What is important is the separation of the courts from the media."

In a previous sitting, SMS messages presented by the defence showed that Farrugia was in contact with a third party, asking him to influence Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia in a bid to undermine his Chetcuti in her blog. "This is filth and Vince Farrugia wants to hide from it but he can't hide from it and I won't let him use a GRTU publication to continue his campaign," Mallia said, referring to a recent outburst against Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan in the GRTU's pamphlet.

The defence is also trying to discredit previous testimonies given by consultant radiologist Anthony Samuel, after questioning Samuel's integrity and accusing him of exaggerating the medical results because of his strong ties with the Farrugia family.

When he testified last July, Samuel admitted he knew Farrugia's family and denied denied altering the medical results. Under cross-examination, Samuel admitted having dated Farrugia's daughter Marie-Claire Farrugia, who is also a doctor at Mater Dei Hospital.

Vince give us a break, first you want to be a public figure and then you dont take responsibility. it is enough our top people do not resign but i am sure if someone had to do some maths it turns out that your members are decreasing due to you and being a membership driven organization i would strongly suggest to you to resign before you create further harm to GRTU. i would not be surprised to see you depicted on a billboard like Gonzi stuck to a chair as it looks like you also like power
I am sure that Vince Farrugia is trying to not to show his text messages in public because the true story will be revealed. Vince is always trying to manipulate matters but this time he is only playing with fire. I am waiting to hear Sandro's version because Vince version is not creditable at all.
Luke Camilleri
Il-King tal-Buzollotti u teatrini!
I am afraid that the law courts have become - with precise intention of the PN Govt - a PN club. All appointments to the bench have been for those who are known PN afficionados. This means that poeple like Vince Farrugia have an advantage because he belongs to the same club as many of the judiciary, while , others who are known PL have an uphill struggle. Unfortunately, those magistrates and judges who are obviously giving sentences blatantly in favour of the Govt.,Minsiters, govt officials and know PN fans, are giving a very bad name to themselves and their integrity, and to the justice they should be delivering...instead of pleasing the master who appointed them to their privaleged positions. These things are happening as we speak....
Like the sayung goes "When the s*** hits the fan better not be in the way". What has Vince Farrugia to hide from the public. To think that only a couple of years back he was a wannabee MEP.
Ma nafx jien,jekk dawn l-SMS's juri dak li hawn miktub hawn fuq jien ghaliha din ma hi xejn ghax korruzzjoni. Jekk inhu veru dan Vince Farrugia ghandu jkun fl-izbarra ghax tinsinwa biex tghid xi haga li mhix vera huwa reat u ghalhekk il-pulizija hija fid-dmir li tinvestiga u tresqu l-Qorti mhux bhala xhud imma bhala akkuzat.
Ghax kont ikkritikajt lil Vince Farrugia meta hu kien xebbah iz-zmien li fil-gvern kien hemm gvern laburista taht il-perit Mintof ma "zmien ta' dlam"!U fakkartu kif hu ma kienx beza minn dak id-dlam, anzi kien mar tajjeb hafna, tghidx x'ma qallix f'risposta f'gurnal. Sa qal li jien ridt inkissirlu giehu etc... ! Eddy Privitera