Updated | Prospero Grech appointed Cardinal

Prospero Grech made Cardinal, giving Malta its second native Cardinal after 168 years.

Cardinal Grech
Cardinal Grech

After an absence of 168 years, today a Maltese monsignor has joined the College of Cardinals. Prospero Grech, 86, was appointed Cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI.

Cardinal Grech has been given the titular church of Saint Maria Goretti.

In comments to the press, Cardinal Grech said it was a highly emotional moment, where Pope Benedict thanked him for the work carried out so far.

"I told him I hope to continue with my work, to which the Pope sort of laughed," he said.

Cardinal Grech also described the ring which he now carries as "beautiful" and "significant".

168 years have passed since a Maltese was made Cardinal. Cardinal Fabrizio Sceberras Testaferrata was made cardinal in pectore in 1816 and elevated to cardinal-priest two years later.

Today, Pope Benedict is holding his fourth concistory that will see the appointment of 22 Cardinals. Eighteen of the new cardinals, being under 80 years of age, will be electors. Prospero Grech and three others will be ineligible to vote in a future conclave.

During the concistory, the Cardinals will be bestowed with the red biretta and will be presented with the cardinal's ring. The titular churches - the church in the diocese of Rome to which the post of cardinal is tied to - will also be assigned.

This is the first time that all three stages of the concistory will be combined.


Cardinal-in-waiting Prospero Grech's coat of arms

Speaking to MaltaToday, researcher on Vatican relations Frank Zammit said that today will not only be an important day for the Maltese Church, but also for the island itself.

"This date will go down in history as the day when Malta once again became part of the College of the Cardinals after an absence of 168 years," Zammit said.

Cardinal Fabrizio Sceberras Testaferrata had taken part in three conclaves: in 1823 during the election of Pope Leo XII, in 1829 during the election of Pope Pius VIII and in 1830 and 1831 during the election of Pope Gregory XVI.

Zammit, who has interviewed him several times, refers to Prospero Grech as "a highly intelligent person, a Biblicist who specialised in the Sacred Scripture".

Prospero Grech is currently lecturer emeritus at various universities in Rome as well as Consultor to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

He had also heard Giovanni Battista Montini's confession a couple of hours prior to his election to the papacy as Paul VI.

Prior to being ordained to the priesthood in 1950, while Malta was under siege during the Second World War, Mgr Grech served his nation as a gunner in the Royal Malta Artillery.

Archbishop Paul Cremona, Gozo Bishop Mario Grech, President George Abela and Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg will be present for the concistory.

The Cardinal's ring

The back part of the ring represents a stylized column like those found in Saint Peter's Basilica, while the face is a bas-relief in the shape of a cross. On the face are figures of Saints Peter and Paul, modeled on their statues located in front of the Basilica, representing faith and missionary proclamation. Between the two Saints, as if to illumine them, is placed an eight-pointed star, a clear reference to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Inside the ring, beneath the face, are the arms of Pope Benedict in bas-relief.



"This is the first time that all three stages of the concistory will be combined." What three stages?! Besides, the word "conSistory" has been misspelled.
indeed this is a special moment not only for the church on the maltese islands but also us as a nation. ad multos annos. I do would love to see the church reach and live more among us mortals . and do hope that in any given occasion such would be done.
Ad multos annos; is-sabih li jidher li qatt ma fittex dan il-gharfien.