Updated | GRTU boss to file libel against GWU’s secretary general

GRTU Director General Vince Farrugia denies calling workers ‘rats’, but used the word to describe tax evaders and those who do illicit businesses. GWU secretary general Tony Zarb stands by his position.

Vince Farrugia files libel against Tony Zarb
Vince Farrugia files libel against Tony Zarb

Adds reaction by the General Workers' Union

In a reaction to Vince Farrugia's libel threat, GWU secretary general Tony Zarb said that "no maneuvers by Vince Farruiga, including the libel suit, will stop him from standing by his comments".

Zarb is insisting that Farrugia called workers in precarious environment "rats". He also referred to the minutes of meeting 180 of the MCESD.


In a statement issued last night, GRTU Director General Vince Farrugia categorically denied having ever called workers "rats" during a meeting of the MCESD. He also announced that he has filed a libel suit against GWU secretary general Tony Zarb.

"Tony Zarb is not only quoting out of context, but is also in breach of the regulations and the ethical procedure of the MCESD. Discussions and minutes of the Council are confidential to let the discussion flow," the GRTU said.

During yesterday's programme of 'Affari Taghna', Zarb accused Farrugia of describing workers in a precarious environment as "rats". Zarb went on to challenge Paul Abela, representing the GRTU, to condemn Farrugia's comments.

MaltaToday also reported that Farrugia had asked programme host John Bundy to cut out Zarb's comments.

The GRTU said that Farrugia's comments were directed against the "negative and wrong attitude of the GWU who only criticises and laments all the time over the economic and social advancements".

GRTU went on to say that GWU only wanted to "suffocate businesses" and scare consumers from buying and self employed from investing.

Farrugia criticised the GWU for its campaign "to attract self employed after years of insulting them and calling them 'tax evaders' and 'thieves' ".

"What the Director General in reality said was that there was no place within the GRTU for who evades and carries out illicit business. If the GWU wanted to take these types of rats, it's their problem," GRTU said.

The union stressed that no one within the GRTU will "ever insult workers".



Luke Camilleri
The easy way out to silence- make a libel case! Even more easy since any legal fees are not paid personally by the Character instituting the libel but this time from the membership fees of GRTU members! To be CREDIBLE a libel case should be instituted personally and paid for from one's pocket!
Can Vince Farrugia stop from interfering with the media, if he believes that he's been libelled he can always resort to court proceedings. No matter what his excuse is he did use the word "rats" and it is in a meetings minutes,. I don't think that Tony Zarb is so thick as to make such allegations without proof
censu ta sms rega ghamila, hu brejk cens.
Il-Gurdien huwa dak li jiehu dak li ma huwiex tieghu min wara dahar il-poplu. Qatt ma rajt Gurdien jiehu xi haga meta jista jinqabad. Kemm hemm nies b'xoghol prekarju fic-civil?
Ma nohodhiex bi kbira li min kien qal li GonziPN kien se jtella " mhux tnejn, mhux tlieta, mhux erba izda hames deputati nazzjonalisti fil-parlament Ewropew",ma kienx jaf ezatt x'qed jghid fil-laqgha tal-MCESD !
Have any SMSs been sent?
Mark Fenech
Is-soltu - Censa l-5. Meta jġibuh darhu mal-ħajt ikun irid imur il-qorti biex jagħlqilhom ħalqhom. Ħallina Cens, aħjar tirtira ftakar li l-ħajja hija qasira, u l-inkwiet ma jagħmillekx tajjeb meta tasal f'eta tagħna. L-inkwiet ħallieħ għaż-żgħar li jifilħu jaqilgħu fuq darhom.
Tghis hemm xi sms bhal ma hemm fil-kaz l-iehor li mhux wiehed, mhux tnejn... ma jridx li jinkixfu?