System working well to root out fraudsters - Austin Gatt

Transport Minister reacts to calls by Opposition leader for political responsibility to be shouldered over €500,000 fraud inside Transport Malta.

Transport Minister Austin Gatt (right) with Transport Malta chairman Mark Portelli (file photo).
Transport Minister Austin Gatt (right) with Transport Malta chairman Mark Portelli (file photo).

Transport Minister Austin Gatt has defended the administration's ability to root out fraudsters in the public sector, after three men were remanded in custody over a €500,000 fraud in road contracts through Transport Malta.

Replying to statements by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat, who yesterday said political responsibility had to be shouldered for the Transport Malta scandal, Gatt said the best that any governmental administration could do is to catch out any abuse and see that justice is made.

"The fact that the TM employee in question is being charged on fraud, and not corruption as stated by Muscat, shows clearly that such abuse is not tolerated, and that there are processes that are capable of identifying such abuse."

Three men were remanded in custody after they were charged with siphoning off some €500,000 from taxpayers' money in inflated road contracts.

Gordon Zammit, 36, of Ghaxaq, employed as an architect within the Roads Directorate at Transport Malta was sent to Corradino Prison where he is being held under preventative arrest following his arraignment.

Zammit - who although lives in Ghaxaq but his ID card puts him at an address in Tower Road, Sliema - was arraigned following an investigation which led police to also arrest a construction developer George Schembri of Birzebbuga, director of Alfred Schembri and Sons Ltd, and his accounts clerk, 36-year-old Donald Camilleri, as the people who benefited from the scam.

According to Inspector Angelo Gafa from the Economic Crimes Unit, Schembri's company profited up to €500,000 in jut one year by inflating bills of quantities for road works done throughout the country.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat yesterday said this latest 'bribery' case was the most recent in a series that have dented the governmet's record. "There's no smoke without fire and this shows a serious lack of leadership inside GonziPN. Somebody must take political responsiblity for this recent scandal."

Muscat said the new corruption racket was just one that has marred the history of Transport Malta, citing other cases in the issuing of motor vehicle licences, mariners' licences, as well as bribery accusations made against the person who led the superyachts' privatisation. "We'll see that somebody shoulders the political responsibility for this disaster inside Transport Malta," Muscat said.

In a reaction, the PN's information office said Labour had welcomed in its fold persons who had been accused in court of corruption and criminal acts. No names were mentioned in the PN statement.

"While the PN took disciplinary steps against people accused in court, these same people found their space within the Labour party and its media," the PN said.

"The people's choice is between Labour's words and the PN's fight against corruption and criminality."

A fouth person in the charges, 36 year-old scrap dealer Godfrey Cutajar, admitted to being the middle-man between Zammit and Schembri Bros Limited, and also admitted to charges of bribery and money laundering.

Cutajar was charged with having acted on behalf of Gasparell Baling Co. Limited to launder the money which was paid by Schembri and Camilleri to the Transport Malta architect.

The court decreed that given the admission, there was enough evidence to indict Cutajar and referred the case to the Attorney General who has the discretion to decide on whether the accused will be sentenced by the lower courts or have his case referred to trial by jury.

tejd ha jilab il-flus li jaqta l-korruzzjoni dal-minalih cowboy austin?
Luke Camilleri
If the System is working so well in rooting out fraudsters , why not use it on Ministries , Government bodis and entities, the tendering and contracts department, CONSULTANCIES and at Human Resource Sections at MEPA, TM, Enemalta,.... Education and other ministries AND THEIR CONSULTANTS! Andele Andele Ariva ....Arriva Austin Gatt!
Dak li jgib il-faqar,serq bil-pulit,serq ta kuljum fil-prezzijiet,uro law u uro l-hemm dak muxejn jejd il- gvern.Imma fl-ahhar tas sena dawn jigu mijiet jekk mhux eluf ta uros.Ghanna bzon tat- tielet partit ghax inkella ha nibqu bl-istes.Li qed jigri,it tort hu tal-votanti mhux tal gvern,ahna poggajnieh hemm.
And yet you are still there BUFFU!
Just looking at the picture of this arrogant nobody makes me want to vomit.F...... wanker.
Austin Gatt is seeing this country going to the dogs, corruption galore in all departments, projects going wrong and a huge big storm over AirMalta, and a goavernment who lost its majority and its uphill going - that is why he wants to exit politics. When the ship is sinking it is the rats who scuttle off first. Why are we not surprised?
Political satire. Hey what's good for the goose is also good for the gander, it hurts where your pockets line.
As if this man knows what political responsability is!! He does not know what dignity and integrity is either! If he did, Austgn Gatt would have said bye bye to his seat of power when the ' buzulotti' of Arriva happened. U mela le.......! Arrogance reigns!
X'qed jistenna l-PL li L-Hon. Austin Gatt se jerfa r-responsbilta tal-falliment totali li gara u ghadu qed jigri fi Transport Malta, Bidlulha isimha minn ADT ghal Trasport Malta biex jghattu d-dnubiet li kienu saru taht dak l-isem (ADT)baqghu isiru xorta wahda, issa tfaccat din (u din kbira daqsxejn kienet) u forsi ghad irridu nisimghu b'xi haga ohra hierga minn din l-imbierka Transport Malta. Imma xorat jibqa l-fatt li l-Hon, Dr. Austin Gatt mhux ser jirrezenja u mhux ha jerfa l-ebda responsabilta politka ibqghu zguri tal-PL. M'intomx tindunaw li ghalxejn thanbqu ghar-rizenji u mhux rizenji u responsabilta u mhux responsabilta. L-affarijiet mexjin fuq ir-rubini, ahtaf illum ghax ghada jista ma jifdal xejn. U x'responsabilta, responsabilta? Din il-kelma xi tfisser? Ghax ghandi dizzjunarju bil-malti li il-kliem Responsabilta u Rizenja ma jsemmihom u dan id-dizzjunarju ghaddihuwi wiehed Nazzjonalist u ghamilli mhatra li mhux ha nsibhom u ballec rebahieli bl-ispejjes b'kollox. Viva l-poplu fqir u batut, kemm se jibqa' gwejjed u fidil, ma nafx jien.
Hallina Dr Gatt. Kieku int rajt li jigu mpjegajti nies serji u kapaci - u mhux biss ghax huma nazzjonalisti tal-qalba - kieku ma kenitx tinqala' din il-problema. It-tahwid fost l-istaff t'hemmhekk kien ilu sejjer snin twal taht imniehrek.
avatar work better! ' Fuq ir-rubini!
"Zammit - who although lives in Ghaxaq but his ID card puts him at an address in Tower Road, Sliema .... most probably a nationalist lackey who has two votes one on Sliema and one on Ghaxaq.
"In a reaction, the PN's information office said Labour had welcomed in its fold persons who had been accused in court of corruption and criminal acts. No names were mentioned in the PN statement.".... an unsubstantiated LIE unless names are given. As usual gonzipn at its best Lieing, Lieing and more Lieing
Listening to FW Austin Gatt you'd think that TM has some internal service to catch these fraud cases. Fraud is not corruption said Malta's own Confucius as if one of the alleged fraudsters did not approach another to set up the scheme. If this is not corruption what is then?. Austin take a hike and go and concentrate on the next gen elections and give Malta a break.