887 councillors collect vote for PN leadership election

12 voting documents uncollected for PN leadership vote tomorrow, after intense campaign to urge councillors to collect their vote.

PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi.
PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi.

Updatd at 8:09pm

Only 12 voting voting documents have not been collected, for tomorrow's PN leadership vote.

PN councillors eligible to vote in tomorrow's leadership election were being strongly urged by the party's higher echelons to collect their voting document and vote for Lawrence Gonzi, the only contestant in tomorrow's PN leadership vote, after up to 200 voting documents were still uncollected yesterday evening.

Party sources informed MaltaToday that councillors have received a number of SMSes and phone calls to collect their voting document from the party headquarters. Deputy prime minister Tonio Borg is personally calling individual councillors who have yet to collect their voting document and urging them to collect their vote.

Former minister Michael Refalo, the chairperson of the electoral commission overseeing the election, said there were 900 eligible voters in total. One councillor passed away this week, leaving 899 eligible voters.

The 12 votes which were not collected include four councillors who are overseas, another four who are ill, and another four simply did not collect the vote.

MaltaToday first requested the number of eligible voters on 31 January - although the PN has never replied to this newspaper's multiple requests - after it transpired that a number of PN sectional committees had not held any elections for councillors to represent them on the PN's General Council, the party's highest decision-making body.

In particular, the councillors representing the Sliema and St Julian's committees were not chosen by an election, because the number of 'contestants' did not exceed the number of councillor posts available, so an election was not required.

Last month, Lawrence Gonzi submitted his leadership of the PN to a secret ballot in a bid to consolidate his leadership after his government was threatened by a no-confidence vote, in which Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono abstained.

To retain the party leadership - which he is expected to - he will need a two-thirds majority of all votes cast.

U b'talba specjali L-ahhar gurnata tal-karnival li kella tithassar minhabba l-maltemp ser issir ghada l-Hadd fil-kwartieri tal-PN.
Mark Fenech
If LP had to reason on the same basis of PN and hold a similar contest for Party's leader and only Joseph Muscat will contest, than LP can regard itself as the new government of Malta. What a farce!!!!!!!!!
Mark Fenech
If LP had to reason on the same basis of PN and hold a similar contest for Party's leader and only Joseph Muscat will contest, than LP can regard itself as the new government of Malta. What a farce!!!!!!!!!
Ian George Walker
Will there be any independent verification of the results? Or do we have to take whatever this "commission" says as the Gospel truth?
I can't understand how GonziPN isn't ashamed of this stupid move! Overseas media will laugh about all this, and probably they will quote it as the joke of the year! How sad and sorry is the state of GonziPN! and I'm sure that there are going to be euphoric celebrations for Dr. Gonzi, without achieving anything! GonziPN is continuing to insult the I.Q. of the Maltese and Gozitan electorate, and probably even of the foreign media. I wonder how this comedy is going to be reported in some important European media, if they do take notice of it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
200 chose to not collect their voting document! That's 22.22% ... There's got to be a message in there for Dr. Gonzi; something akin to "get lost". Does the ballot accept, "None of the above", or a write-in candidate's name? Looks very much like the elections of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadhafi.
mux ta bxejn gew fix gew ta gonzipn bih leader u b dak l-anbaqru ta hdejh segretarju.hahahahahaha
I am sure Leonid Brezhnev could not have staged this 'election' better
SEQERMALTI proset tal video li ghamilt, veru video tajjeb u tad dahq. Idhlu gharawh u ibatu l link tal website lil kullhadd permezz ta l email gheziez bloggers ha jitqassam ma Malta kolllha. U int SEQERMALTI intik kuragg taghmel hafna aktar videos bhal dawn, li juri l faqar ta Prim Ministru li ghandna jmexxi dal pajjiz. Le Gonzi ma nergax nivvutalek u bil qalb naghmel hekk, tal hnizrija taz zieda ta l onorarja li tajt lilek u lill shabek. Basta kont edtilna naghmlu sagrificju, isss imma int tithanzer minn fuqna.
Il-medjokrita' u l-banalitajiet ta' dan il-bniedem ma jonqsu qatt. Ma nistghax nimmagina li ghad hawn nies mohhom flokhom li ghadom jaraw lil Gonzi bhala prim ministru li jixraq lil Malta.
X'tensjoni! X'mument storiku fil-pajjiz! Nasal biex nghid li Gonzi huwa l-akbar mexxej li qatt rat Malta - x'inhuma Mintoff u Fenech Adami hdejh!? Ikollkom cans araw dan il-kartuns li ghamilt dwar l-ghazla tal-kap tal-PN jekk m'ghandkomx x'taghmlu :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7pT1EL-xe8
nahseb bl-extra time u bil penalties jispiccaw ghada hbieb.kompli dahhaq filjozz ta l-ex arcisqof!!!!!!!
X'tensjoni! X'mument storiku fil-pajjiz! Nasal biex nghid li Gonzi huwa l-akbar mexxej li qatt rat Malta - x'inhuma Mintoff u Fenech Adami hdejh!? Ikollkom cans araw dan il-kartuns li ghamilt dwar l-ghazla tal-kap tal-PN jekk m'ghandkomx x'taghmlu :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7pT1EL-xe8
Nahseb li 2 ohra sabu l-bieb miftuh lol...
Jeffrey Vella
Kemm ghandi hajja qatt ma naf li ghamilt imhatri, imma din id darba naghmel imhatra ma min irid li Gonzi se jirbah, tant jien cert li lest naghti 500 euro fil-gimgha ghal hajti kollha ghal min jisfidani.
Luke Camilleri
What a concentration of limited talent! First Place Lawrence Gonzi Last Place - Lawrence Gonzi WIN BY DEFAULT - WALK OVER! Who is kidding who?
Vera mghandkhomx taghmlu ta. Mhux ahhar tmexxu il pajjiz million tahlu il hin fuq dawn ic cucati.