Jailed for 10 years for rape of minors
A court has tonight jailed a man for 10 years after finding him guilty of raping his niece and nephew.
The man - who's identity cannot be revealed by court order - was found guilty of raping his five year-old nephew and eight year old niece for at least five years, and found evidence that he also abused a young cousin of his.
The judgement handed by Magistrate Jaquline Padovani Grima explained that the man was sexually abused himself when he was a child, and medical records show that he was recovered at Mount Carmel Hospital for some time.
The case came to light when the police were informed of the abuse through the victim's father when his daughter burst into tears and recounted her ordeal to a family friend.

The accompanying photo is that of a black guy. Is this a subtle way of promoting xenophobia?

this man is sick and needs psychiatric help. sending him to jail is like cutting his"´hands" off. it will only make him a worse case. modern way of applying sharia on our islands.
we lack professional rehabilitation centres for such and similar mental cases. sad!!!

Jigiefieri dan il-hmieg ta' bniedem se jkun fit-toroq xi 4 jew 5 snin ohra?! Possibbli l-qorti Maltija hija daqshekk irresponsabbli?