[WATCH] Gonzi: Re-election means PN is one family

PN leader Lawrence Gonzi thanks the party councillors for re-electing him and says result shows PN is one family.

PN leader Lawrence Gonzi garnered 851 votes in his re-election.
PN leader Lawrence Gonzi garnered 851 votes in his re-election.

In his address to the party supporters gathered at the PN headquarters, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi thanked the party councillors who re-confirmed him as party leader.

He referred to his speech on his election to party leader in 2004 when he declared his love towards the country and the Maltese people. "I had declared my readiness to serve the party and the country."

"This result confirms that we make part of one family which is determined to offer a service to the country. This is the message conveyed by tonight's result even if we have had internal criticism and tension."

Gonzi said that "after this democratic result we must make the most of this golden opportunity and build a brighter future."

The PN leader thanked the party councillors for their dedication and even expressed his gratitude towards "those who did not vote or voted against."

He added that the request to hold a secret vote ensured that all councilors voted in freedom.   

The PN leader will address the party's General Council tomorrow morning at 11am.

Luke Camilleri
Bhal Padrino il-Familja tigi l-ewwel u qabel kollox!
Re-election means that Gonzi is a dictator and everything debono said about him is right. This election has as much relevance as Saddam's elections in Iraq. Yes they also held elections in Iraq - with the same predictable outcome as in Malta - and also the same turn out of voters as well. I have no idea if there was even another candidate in this election. WTF!
This one did better and there were more candidates on the ballot!!!! http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/feb/13/turkmenistan-president-wins-election?INTCMP=SRCH
What a god almighty farce ! If this man is seeing this as some sort of great victory, then, this man needs help! Asking 900 diehards for a vote, without giving them an altenative and claiming vicotry as if it was some cut throat race between Titans, is so pathtetic! So very pathetic that the rumours going round -that poor Gonzi has been set up by a ' clique' to ridicule him and actually taint his image as leader- is making sense. If only one surfs the media, the jokes, sarcasm, and jibes that have been stimulated about Gonzi and his one donkey race sure ly do no good for the image of an incumbent Prime Minister . This was a very Macchivellian move from inside, to ridicule Gonzi...land they managed and how!! If Gonzi wants to shake off the King Carnivalesque image that has been created out of his charcter, he has no option to test his real power with the electorate. If not, he will be rememberd for the most pathetic Kind Carnival this counry has seen.
Naghmel mistoqsija. Kieku jien kkontestajt lil Gonzi u rbaht, x'kienet se tkun il-posizzjoni tieghi u tal pajjiz? Jien Kap tal-PN u Gonzi Prim Ministru jew jien u Gonzi t-tnejn Prim Ministri ghax dan ma rrizenjax?
I find this result very worrying besides being a bit of a charade.. What it proves to me is that the general council is stuffed with cronies because no one in a truly representative fair cross-section set of his members (we all live in Malta and know the general feeling going round) would get such a thumping majority and certainly not in a political party where a clash of ideas should be the norm. It is more worrying in that two of the party's MP's absented themselves from even collecting their vote and another has repeatedly declared his open opposition to the leader. In a country where we have no clear separation between party and government this is even more serious as it leads to state run on cronyism. I trust that LG will seriously reflect on this issue and either seek a parliamentary confirmation or call an election. Otherwise it is time for the EU to really examine whether in practise and substance our democratic credentials match those expected of a member state and whether they have deteriorated since the acquis examination we had passed to be accepted as EU members.
"Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives regardless of merit." .......... So finally gonzi admits that it is a family affair . Only those of the family get rewarded, looks like gonzipn's family has 3.5% black sheep. Gonzi never disappoints when it comes to choice of words. No it is time to root out who were the 3.5% and get rid of them.
It was not a re-election, it was a confirmation that the party wants Gonzi to take the fall when PN lose the next general election so that they can then replace him with a proper leader who won't have to start his career with a major defeat to his name.
Din it-tellieqa bejn bniedem wahdu tikkonferma x'faqar ta' Prim Ministru ghandu pajjizna. Lil GonziPN nghidlu li wahdu jista jtellaq kemm irid. Issa naraw meta jigi biex itellaq it-tigrija ma haddiehor naraw x'se jghamel.
Test the loyalty of your family in parliament now Mr. Gonzi.
Well done one horse race. He made himself the laughing stock of Malta.
Well done GonziPN in the dressing room you have 96.7% but it seems that on the playing field you have 32 players against 34. Now we are all looking forward to watch the game. Hope now this is the end of this farce!
Gonzipn referred to his speech on his election to party leader in 2004, and declared love to the country and the Maltese people. His love to the Maltese workers was only when he sent job letters guarantee few days before 2008 election and after winning these workers lost their jobs, such as the Shipyard workers, Air Malta and others. I don't see love in sending high bills of water and electricity to the Maltese, and cutting off the service to families who can't afford to pay. We will be one family when all the Maltese will have a weekly increase in their salary of 500 euro an not 1.16 euro. The pn delegates voted for Gonzipn, but I am sure thousands will vote against him in next election, especially the workers who were betrayed by the letter send and signed by Lawrence Gonzi.
The election went as expected! /The Malta Observer Blog http://maltaobserver.blogspot.com/