What the Sunday newspapers say about Lawrence Gonzi’s victory

The Sunday newspapers are dominated by yesterday’s PN leadership election, in which Lawrence Gonzi, the only contestant won the backing of 94.6% of all party councillors.

Lawrence Gonzi was reconfirmed PN leader after gaining the required two-thirds' majority of party councillors.
Lawrence Gonzi was reconfirmed PN leader after gaining the required two-thirds' majority of party councillors.

MaltaToday runs the headline 'Joyful, triumphant but in denial' and in its editorial commentary it asks what yesterday's result has really achieved: has Gonzi's overwhelming victory brought his political crisis to an end or does it mean that the stalemate remains?

The leadership contest was all about putting pressure on rebel MP Franco Debono to toe the party line and guarantee the government's majority in parliament. However, the crisis should have been resolved in parliament and not within the party, MaltaToday's editorial adds.

Yesterday's result also fortified Gonzi's authority, entrenching the 'GonziPN' leitmotif as it were. But the newspaper's leader asks whether the PN is now in a position to serenly go for an election, and whether the party's confidence in Lawrence Gonzi has indeed strengthened the party's national standing. "Only a parliamentary volte-face by Franco Debono will pave the way for Gonzi to keep soldiering on in time to see the government's projects completed, evidencing the tangible results achieved in the last three and a half years."

The editorial commentary also underlines the significance of the decision by PN backbenchers Jesmond Mugliett and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando not to collect their voting document and cast their vote. This could indicate that Gonzi's internal problems are far from over.

Sunday newspaper Illum carries the headline 'A victory that brings further problems'. In  its editorial the newspaper notes that Lawrence Gonzi's victory does not mean that Franco Debono is now back in the fold.

Illum explains that the political crisis should have been resolved by an early election. It adds that the Prime Minister chose to resolve the problem by "giving an impression that he is addressing the problem in the wrong structure."

Illum's leader contends that the real obstacle is in parliament, where the government needs to overcome the problems within its own parliamentary group. It urges Lawrence Gonzi to explain how he intends to solve the problem in Parliament tomorrow because "after all he was elected as Prime Minister by the whole country and not by the PN councillors."

The Nationalist Party newspaper Il-Mument carries the headline 'A strong vote for Lawrence Gonzi' and reports that the PN leader gained 96.5% of votes cast. It reports Gonzi's speech held after the result was announced in which the Prime Minister said that the PN is" one united family determined to be of service for the country's wellbeing."

The Sunday Times says yesterday's vote was a strong wave of support for Lawrence Gonzi and notes that the result increases "his level of support within the party." The newspaper also reports Gonzi's speech and gives an account of the voting results. It also explains that the persons who failed to pick up the voting documents for yesterday's election include PN backbenchers Jesmond Mugliett and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, EU commissioner John Dalli and former PN president Frank Portelli.

The Malta Independent says that "Gonzi reasserts his authority at PN" and in its editorial asks "where do we go from here?" It remarks that Gonzi now expects the unconditional support of the whole party and adds that the numerical problem in Parliament remains "unresolved". The Malta Independent says that Franco Debono has not been brought back in line and casts doubts whether the rebel MP will end his crusade.

Labour Party organ KullHadd remarks that after playing alone at home, Lawrence Gonzi now needs to play "away" in Parliament. It adds that Gonzi chose to go for a "show of force" by calling for a leadership contest within the party but the real test lies in Parliament. KullHadd adds that Gonzi entered the leadership contest with one rebel MP causing problems but has come out of it facing further dissent from Mugliett, Pullicino Orlando and Dalli.

General Workers Union newspaper It-Torca says that the worst is not over for Lawrence Gonzi and reports that the Prime Minister who stood alone for the contest now faces further internal dissent.

Nemmen li "X-XIBKA TAL-HAZEN" - kif kien iddiskriviha Franco Debono se jirnexxila HI ggieghel lil Franco jghamel IRTIRATA u mhux hume se jirrizenjaw ! Meta Franco fahhar id-diskors ta0 Gonzi tal-bierah, were li mhux intelligenti daqs kemm hsibtu. Nesa li Gonzi dejjem qal: " Iggudikawni mhux fuq li nghid izda fuq li nghamel ". U Franco iggudikah fuq dak li qal il-bierah ! Mhux kullhadd jaf li ghad-diskors lil Gonzi tilghablux ?! U ma jafx Franco li la Gonzi jrid ihejji ruhu ghal-elezzjoni, il-kliem sabih etc.. jibda hiereg mhux biss minn halqu, izda wkoll minn widnejh ?? Kif kiteb tajjeb Saviour Balzan, Franco Debono ma jdums ma jispicca fil-"landa taz-zibel tal-istorja". U se jitfghuh hemm GonziPN u X-XIBKA TAL-HAZEN ! Eddy Privitera
3.5% out of the core and die hearts. Imagine then what dissent there is among the common supporters and the men in the street.
3.5% out of the core and die hearts. Imagine then what dissent there is among the common supporters and the men in the street.
Il-Kunsilliera Nazzjonalista kwazi kollha warajk. Il-Kummidja waslet fl-ahhar att. Issa jekk veru temmen fid-dimokrazija trid tistaqsi lil Poplu Malti u Ghawdxi KOLLU jekk iridikx hemm.
Gonzipn haseb li se jidher sexy hej ghax mar biex jivvota ghalih stess bi qmis miftuha bla ingravata u bil-glekk .... issa jmissu jmur liebes hekk il-Parlament ukoll biex dawk id-deputati tieghu stess li ilhom jimshu l-art bih dawn l-ahhar sentejn forsi fl-ahhar jibdew jiggustawh u tigihom hniena minnu - forsi wara li gabuh ghadma u gilda, b'haddejh tqal imdendlin bl-inkwiet u b'wicc laskri, jibdew jiggustawh u ... min jaf ... forsi ma jibqghux iwerwruh li ma jivvutawlux !!!!!
Insejtu ssemmu l-gazzetta ta' barra, fejn fir-Renju Unit, The Mail on Sunday tghid "UK has a queen... but the world has a king", b'referenza cara ghar-rebha straordinarja ta' Dr Gonzi. Sunday Mirror tghid "Bronze, Silver and Gold to the World's Leader", filwaqt tispjega r-rebha straordinarja tal-Prim Malti. La Repubblika tghid "Malta diventa un regno" u tfahhar il-kisba kbira ta' Gonzi fil-kuntest ghal kap. Bosta gazzetti ohrajn madwar id-dinja fahhru lil Gonzi, specjalment fir-Russja, fiz-Zambja u sahansitra fiz-Zimbabwe. F'Kuba, l-aktar gazzetta tal-Hadd popolari (u anke l-unika gazzetta tal-Hadd li tithalla tohrog) qalet hekk: "Who needs Fidel if there Lawrence?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7pT1EL-xe8
Insejtu ssemmu l-gazzetta ta' barra, fejn fir-Renju Unit, The Mail on Sunday tghid "UK has a queen... but the world has a king", b'referenza cara ghar-rebha straordinarja ta' Dr Gonzi. Sunday Mirror tghid "Bronze, Silver and Gold to the World's Leader", filwaqt tispjega r-rebha straordinarja tal-Prim Malti. La Repubblika tghid "Malta diventa un regno" u tfahhar il-kisba kbira ta' Gonzi fil-kuntest ghal kap. Bosta gazzetti ohrajn madwar id-dinja fahhru lil Gonzi, specjalment fir-Russja, fiz-Zambja u sahansitra fiz-Zimbabwe. F'Kuba, l-aktar gazzetta tal-Hadd popolari (u anke l-unika gazzetta tal-Hadd li tithalla tohrog) qalet hekk: "Who needs Fidel if there Lawrence?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7pT1EL-xe8
There was board director who had problems with some of the other board members and instead of seeking the board's support he went home. Called his family around him and asked them if they support him. His son asked what happens if he loses his board position. "Well son, you would have to sell your Mercedes and your sister will have to sell her luxury apartment in London. Your mother would have to sell her jewelry and we all have to go and live in a smaller apartment without an indoor swimming pool and jacuzi.So what do you say am I your number 1?" and the whole family voted in favour except for the family pets who did not bother to pick up their vote.