Gonzi tells his faithful:'Go to the electorate and regain their trust'

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi launches two initiatives that will ensure that the Nationalist Party remains close to the people and listens to people's needs and aspirations.

PN leader Lawrence Gonzi addressing the party's General Council. (Photo: MediaToday/ Ray Attard
PN leader Lawrence Gonzi addressing the party's General Council. (Photo: MediaToday/ Ray Attard

Updated at 1:38pm.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this morning addressed an exuberant and boisterous audience of PN councillors and activists at the party's headquarters in Pietà, after clinching the vast approval of his councillors in a contest to approve him as leader.

He stressed the importance of yesterday's 94.6% results, saying the experience of meeting with PN councillors over the past weeks had brought him closer "to the people's everyday realities" and reminded him that the government must be more sensitive to the people's problems.

"It was the PN that won the 2008 election and not Gonzi. The party's policies won the people's confidence and not Gonzi," the PN leader said in an attempt to overturn the maligned 'GonziPN' electoral slogan.

"One could speak on how the country performed in the Libyan crisis, but the past four weeks reminded me that there is more to politics. It helped me appreciate that it was the party which had to seek the confidence of the people. It was not Gonzi who won the last election, but the party as a whole."

Gonzi added that it was not enough to be head of government, but that a Prime Minister needs to remain close to the people.

"It is well and good to control the deficit, to attract foreign investment and to be respected internationally, but one also had to understand the impact of gas prices in a cold winter. A prime minister has to understand the impact of such things as well."

Gonzi described the current political situation as moment of truth. "This is a trying moment but we must not lose heart. The party belongs to the people and will remain close to the people in the coming days, weeks and years."

The PN leader announced two new initiatives that are expected to buttress the forthcoming electoral campaign for 2013: Gonzi said that he had appointed MEP Simon Busuttil as his special envoy to organise meetings within AZAD - the PN's think tank - in order to meet different social and economic sectors of civil society. "I invite everybody including small businesses, construction, social workers, university students and workers to approach the party," Gonzi implored.

Gonzi also announced that he has instructed PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier to organise meetings in different localities where government ministers and parliamentary secretaries can meet the public. "I urge all ministers and parliamentary secretaries to go out there and meet the people. Go out and share ideas and listen to the people's needs, aspirations and hurts."

The PN leader said that the party's headquarters are open to everybody and invited people to approach the party.

On the possibility of calling an early election, the PN leader said: "I will do my utmost to hold an election when it is due because that is what is in the country's best interest... We will double our efforts to reach people's needs with more energy and commitment. We will complete the ongoing projects to generate more jobs. Our biggest project is to put persons at the centre of our activity. That is the Nationalist's Party's new project."

In a clear reference to rebel MP Franco Debono and other backbenchers and PN activists who have voiced their dissent, Gonzi said that the party's doors were open and that everybody was welcome to give their contribution to the party. "The party does not exclude anybody," Gonzi said.

He criticised Opposition leader Joseph Muscat for "attempting to copy" the Nationalist Party: "This not only proves how good our party is but if you look at him, they are nothing like us. On the contrary, he is surrounded by the same persons who ran the Labour party in the 1980s."

The prime minister accused Muscat of wanting to win at all costs, lambasting the Opposition leader for his responsibility for the scandal-ridden Mosta local council led by a Labour majority.

Gonzi reiterated his call to councillors after yesterday's vote, saying the PN was "one big family pulling the same rope" in the country's best numbers.

He also said yesterday's vote went beyond his resounding approval. "The result of the leadership election confirms that the party lives and works for our families and the people... The party exists for the wellbeing of our children, the elderly and the vulnerable persons in our society. The party professes policies that ensure that nobody is left behind. The party believes in what is right."

The Prime Minister repeated the old PN mantra 'justice will previal' (Is-sewwa jirbah zgur) to great acclaim from the party faithful.

On the forthcoming local council elections, Gonzi echoed his Labour counterpart in stating that his party was starting at a disadvantage, but urged candidates to work hard to convince voters they deserved their trust, and to behave with integrity.

Journalists were once again confined to a room on the first floor of the PN headquarters and could only follow the General Council meeting on TV screens showing the live broadcast on the party's television station. Journalists could not view the scene as Gonzi entered the PN's general council's hall to loud applause and cheers of 'Gonzi, Gonzi'.

The General Council, which yesterday crowned Lawrence Gonzi as undisputed leader of the party, is composed of the various party branches, representatives of the sectional committees and MPs and candidates.

qieghed nistenna bi hgari lil mr gonzi u xi rapprezantant tieghu,halli fuq bela te bil lumi nghidlu li hallini bla xoghol fl airmalta.grazzi hafna u tiehux x hsieb ,l unu sejjer intik.grazzi
Sammy Cutajar
Regain my trust? You must be kidding after all the harm that you committed so far. Have you and your clones returned your 500 euros that you took since day one? Do you exactly know how many hours I have to work to earn 500euros a week, dear Prime Minister? Start by repaying those 500 euros or if you want I challenge you to give Malta 6 months of your time without being paid for as a sure way to regain my trust. Those who side with you are those who have a lot to lose and all of you have let Malta down.
L-Eghluq ta’ l-Evangelju ta’ San Mark (16, 15-20) F’dak iz-zmien, Gesu’ qal lill-Hdax: Morru fid-dinja kollha, xandru l-Bxara t-tajba lill-holqien kollu. Min jemmen u jitghammed, isalva; izda min ma jemminx, ikun ikkundannat. U dawn huma l-mirakli li jsiebhu ‘l dawk li jemmnu: f’ismi jke``u x-xjaten, jitkellmu b’ilsna godda, jaqbdu is-sriep b’idejhom, u jekk jixorbu xi xorb li jgib il-mewt ma jaghlilhomx hsara; iqieghdu idejhom fuq il-morda u dawn ifiqu.” U hekk l-Mulej Gesu’, wara li kellimhom kien imtella’ fis-sema u qaghad in-naha tal-lemin ta’ Alla. Huma mbaghad marru jippriedkaw kullimkien; il-Mulej kien jahdem maghhom u jwettaq il-kelma bil-mirakli li kienu jsiru maghha. Amen. Nahseb li l-quote ta' GonziPN mehuda minn hawn..
Qabel l-ellezzjoni GonziPN wedna hajja komduta,imma skomdita hawn.Falla f"din l- weghda.Manafux qada biex inhu gej.
oqod attent gonz hi u tkunx hafna qrib in-nies ghax jekk iffetillohm jatuk daqqa facli biex jolqtuk!!!!! halluna ta gonzipn u tkomplux(MINALIKOM) TITMEJLU BIN-NIES PLS.
@ lemini Shabkhom tal partit stess qed iduru ghalikhom u jaqilghawlkhom il- hama,jaqaw ghadek ma indunajtx? @ gonzi Issa trid tmur qrib il- poplu ghax gejja l- elezzjoni? U min ser jafdak izjed? Biex tghamel bhall ma ghamilt lielna il- haddiema ta l- AirMalta fejn qabel l- elezzjoni li ghaddiet bghattilna ittra li il-kumpanija qabdet it-triq it- tajba u biex nassiguraw l-impjieg tghana ghandna nivvutaw lill kandidati kollha tal pn, izda kif ghaddiet l- elezzjoni u hadtilna il- vot keccejtna mill impjieg!! Ara ma jigix xi hadd minn dawk il- laqa li ivvutawlek wara biebi jippridkawli fuq gonzipn ghax barmil ilma kiesah nitfalhom mill gallarija. Qatta ipokriti!!
Adrian Pace
Please do come oh dear PN delegates. I will be very glad to close my door in your face. Dear Gonzi, no one will ever forgive you for managing to destroy the Maltese middle class. You have single-handedly managed to destroy the sacrifices of generations in a matter of a few years. Your closest allies are all earning tens of thousands and in the meantime our wages gone down and our purchasing power is non-existent. Thank you for working for the rich and the your close buddies.
@JGalea- Ohlom habib oholom, kien xi zmien li l-poplu kien mazzun u jibla kollox imma issa dan l-istess poplu mgarrab wahda u sew mill-PN tieghek u jaf xisarraf GonziPN u l-klikka ta hazen li hemm mieghu ( dan kliem sehibkom Franco stess). Staqsieh il-poplu kif jahsibha dwar l-eluf ta weghdi li ma twettqux jew li sar ezattament l-oppost ta dak li kien imwieghed. Ma ntikx tort ta titkellem hekk forsi taghmel naqa kuragg lill hafna bhalek li qatghu qalbhom minn GonziPn habib.
@Eddy Privitera: int dejjem emmint fil-hakkiema komunisti u socjalisti li semmmejt...kollha spiccaw mistmerrijin minn kulhadd. Dejjem thawwad int...x'ghandu x'jaqsmu l-pajjiz u l-affarijiet interni ta' partit?? Ikbru ftit forsi xi darba tkunu fil-gvern ghax b'dan il-pass hemm ser tibqghu...haha
@franco: jekk kif jidher li fl-elezjoni li gejja GonziPN se jikkompeti mal-PL..partit ikkakmat mal-passat immexxi min tifel opportunist ikkontrollat mill-awturi tal-passat...mela vera max-xejnser JERGA jirbah
@franco: jekk kif jidher li fl-elezjoni li gejja GonziPN se jikkompeti mal-PL..partit ikkakmat mal-passat immexxi min tifel opportunist ikkontrollat mill-awturi tal-passat...mela vera max-xejnser JERGA jirbah
You MOCK election within the corrupt kiss ass talent-less hacks that you surround yourself with is one thing. There is a growing majority that rejects out right what you stand for - Taliban-style, corrupt, parochial, peusdo-religious, fascist-inspired, elitist government based on the support of retards and lackeys - a style of government more suited to the middle ages than the internet age. Our reply to you and your faithful dogs is a hearty - GO TO HELL!
@jgalea........... u fl'elezzjoni generali wahdu ser itellaq il-gonz !! Ara vera imsieken intom ta' gonzipn timpresjonaw ruhkom bil-fares.
"Gonzi reiterated his call to councillors after yesterday's vote, saying the PN was "one big family pulling the same rope" in the country's best numbers." and which family is that tne Corleone family, the Bonanno family, the Bruccetta family? Reminds one of the movie The Godfather.
Wara li min habba fik Biss jien tlift job li tant kont ghal qalbi,int li qabel l-elezzjoni batli itra fejn wedtni li kont se naqla izjed flus, wara li tant batejt biex ta 50 sena kelli insib bicca job u qed nahdem 9 sieghat u sofs kull jum u bil barka tieghek biss qed nihu lejn id-dar ftit inqas min 700 euro fix-xahar lejn il familja tieghi li minnom ir-rid inhallas il kontijiet fenominali tad-dawl u l-ilma barra spejjes tal-hajja,ISTHI ISTHI, issa trid tiltaqa mal-poplu, jekk il poplu jerga jafdak ikun l-ikbar purcinell li qatt ra dan il miskien ta pajjiz.
sena ilu kont qed nara lill gaddafi f rokna fi tripli jindirizza il klikka. illum qed nara lill gonzi f rokna f tal pieta jindirizza lill klikka NO COMMENTS
@ jgalea Tant hu konvint siehbek gonzi li hu qrib il-poplu u ser tirbhu zgur li qed jghamel minn kollox biex itawwal iz-zmien u ma imurx ghall elezzjoni, il- parlament wieqaf u l- ebda ligi ma huma iressqu ghall vot. Anke shabkhom stess nazzjonalisti kbar li kienu qrib il- partit ta gonzipn qed jabbandunawkhom u marru mal PL bhall Deborah Schembri, l-avukat Manuel Mallia, Cyrus Engerer, u Marisa Micallef Leyson. Ohrajn ser jinghaqdu mal PL dalwaqt, gonzi qieghed f pozizzjoni li ma jafx min hu mieghu u min hu kontra tieghu!!
Id-diskors ta' Lawrence Gonzi juri bic-car l-istrategija qarrieqa li ser juza fejn jammetti li qieghed maqtugh mil-poplu bit-taxxi ingusti li ghamel u l-kundizzjonijiet dizastruzi li mpona f'dawn l-ahhar erbgha snin u issa ser jibghat in-nies tieghu fid-djar sabiex jikkonvincuna nivvutaw lil PN u nigu "ONE PARTY STATE". L-ewwel jahslek sew u imbaghad jixxuttak ghax tkun waslet l-elezzjoni Generali. Din id-darba LE mhux ser jirnexxielek tidhak bina ghaziz Gonzi!!
Gonzi tells his faithful: ‘Go to the electorate and regain their trust', also announcing two initiatives to keep the party close to the people. Simon Busuttil as his special envoy to organise meetings within AZAD and PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier to organise meetings in different localities. Mr. Prime Minister you are 4 years tooooooooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaaaaate. Kemm hija sabieha lis-storja li dejjem tirrepeti lila nnifisa lis-stess kien gara fi zmien il-Prim Ministru Gorg Borg Olivier li izjed kien mohhu fuq l-Indipendenza u halla lil-Ministri u l-Gvern jaghmlu li jridu u meta ntebah ipprova jirranga s-sitwazzoni izda xorta wahda tilef l-elezzjoni tal-1971. Hekk qed jerga jigri issa f’din l-elezzjoni tal-kunsilli lokali…issa f’dawn l-ahhar gimghatejn irid lill kandidati jmorru ghand in-nies?????????? u ghall-elezzjoni li gejja qed jibghat lill Ministri u l-Gvern ukoll ghand in-nies ………x’differenza minn meta kien imexxi l-magna tal-PN Austin Gatt, blis-street leaders, area leaders, safe houses, kazini (issa ufficcini) organizzati b’laqghat kontinwi u lill-membri tal-kumitati (il-vera kunsilliri) lanqas kien itijom nifs u l-hin kollu f’kuntatt dirett mahhom. Il-magna tal-PN marret lura fi-zmien l-ahhar tas-sittinijiet u ghalhekk il-PN qieghed 9 punti taht il-PL li ser tghati tkaxkira li ma jfieqx minna fl-10 ta’ Marzu lil-GonziPN
Attwallment, l-elezzjoni - jew ahjar, il-konferma - ta' gonzi il-bierah fejn saret, f'Malta jew fl-Egittu fi zmien Mubarak ? Jew fil-Korea ta' Fuq ? Ghax hemm 'The Great Leader' johrog wahdu ghal-elezzjoni ! Issa wara l-ewforija ta' Gonzital-bierah, wara li rebah meta gera wahdu, jasal ghada t-Tnejn, u jmur il-parlament bil-pipi niezel ma saqajh !! Eddy Privitera
Tista' taghti lura dak li hadtli li kien tieghi bi dritt? Jekk iva tfisser li kellhi dejjem ragun u jekk le turi biss li intom gvern tal-klikkek!! Issa trid tersaq lejn il-poplu ghax waslet l-elezzjoni?
Il PN kien dejjem qrib in nies u ghalhekk ser nirbhu l elezzjoni li jmiss ZGUR!!!