Franco Debono welcomes Lawrence Gonzi’s proposals ‘with open arms’

The rebel backbencher says his ‘political and personal sacrifice’ led to the initiatives proposed by the Prime Minister to see the PN closer to the electorate.

PN backbencher Franco Debono says his personal sacrifice led the Prime Minister to open his eyes to the sufferings of the people (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
PN backbencher Franco Debono says his personal sacrifice led the Prime Minister to open his eyes to the sufferings of the people (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)

The man whose statements and abstention in a no confidence motion were the catalyst that led Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to seek reassurance from the PN's highest organs that he was their trusted leader, has this evening declared that the Prime Minister has finally heard "a part" of his plight.

Addressing parliament this evening, backbencher Franco Debono praised Gonzi's speech made on Sunday, when he launched two initiatives that will ensure that the Nationalist Party remains close to the people and listens to people's needs and aspirations.

"The Prime Minister's speech was different than usual, as if it was not written by those who usually advise him on what to do and say. It was a repair-what-you-break kind of speech - a speech which I feel was written by my sufferings and the people's suffering," Debono said.

He added that he welcomed Gonzi's speech "with open arms".

"But the Prime Minister should realise that I wasn't present for it. I represent those people who feel hurt. I sacrificed my life for the party."

Debono said that while those who feel hurt were not present, "those who built illegally were and this is what the Prime Minister should address next".

Debono added that Gonzi's speech "justified" him for not supporting government during the no-confidence motion presented by the Opposition.

"And now I expect an apology. I was pleased listening to the Prime Minister talk about sensitivity and that all MPs and ministers should be closer to the people. This is what we should have doing all along," he said.

Taking the analogy of the car and tyre once again, Debono reiterated that Gonzi's speech showed that the problem had been the engine's car, "and the drivers - not driver - who drove the car straight into the potholes they dug themselves".

"Thank God the tyre was heavy-duty," Debono said, adding that he had been ready to give up his political career for the party he loved.

"I love my party. I am loyal to it. I sacrificed my political and personal life for it. I ended up with security outside my door because I worried for my country. Nothing could have justified my position better than the way Gonzi's speech did."

Debono added that Gonzi had "benefitted" from his suggestions, and while no one had so far apologised for the way he was treated, the public already has, to the point that the petition had "vanished".

DR.Debono possibli li bniedem suppost intelligenti bhalek ser tibla dak id-diskors ta konvenjenza u mux ta konvenzjoni li qal dr.gonzi nhar il-hadd?.Ma indunajtx li qal li ser ikun iktar qrib in-nies u hafna weghdi ohra ezatt wara li qal u ametta li jinsab fi zvantagg mal partit laburista?.Ara qatt tahseb li xi darba ha jahfrulek tal-hsara li ghamilt lil gonzipn sur debono.
Franco is slowly swollowing all the spittle he spat out against gonzi and Co. or better still gonzipn. He hopes to reintegrate himself once more with the party that is an oligarchy and run by a clique. Get a life Franco you are washed up as politician and if you keep making the massive U-turns like you have done these last couple of weeks your profession will also suffer.A man who can't keep his word can't be trusted.
@ franco debono Igifieri issa dawk il- klikkek "evil" spiccaw mill partit nazzjonalista u ma ghadhomx jinfluwenzaw lill istess partit, lill gonzi u lill ministri? Ghidilna ftit Dr Debono ghax issa qed thawwad lill kullhadd
I think "princess Franco" is more apt!
DR.Debono , kif qatt tista taccetta u temmem lill dan il-bniedem ? Tista tghidli fejn u meta u kif ser inehhi il-klikkek kollha li ghandu madwaru .Kif ser jaqta l-arroganza u il-korruzzjoni li hemm fil-kurituri ta' Kastilja ? Kif ser jaghmel gustizzja ma dawk kollha li sofrew minhabba din il-mishuta ta' korruzzjoni , li Dr.Gonzi kien qal li ser jeqred u li kellu tolleranza zero ghalija . Qal li ser jaghmel il-Whistleblowwer Act , izda fejn hi ? Jekk jaghmila , kif ser jaghmila ? B'effett retroattiv jew min dak inhar li tigi introdotta ? Possibbli , din hi l-irgulija u il-principji li tant ftahart bihom iny ? Issa daqqejt l-irtirata ? Paroli ghamilt hafna kieku , izda meta gejt ghall fatti , urejt li ma kellekx kuragg twettaq dak li ghidt.
Ghaziz Franco, Sa ftit taz zmien ilu kont ghidtlek li qdadt id dawra ta littra 'U'. Issa nghidlek li qbadt 9id dritta tan naha lohra ta littra'U'. Il U-turn kwazi ghamilta. Veru bniedem ta bla fibra. Thalli il paroli ta Gonzi jghamik u minghalik li se jghamel dak li trid int.Taf meta naqbel mieghek meta nara xi erba rizenji mil klikka, meta nara il ligi tal finanzzjament tal partiti qieghda tigi diskussa u meta nara lil Gonzi ma ghadux kap tal partit kif ridt int u ghidt li tahtu mhux se tahdem izjed. mela ghalaq halqek darba ghal dejjem u mur stahba fejn ma jarak hadd.
Dott Debono: waqt li nemmen li ghandu ragun komplet f'dak li qed tghid, jehtieg li tirrejalizza li issa xebbajtna, dardartna u qazziztna tpacpac u tparla fil-vojt. La ma kellekx kuragg taghmel pass krucjali u iebes li domt thedded bih lil gonzipn gimghat shah - la jidher li cedejt wara li dawwruk - la qed naraw li int thobb tilghab ghall-gallarija - la fhimna li trid tkompli tilghabha ta' xi star li minnghajrek il-pajjiz ma jimxix 'il quddiem u l-izvilupp kostituzzjonali jieqaf - nahseb l-ahjar haga li tiskot darba ghal dejjem u taqtaghha ghax int stess waqqajt il-gebal fuq saqajk u llum xebbajt lil kulhadd, sew nazzjonalisti kif ukoll laburisti. Kulma ghamilt hu li qed ittawwal hajjtek bi ftit xhur ohra sa April/Mejju 2013 biex tibqa' kull tant zmien tohrog b'xi teatrinata fil-Parlament, fil-gazzetti, fuq ir-radio jew fuq it-television u mbaghad kif tghaddi l-elezzjoni li jmiss, tinxtehet fuq l-iscrapheap tal-istorja li hu probabbli what you deserve. Jehtieg li tirrejalizza li ma tistax tibqa' miexi fuq tightrope ghal xhur shah - tista' forsi taghmilha ghal xi ftit jiem, gimgha, tnejn, tlieta .... izda jekk iddum aktar, tispicca biex twaqqa' lilek innifsek ghar-ridikolu u kulhadd jixba' minnek minkejja l-messagg (validu) li tkun qed tipprova twassal.
Talk is cheap Franco, substance is what counts, as somebody suggested its not only a slow puncture now but also the ball bearings but i suppose that you are too busy writing Franco's next ten commandments to notice that nobody is listening.
Mela you still a member of the PN? whats up to now. you became the joke of the court house and Republic street.
Xahar ilu aktar minn nofs Malta - jigifieri inkluzi hafna Nazzjonalisti - kienu mieghek u jappoggawk f'dak li kont tghid. Illum nghidlek li ftit fadal Maltin li ghadhom jemmnu kelma wahda li tghid. Bil-Malti pur, illum urejt lil kulhadd li int bniedem minghajr fibra biex tattwa dak li temmen fih u tidher li lest li taghmel il-kutrumbajsi biex forsi ssalva l-hajja politika tieghek. Nghidlek li l-ftit dekorum li kellek, issa qed titilfu u spiccajt tilghaq bhal dawk il-hafna li dejjem maqdart.
Sammy Cutajar
Kemm ilni haj rajt hafna membri tal parliament li ma kienx haqqhom postom hemm u qalu hafna cucati, imma dan Franco Debono huwa l'ikbar bahnan fosthom. Inhossni ixxurtjat li ma nghoqqodx fid distrett tieghu ghax vot ghalih huwa vot mohli. Is suwicdju politiku diga qieghed hemm quddiemu. Kompli ghereq f'diskors vojt tieghek. Fejn kellek tohrog tar-ragel, irrifjutajt u ghalhekk fl'elezzjoni li gejja ha taqla tkaxxkira kif haqqeq ghax minhabba fik qeghedin kif qedghin sur Avukat. U minn ser jivvutalek. Xi erba simili!
This guy is no more than a narcissistic...and of the worse type. We have King Gonzi and Prince Franco :)
Nixtieq nghid lil Franco(bhala habib)li jekk mhux se jkun car f'dak li jghid mhux se jigi emnut izjed.Billi Gonzi ghamel diskors sabih inbidel xi haga ? klikka ghada hemm,il ministri ghadhom hemm,looo bondi ghadu hemm.Ta l ahhar franco,Tista tghidli sar minna l UNION TAL PULIZIJA? Stand up and be counted ghax li gara issa int se tispicca zero(qed nghidlek bhala habib)
What a steaming pile of bovine excrement!
First Dr. Debono asks for the Prime Minister to resign and now he wants an apology. I cannot understand this guy's raison d'etre. I have decided not to take Franco Debono seriously any longer.
The petition might have vanished, but they will make Dr.Debono pay dearly in the next general elections, if he will contest with GonziPN again. They are trying to cuddle Dr.Debono, in order that he will be quite and doesn't cause any more instability to GonziPN in government. But when this last year fo the legislature will pass, we will see an even worse attack on Dr.Debono. I'm sure that the hardcore at Tal-Pieta will never forgive Dr.Debono for all the trouble he has caused, especially for openely showing his disapproval with his leader. We should wait and see! They never change their attitude.
Luke Camilleri
Ta' min hu issa il-pappagall Dr. Franco Debono? Irrid jingabar issa? Jingabar jew ma jingabarx, id-dikjarazzjonijiet teighu fuq klikkek, arroganza, gideb fahxi ta' Eddie Fenech Adami fuq Dr. Alfred san, Oligarkija, nuqqas ta' meritokrazija.... HEMM HA JIBQGHU!
Luke Camilleri
Ta' min hu issa il-pappagall Dr. Franco Debono?
Luke Camilleri
Ta' min hu issa il-pappagall Dr. Franco Debono?