Government to return 39,000 square metres of expropriated land

Immediate return of 150 plots of land expropriated for road construction.

Minister for Fair Competition, Small Business and Consumers Jason Azzopardi (centre) and Transport Minister Austin Gatt (right).
Minister for Fair Competition, Small Business and Consumers Jason Azzopardi (centre) and Transport Minister Austin Gatt (right).

Transport minister Austin Gatt and competition minister Jason Azzopardi have announced the immediate release of 39,000 square metres of land expropriated from private owners by the state.

The first phase includes the immediate return of 150 plots to their owners, or their heirs. Some land dates back to 1954.

Gatt explained that the land had been expropriated for the construction of roads and was under the responsibility of Transport Malta. He said that no payments had been issued for the land released.

Azzopardi said the land is being returned on Transport Malta's initiative and proves that "the government cares for families" and described the release of land as "a complex process."

He added that this exercise illustrates the importance the government gives to social justice. Azzopardi listed the 150 plots and said that 24 plots were released in Mosta, which is a frontline locality in the forthcoming local council elections in March. 20 plots were released in Mtarfa and the other plots have been released in various parts of the islands.

According to Azzopardi all plots are undeveloped and when asked whether the plots fall in Outside Development Zones he said that there is a "mixture" of ODZ and non-ODZ land.  

A second phase will involve a further review of expropriated land earmarked for roads. The Lands Department is also trying to identify the owners of some expropriated land.

Meanwhile, Azzopardi announced that last month, the lands department had issued payments for land expropriated in the early 1980's in Zurrieq, Nadur and Gudja. The payments amount to €3.3 million.  

"The government is also in the process of redeeming the rent of the apartments at City Gate, Valletta. The Housing Authority will soon launch a scheme through which resident can buy the apartments at a subsidised price," Azzopardi said.



 Expropriation year









 1966, 1982, 1986, 1987

 Gudja, Għaxaq, St Luċija











 1972, 1974, 1976

 Gudja, Luqa








 1977, 1987









 1981, 1982, 1989, 1999




 St Paul's Bay











 1981, 1983



Dak kif xhin tkun gejja l-ellezjoni jiftakru li biex tirbah trid tidher li int onnest u li int helu manna. Dawk in- nies li tilfu kollox, hemm cejca ghalihom,dawn huma l- magguranza tan nies,li ma jisthawx ilahqu mal-hajja.Irridu t-tielet partit,bekk il kompetazjoni demokritika tikber u titjieb.
Ahna kienu hadulna ghalqa hdejn ic-cimiterju tal-Addolorata fi zmien il-Labour , mal-labour m’hemmx proceduri u burokrazija , shoot first talk later , gew bit-trakkijiet calabrese u bdew jitfghu l-irdim tar-red china dock fuq il-mizrugh u fuq id-dwieli minghajr ma avzawna (razzitna Laburisti). Ghaddew ghoxrin sena u fi zmien Fenech adami thallasna ta’ l-ghalqa li hadulna bla ppjanar uxejn . Prosit lil ministri tal-bicca xoghol li ghamlu . Min rega ra artu f’idu jaf x’jien nghid u min tilifha jaf aktar!
What we want is not gimmicks just before an election but for you and the rest of Gonzipn to get out of our lives.
Prosit Austin qieghed trodd lura dak li ilek li hadditlna. Issa tinsiex, trahhas id dawl u l'ilma, il petrol u id diesel, il gass, tnizzel it taxxa ghal 25. Ara kemm tiffranka zmien fil purgatorju jekk it tiena dak li hu taghna ghax jew hadtulna jew weghdtulna. Dak Delia xinhu jghamel hdejk. Mela ghadu ma marx jistahba wara il qassata ta Arrive?
malonki inti trid wisq habib. Jien kull ma rrid huwa li l-kugin tal-mara ta' hija jinghata l-kuntratt perpetwu tal-bar tal-Parlament il-gdid u l-prezzijiet ma jkunux issussidjati għall-Membri Parlamentari u ma jkunx hemm kontroll fuq il-prezzijiet.
Ferh ta' genn ta' qabel l-elezzjoni.
Ferh ta' genn ta' qabel l-elezzjoni.
Why after so many years. Just after the gran pagliacco said that they need to get close to the families TM comes out with this news. Good luck to those who will get their property back but do not be duped to give these charlatans your vote it only makes you not better than a bunch of morons.
Hafna daqq ta trumbetti biex nighdu naghtu lura dak li qatt ma kien taghna, u li qatt ma hallasna ghalih. Tajba din. Jekk tisraq xi haga, tmissek il-kuxjenza u taghtija lura wara izjed minn ghoxrin sena, dan tajdlu ''social justice''. Irid ikollok wiccik u s........l'istess.
What's so complicated about removing an expropriation order on land that is no longer needed by government ? The relative department should pay for each year the expropriation order was in place so that government should have an incentive to return land that is not needed for a public purpose to its owners. J. Ellis.
It is too late for such gimmick. We all know the tactics of Gonzipm. He is so nice before and so willing to give and promise anything under the sun but beware for after the election. For example how can the people forget letters send by him and guaranteeing jobs for life and more money in their pocket and a few months down the road after election all is forgotten. Now he is playing the same game. How is it possible that the people forget. I don't think so.
Kummidjanti galore! Wara 25 sena dawn l-ghoggieba iqumu. U l-art tal-Qawra se nehduha lura jew??? Nerga nghid kummidjanti...imma umbaghad x'tistenna meta il-kap huwa ir-re tal-karnival!
How come land that was taken from my family for social housing was never used. Hope that this land will not be given to the land owner who is building next to it.Also another land of ours was taken from us to build a road and when we build our plots we were told that no compensation will be given. Is THIS JUSTICE
Ma fhimt xejn siehbi. Dan mhux qed ixerred il-bzar fl-ghajnejn. Dawn huma sinjali ta' Gvern fallut, u ma ghandux mnejn ihallas lis-sidien tal-artijiet li ha. Jiftahar tant li ilu 25 sena fil-Gvern u l-ekonomija hija fis-sod, possibbli li tul dan iz-zmien ma kellux cans ihallas lis-sidien. Dan l-ezercizzju qed isir biex Jason Azzopardi jghatti gidba li qal li l-Gvern kellu jaghti biss 47 miljun lis-sidien. B'ta' hawn taht biss diga nahseb qabez il-150 miljun u min jaf x'baqa. Wisq probabbli issa jwahhal fil-Labour u f'Joseph Muscat u mhux fil-Gvern li bejniethom fallew.
Gonzipn: omm in-nanna taz-zija t'oht il-mara tixtieq tiftah hanut strada rjali hdejn il-parlament il-gdid biex tbiegh il-bebbux, il-karawett, il-kunserva u l-pastizzi - ara tghaddilix kelma mal-kbir tal-Mepa (dak li qal li hu Rolls Royce) u nivvotalek fl-elezzjoni li jmiss. Tinsinix please - ghax jekk iggibli l-permess anki t-tfal, it-tfal tat-tfal u oht in-nanna min-naha taz-zija tivvotalek, zgur mhux forsi ........ U bilhaqq ..... it-tifel taz-ziju ta' hu r-ragel tal-kugina ta' missier il-mara jixtieq jiftah lido fuq il-bridge il-gdid tal-breakwater tal-Port il-Kbir u kulma jrid permess ghal hamsin sunbed, bar u restaurant b'200 cover, diving school u kamra fejn ipoggi 10 jet skis .... kif tkun fiz-zifna tkellem lil kbir tal-Mepa fuq il-permess ghall-hanut fi strada rjali, ara tghaddilix kelma ghax aqta' kemm gie b'meraq meta mort inkellu jien !!!! ... u naghtik kelmti sur gonzipn (avolja ma nafx ezatt min int) fl-elezzjoni l-familja kollha ttik il-vot mhux billi jghidu bl-incumbency of power ... min jghid hekk ma jifhimx ... grazzi ... narak izjed tard .... u nispera taqdini, taf int ....