Tonio Fenech - Enemalta restructuring will not involve higher tariffs

Finance minister on S&P downgrade: government will support weakened energy corporation.

Militarisation fears over Iran have led to a spike in fuel prices.
Militarisation fears over Iran have led to a spike in fuel prices.

Updated at 5:09pm.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech has reacted to a downgrade of the energy corporation Enemalta by Standard & Poor's with an adamant stand that none of the burden from the company's losses would be passed on to consumers.

"S&P's main message is that Enemalta has to keep being sustained by government, given its strategic importance for the island... the government must take measures to take on the burden of Enemalta's debt, to limit the losses of the energy corporation," Fenech said.

Fenech said families were already making a sacrifice with the high utility tariffs. "There is a limit to the sacrifice we can ask people to make. Our priority in our economic policy to generate work, and we don't want to imperil jobs."

The minister said government was working on a number of fronts to face Enemalta's challenges, referring to the restructuring of its €600 million debt, and spread it better over a period of 25 years - something that was hoped would be finalised by this year.

Fenech said a number of vacancies were already being identified, particularly in distric and distribution centres, in order to carry out the relocation of workers, and added that Enemalta was limiting recruitment while the situation is assessed. Fenech touted alternative employment for any surplus workforce. "Restructuring and reorganising Enemalta in collaboration with the unions is required, but it is still very early in the process for any assumptions to be made – before the necessary evaluations are made," he replied when asked about whether any redundancies will take place.

"There will be a number of workers who'll be found as a surplus to the corporation's needs. As soon as Enemalta concludes its restructuring debt process we'll be in a better position to say how many workers will be transferred to other sections or whether we'll offer early retirement plans. However, this will all be done following consultations with the workers' unions," Fenech said.

Government has already decided to absorb costs paid by Enemalta over schemes such as the feed-in tariffs and the eco-reduction. The two of them alone cost the corporation €25 million per year.

Fenech did not exclude additional budgetary cuts to the €40 million already implemented to finance the €25 million and other costs which government might absorb to reduce Enemalta's debt. He also said that the absorption of the €25 million was according to EU regulations, since consumers, and not Enemalta, benefitted from the schemes.

"Choices have to be made," Fenech said on further budgetary cuts. "If we want our government to remain in control of its budget, we must make those choices. It's better to cut from sectors which we can do without today than increase the utility bills."

Fenech also said that the delay in Enemalta's refinancing of its loans was down to an "elaborate process" of negotiations with financial institutions and banks, which negotiations were "complex".

The finance minister also said that Enemalta's €600 million debts will not form part of national debt: "Government is not giving a blanket subsidy to Enemalta. The corporation will always remain responsible of shouldering its debt."

Fenech put special emphasis on the rising price of oil, especially in the context of growing fears of militarisation against Iran. He said prices had reached the $115 per barrel price.

Standard and Poor's report yesterday said that Enemalta's credit quality is constrained by ongoing delays in refinancing its outstanding debt, and that its performance would be hampered by rising oil prices and inflexible capital expenditure programme.

The agency lowered its long-term corporate credit rating on Enemalta to 'B ' from 'BB'.

S&P also claimed its negative outlook for the corporation reflects its view that further deterioration of Enemalta's creditworthiness "may signal weakening government support."

The agency said the corporation continues to suffer from significant investment needs, poor profitability, and challenges in passing on rising input costs to consumers in what we view as a high tariff environment.

S&P said it was very likely that the Maltese government would provide "timely and sufficient extraordinary support" to the company in the event of financial distress.

Historically, Enemalta has benefited from state guarantees for most of its €600 million debt, for which the state has provided guarantees on short notice for the company's bank overdrafts and short-term loans.

2012 will see Enemalta spending €90 million on capital expenditure, €146 million of contractual debt amortisation, while getting €26 million from its operations and €150 million from two bank loans.

The corporation will probably extend its debt maturities to reduce refinancing risk over the next few years.

The nationalists used to make fun of Labour budgets when a list of price reduced commodities were supplied, saying that a 2cents decrease here and 5 cents decrease there was riduculous.But that gonzipn every now makes unannounced increases in fuel commodities are not ridiculous any more.We were better off in harder (??) times.
Hon Tonio Fenech, “ma tridx xi cuc Malta biex imexxi xi Azjenda Maltija”. Ghaliex Mintoff mexxa lil Malta bil Maltin u ghamilna success fuq sucess. Il-poplu Malti nispera li jibqa jiftakar meta tasal l-elezjoni u ma nazlux xi cuc Malti Malti biex imexxi dan il-pajjiz li int u il-gvern tieghek irnezzilkom teqirdu. Tghid li pajjizi ohra hemm l-awsterita u Malta sejrin tajjeb. Inthom l-awsterita dahaltuha fin fin. Lil poplu faqqartuh. Jekk il-Grecja veru falluta, il-Maltin zgur mhux qedin ahjar minnhom. Qedin tghidu li l-fuel mhux ghola daqs ta pajjizi ohra fl-unjoni. Ghidilna sur Ministru kif jikkomparaw il-pagi tal-haddiema Maltin ma dawk bhal tal-Germaniżi. Ghidilna kif tikkompara l-istandard tal-Germanizi ma dak tal-Maltin. Ghidilna sur Ministru kemm il-haddiem, il-penzjonant u dawk l-anqas ixxurtjati ghandhom bzonn mhux biex jghixu imma biex jesistu. Ghaliex il-ligi ta whistle blower ghadha fuq l-ixkaffa. Nispera li din issir ligi u tigi retroattiva ghal dawn l-ahhar anki 50 sena jekk hemm bzonn. Il-Gustizzja mal Poplu Malti kollu tid issir mhux billi tghidu kemm ghandkom ghal qlabkom il-haddiem, il-familji u hafna bullshit iehor. Hon Gonzi the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Il-Kejk qras, imoffa u nixef qabel ma dahal fil-forn. Kejk bla zbieb,sultana, butir, bajd, żokkor, u baking powder ghaliex dawn hadduhom tal-qalba w issa baqa biss tqiq imxarrab ghal-maggoranza tal-poplu Malti. Fejn qedin imorru it-taxxi li qedin jingabru. Fejn qedin imorru l-flus mill-komtijiet sploduti tad-dawl. Mela tigi tighdilna l irridu nohorgu €25 milljun ohra biex ihallsu id-dejn tal-Ene Malta. Ghaliex ma jinqatax l-ispalparjar ta flus il-poplu. Mela nigu nixtru karozzi godda ghal certu nies meta il-karozza li ghandhom ghada tajba u tisma li fid-dipartimenti tal-gvern tridu taghmlu l-ekonomija min biro, u halluna. Jekk l-Hon Gonzi qatt ma kellu ragun f’xejn, zgur li ghandu ragun f’haga wahda “li ghandu kabinett bla B..,” Nispera li xi darba jasal dak iz-zmien li f’dan il-pajjiz tibda issir GUSTIZZJA mhux maz-zghir biss imma ma KULLHADD.
Il-ministru tat-troffa xaghar fuq mohhu qal ukoll zewg affarijiet ohra mid-dehra li hawn fuq ma ssemmewx: l-ewwel, li wara kollox hu l-poplu li se jkollu jhallas dan l-ammont; u t-tieni, li kien apposta ghal sitwazzjonijiet bhal dawn li xi xahar/xahar u nofs ilu qaccat 40 miljun ewro mill-budget. Imma possibbli dal-bicca ministru jahseb li kulhadd pastizz, imbecilli, kretin, injorant, basla, hmar, cuc u mohhu qargha? L-erbghin miljun kienet il-Kummissjoni Ewropea li gieghlitu jqaccathom ghax qaltlu li l-forecasts ekonomici tieghu MA KIENUX KREDIBBLI waqt li sa ftit ilu qal li se jkun f'nofs is-sena li se jara x'se jaghmel dwar dan it-tqaccit. TONIO FENECH JISTA' JHAWWAD KEMM IRID FIL-VILLA TIEGHU HAL-BALZAN IMMA LI JIPPROVA JGHADDINA BIZ-ZMIEN, HEKK LE !!!!! Anki l-arroganza ghandha l-limiti taghha !!!
The worst finance minister in the worst government this country had ever seen.There is a limit to the sacrifice we can ask people to make Tonio said,wow this cuc is part of a government that voted bill qalb for the tariff increase.Nobody is believing you now Tonio ,you might as well start looking for a job because your days are numbered.
What an imbecile this man is. First he says that Enemalta's cock ups will not involve higher utility bills. Then goes on to say the government will continue to prop up this lame duck - aka the taxpayer will STILL foot the bill. So either way we will STILL be paying out more cash.
sa l ellezjoni li jmiss imma ta. wara jekk jergew jirbhu jergew jivutaw bil qalb biex jola!!!!
Waqt li qal li mhux se jgholli t-tariffi tad-dawl u ilma aktar - NATURALMENT MINHABBA L-ELEZZJONI - ZIED 3 CENTEZMI KULL LITRU FUQ IL-PETROL MINN GHADA !!! Isimghu minni, ibdew imxu jew uzaw l-Arriva. Mhux ta' b'xejn li l-Arriva qalet li kellha zieda ta' 14 % fl-ammont ta' passiggieri - ghandha lil Gonzi u Tonio Fenech jiehdulha hsieb billi jzidu dejjem il-prezzijiet tal-Fuel !!! Eddy Privitera
Tonio Fenech ghadu jrid jibqa jghaddi l-polu u lil-UE BIZ-ZMIEN ! Qal li d-dejn tal-Enemalta se jibqa taghha u mhux se jiggarantilha kollox ! La l-Enemalta tal-Gvern kif id-dejn taghha mhux tal-gvern, Sur CUC IEHOR MALTI ???
imma il-fuel rega zdied fil-prezz, issa drajna kull xahar joghla il-fuel
imma il-fuel rega zdied fil-prezz, issa drajna kull xahar joghla il-fuel
"Fenech said families were already making a sacrifice with the high utility tariffs. "There is a limit to the sacrifice we can ask people to make. Our priority in our economic policy to generate work, and we don't want to imperil jobs."........... Oh my gosh Tonio Fenech has rediscovered his social conscience how touching he's now concerned about the people sacrifices but had no qualms about voting himself a €500 weekly wage increase. HYPOCRITE
issa imiss l-ene haddiem qiesu bicca t l-art ghal dawn n nies.issa inaqqas il haddiema bl early retirement u jitfahom ma dipartimenti tal gvern .bhal grecja ser jigrilna. itfa hemm inbghad naraw ,qiesu ghandu il bejjem