Sliema ‘circus’ candidate insulted by clown cat-calls

Sliema’s PN candidate Silvio Zammit takes the stand in prosecution of 16-year-olds who called him ‘pulcinell’.

Not a clown: circus organiser Silvio Zammit reported anti-cirucs protestors to the police for dubbing him a 'pulcinell'
Not a clown: circus organiser Silvio Zammit reported anti-cirucs protestors to the police for dubbing him a 'pulcinell'

Circus organiser and Nationalist candidate for the Sliema council Silvio Zammit took the stand to tell the courts he felt he had been insulted by two sixteen-year-olds during a protest against animal circuses.

Zammit said the fact he was called a pulcinell (buffoon) by the protestors, given that he was an identifiable member of society in his role as a circus organiser, was tantamount to an insult.

Defence lawyer Joe Brincat, appearing for the teens whose name cannot be published by court order, argued that the insult was a generic one and made in the context of the circus that they were protesting against.

Brincat also argued that the incident, which took place in 2010, had been prescribed.

Magistrate Antonio Micallef Trigona put the case off for judgment for the 29 March.

In a statement earlier in the day, Moviment Graffitti, of whom one of the defendants is an activist, said the police force's prosecution of the activist was "ridiculous and over the top".

"A Moviment Graffitti activist is being accused of having slandered Silvio Zammit at a protest when she allegedly chanted the slogan 'Silvio Pulċinell". This protest was organised by various animal rights organisations in order to demonstrate their disapproval of animal cruelty in circuses.

"Silvio Zammit, one of the principal promoters of circuses in Malta, took offence at this slogan which was allegedly being chanted by scores of people gathered at the protest. He requested the police to press charges.

"This is not the first time Silvio Zammit tried silencing criticism directed at himself by summoning animal rights activist to court on grounds of defamation. Graffitti notes with growing concern that this time however it is the police who are pressing charges against an activist simply for chanting a slogan."

Allura dik tal-clan ta Gonzi, li bhal antenati taghha, Sir Michael,tridt taghmel hsara lil Laburisti, anzi hi tridt 'toqtol' u 'fucks' all labourites, meta se itelghuwa il-qorti?
Allura dik tal-clan ta Gonzi, li bhal antenati taghha, Sir Michael,tridt taghmel hsara lil Laburisti, anzi hi tridt 'toqtol' u 'fucks' all labourites, meta se itelghuwa il-qorti?
Ma nafx ghaliex il-qorti taccetta pulcinellata bhal din quddiemha. Il-qorti ghandha tant xoghol u hemm hafna kawzi li ilhom jistennew is-snin u jaccettaw hmerija din il-kwalita'. Jekk ghandek thin skin, jaqbillek ma tmissx il-politika Silvio ghax ser jaghtuk titolu aghar minn hekk.
M'ghandhomx x'jaghmlu tal-grafitti. ghax ma tmorrux tixxadinjaw quddiem xi abortion clinic. Min ma jridx imur ic-cirku , ma jmurx. Min irid imur , imur. Mohhkom fl-annimali. L-ewwel in-nies. Dment li hemm persuna wahda tbati,hemm irid ikun mohhna. Pulcinelli socjalisti, morru ghamlu xi haga ta' gid.
And to prove his point Silvio is carrying his favorite pet cockroach on his shirt.
PN people are very spoiled,this is another reason for malta to change the goverment.We had enough of people taken to court over such small claims,I am one of them.[ex PN voter].
Mur gibu jaghmlu xi karru tal karnival fuqu dan?! Mhux vera pulcinell biex igib cirklu bl-annimali maghluqin gol gageg? u dan x'jista joffri lill pajjiz kieku jitla?
Jinporta thalluh bi kwietu lis-sur Zammit? Forsi d-darba li gej jithajjar igibilna xi ors, xi chimpanzee, xi gurilla, xi hyena, xi pappagall, xi tigra, xi serp, xi rinoceronte, xi giraffe, xi orang utang, xi gemel, xi iljunfant, xi kukkudrill .... zgur li jkunu aktar intelligenti u jitkellmu aktar bis-sens minn xi uhud li qed jigru warajna ha ntuhom il-vot tal-kunsilli lokali xi gimgha ohra ....
Dawn mhux kollha purcinellati u purcinellati mhux mill-purcinelli jsiru. Ghaliex ma jiehdux passi kontra l-ahhar sindku tas-Sliema fuq diskor moqziez li qalet fil-konfront ta' kunsilliera laburisti, fejn sahansitra xtaqietilhom il-gid.
So, a circus organiser who has been in court over the importation of explosives on an airplane and who tried to sue Steve Spielberg for not filming at his Magic Kiosk and is now suing some teenagers for calling him a buffoon.... and expects people to vote for him?
Ara veru qedin tajjeb f'dan il-pajjiz MISKIN. Veru pajjiz demokratiku li nghixu fih. Aktar nahseb li qedin nghixu f' Pajjiz dejn "MIGHT IS RIGHT"