Labour MP demands clear-cut answers on health cuts

Labour, GWU condemn €8.5 budgetary cuts in health sector

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Labour shadow minister for health Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca has demanded answers to questions on where budgetary cuts across the health ministry's departments will take place.

Some €8.5 million in cuts will take place across all departments, namely from salaries, programmes and initiatives and entities under the health division.

Coleiro Preca raised a series of questions on whether the cuts in salaries will affect the acute shortage of some 600 nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists already existing in hospitals. The MP dubbed the employment of care workers at low salaries a "case of modern slavery".

The MP also asked what will happen to new budgeted health programmes such as the health education nutrition unit and the colonoscopy screening programme.

Coleiro Preca added that entities under the health division manage their budgets individually, which meant different needs were being prioritised inside the departments. A case in point was Mt Carmel Hospital, where the MP alleged some patients had been left without underwear.

In a related statement, the General Workers Union condemned the €8.5 million cuts, which are part of the €40 million in deficit-reduction cuts for 2012.

"Government is reducing its expenditure in the social sectors while paying out thousands to its consultant... the GWU asks whether the 8.5 million cuts will mean the perpetuation of more precarious employment with tenders that lead to lower conditions and salaries for workers," the GWU said.