Updated | Labour media release secret tape of PN councillor talking of ‘phobia of Labourites’

One News airs recording of Sliema PN councillor Julian Galea speaking of his “phobia” of Labour supporters.

PN incumbent for the Sliema council election Julian Galea.
PN incumbent for the Sliema council election Julian Galea.

Updated on Saturday at 10:23am

MaltaToday has tried to get a reaction from Julian Galea over his comments made during a meeting of the Sliema council. Galea however said that he'd be sending a statement to all the media later on today.

Yesterday evening, the Labour Party's TV station One News aired recordings of comments allegedly made by Julian Galea, one of the PN's candidates for the local council election in Sliema, in which Galea is heard making discriminatory comments against Labour voters.

According to One News, Galea's comments were made during a meeting of the Sliema local council. Galea is the only councillor from the beleaguered local council, dissolved back in January by the local government department, who is contesting the coming elections.

"I am anti-Labour," Galea is heard saying bluntly. "I cannot stand Labourites. I have a phobia of Labourites."

"If a girl tells me she is a Labourite, I tell her to get lost."

Galea, who owns a catering establishment, goes on to add that the Labour workers in his employ get "the least pay" and that those workers who support the Nationalist Party "get a higher pay".

One News's recording comes two days after airing another secret recording allegedly of former Sliema mayor Joanna Gonzi expressing herself harshly against unspecified individuals. "I really want them dead, all of them," Gonzi is heard saying.

Affarijiet li ma jitwemmnux. Prosit ghalik eh impressjonanti. Kif ma tisthix tidher quddiem in-nies wara kummenti bhal dawk. Povru pajjiz immexxi min nies cwiec bhalek. Kif ma nistawx niehdu ruh. Ha nibqaw hekk ghal dejjem? Fejnhom tal ETC? Nispera li taghmlu dmirkhom u tinvestigaw lil dan "in-nisrani". Jien minix Laburist pero kummenti bhal dawn iqallawni. Nies bahlek kissruh dan il-pajjiz u holqu din il mibheda bla sens minflok joholqu l ghaqda li tant ghandu bzonn.
So they say HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. Do you remember the Mintoff/KMB era when we only had jobs for the boys? Now it seems rhat the Julian Galea is turning the table and is doing the same as that era but in reverse. Politics are truly dirty.
Din ir-ridu naqtewa,li kull xhin jizbalja xi hadd induru kolla qalieh,bhal ma jamlu l-wolf.
isma ftit hej...ma naghmlux mod li dan galea huwa l istess wiehed li jilghaba ta qaddies f'dan il blog hux
isma ftit hej...ma naghmlux mod li dan galea huwa l istess wiehed li jilghaba ta qaddies f'dan il blog hux
L-Orizzont qalet fejn hi l-kafetterija ghax billi two wrongs do not make a right, l-orizzont, bhala gazzetta indipendenti, trid taghmillu reklam. Ahna fl-ahhar mill-ahhar nafu lilna n-nazzjonalisti kemm jixtiqulna gid il-laburisti. Tant illi meta jkunu fil-gvern se jrahhsu d-dawl u l-ilma u l-gass u l-petrol u d-diesel u l-hobz u l-halib...ANKI GHALINA.
Mr Galea's statements are very serious and give room for judicial action against him. He boasts of paying his Nationalist employees mre than he pays Labour supporters doing the sam work. AS far as I can tell this is illegal and the competent authorities should take the appropriate action. Secondly Mr Galea is an elected person representing the Nationalist Party and it is up to the Nationalist Party to condemn and get rid of a person who blatantly preaches hate for his poltical opponents. Boycots won't work in this case but pressure on the authorities to take action against this person will
Dear Julian You just lost a regular customer of yours. Such hate is absolutely disgusting.
Trid tkun altru bahnan u njorant biex taghmel kummenti bhal dawn, specjalment meta tkun fil-business. Urejt lil kull min jafek u anke minn ma jafekx li int bniedem pregudikat, ossessjonat u, bil-Malti, ziblu minn Tas-Sliema. Mhux ta' b'xejn tohrog man-Nazzjonalisti!
I want to be clear. I'm not Julian Galea. But still I stick to my comment below. Same old MLP. Qatt ma tinbidlu (u tant l ahjar). Privacy is privacy. U IVA ghalhekk kulhadd f Malta u Ghawdex ghandu l OBLIGU jivvota ghal kandidati kollha tal PN, u jghid le kbira ghal darb'ohra lill MLP. Fl'10 ta Marzu ejjew namlu kuntent lill ghaziz prim-ministru u mexxej kbir taghna Dr. Laurence Gonzi. Mela ghallura: Iva ghal Liberta', Iva ghad Demokrazija, Iva ghal PN.
It is said that the gods make you mad before your demise and this is what is happening to gonzipn. It is not strange that party minions talk so boldly of phobias and wishing others that when the head of the hyra categorally states that it is ready to help councils of faxxist majorities only.Skond iz-zokk il-fergha goes a saying in maltese, bramble will not yield apples.
Wrote Calleja when I should had written Galea.
This was common practice in Malta under PN administrations before Mintoff. Worse than that. The PN and the Church conspired to send 'trouble makers' (read Labourites) to Australia. A future LP administration should appoint a commission to investigate the work practices of Calleja and his business and throw the book at him. The PN has indeed become the party of hate. If Gonzi PN does not disendorse this guy and Joanna, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn. It not only approves nut encourages such practices.
jgalea: Kelma wahda hemm ghalik u ghal dawk bhalek: Nies moqzieza!!!
What is the big deal on this one. Don't the labourites say the same thing. I tend to be independent as much as possible and have many friends on both sides of the political spectrum and some of them from both sides talk this way. That is why this is no biggy. Let us all get along and be one big family. We are too small for this kind of nonsense. I only blame our politicians for formenting this kind of division. That is what our politicians want and it's those who are foolish enough who listen to them. The majority of the people on both PN and PL don't fall in this category I hope, but you never know.
Should people who suffer from phobia against other people are allowed to participate in local council?
I admit that yes Julian was wrong in saying these words. Pero nfakkar ukoll fid- DNA li l PN gew majrin biha. U ftit jiem ilu lil Joe Debono Grech. Personally I say that all these people should not be contesting any election. But pls keep same measures for all.
Shabi in-nazjonalisti qedin f" paniku, ghax jafu li gejja telfa ghal-gvern prezenti,ha natukom break,li tant ghantkom bzon.Gonzipn lanqas in- nies tijghu ma ha hsieb.Ahna, in-nies iz-zghar, sefilna demna,u d-demm taghna tah-lic cirku tieghu.GRAZI GONZ.
Bojkott Kafe Kantina. Bojkott Kafe Kantina. Bojkott Kafe Kantina
Thanks Julian. You've seen the last of us !!. And about the saintly Joanna, her surname says it all. Good riddance.
Will the new amendments on 'violence or hatred' within the Criminal Code being currently discussed cater for such hate statements as those vomited by Julian Galea and Joanna Gonzi? Hatred towards persons of another political creed is as bad as that against sexual and religious orientation. And it seems here that the list of PN vomiters is increasing.
Go to Hell Julian. La jiena u lanqas il- familja tieghi ma ahna gejjien fil cafeterija tieghek. Messek tisthi Buffu.
Ghidilna liema huwa Alfred, halli zgur ma nersaqx l'hemm!
@jgales finally you have show your ugly nationalist face.Underneath your christian preaching lies a hypocrite of the highest order. In your post you sactioned what this miscreant stands for. I call on all those who aren't blinded by colour to boycott this sob.Personnally I have already boycotted another catering establishment in B'kara whose boss threanted employees with labour sympathies before last election.Not even in the 60s with moratal sin and all has such hate coming from demochristian nationalists surfaced in Malta thanks to the last two PMs
Julian Galea ghandu l-KAFETERIJA KANTINA fil-Belt Valletta.L-ORizzont qalet dan illum.
X'se jghamel issa Lawrence Gonzi ? Se jhalli lil dan il-bniedem tant arroganti u bla dekor, jibqa fuq il-lista ta' kandidadti ghal-kunsill lokali ta' tas-Sliema ?? Wara d-dikjarazzjoni tan-neputija ta' Lawrence Gonzi, Joanna Gonzi, li tixtieq il-kunsilliera laburisti mejtin. U issa l-kliem OXXEN ta' Julian Galea, kandidadt ta' GonziPN fuq tas-Sliema, kompla jinkixef xi hdura tezisti f'dan il-partit li jipprova jilghaba ta' partit li jhaddan valuri Nsara ! Ftakruhom dawn l-affarijiet nhar il-10 ta' Marzu. MORRU IVVUTAW HALLI TIBGHATU MESSAGG CAR LIL GONZI DWAR IL-KANDIDADTURA LI JRID IWIKKI LILL-POPLU ! Eddy Privitera
I think that the labourites should go to the Kantina Cafe', have a coffee and a snack, and being that Julian has a phobia of them, tell him that they support the PL, and just leave the place. lol
Zack Depasquale
I am more than sure that these conversations were held between Nationalists,and thus recordings were taken by Nationalists. I am also sure that there were no Labourites present at these meetings. So the conclusion is that Nationalists record each other, because they dont even thrust each other. Is this the new way of doing politics? What is Dr Gonzi going to do about this hate campaign?Doesnt Dr Gonzi realise he is the Prime Minister of all of Malta and not of his cronnies? Or is Dr Gonzi so happy now that he got 96% in a one man race and everything is now hanky dory? There are two types of violence, the physical and the Psychological and this is all psycological violence from GonziPN. What next put red stars on Labourites as the Nazis did on the Jews and Soicialists during the last war.Dr Gonzi and his party should be ashamed of these revelations.
If this entrepreneur hates those who come from the Labour camp so much he should put up a sign in his business premises, stating "PL sympathisers go elsewhere". You cannot have a phobia for persons with Labour tendencies and then expect their custom at your caffe'! It's one way or the other.
maria aquilina
Wicc ta' imbecilli li ma tinsih qatt.
Dan juri l-istat ta' paniku li jinsab fih il-PN bhalissa. Il-PN qed jibza li, minkejja li dawn suppost li huma elezzjonijiet facli ghalih peress li l-lokalitajiet l-kbar li ser ikollhom l-elezzjoni ghandhom maggoranza Nazzjonalista, hu mhux ser ikun kapaci igib maggoranza globali. Ghaldaqstant, il-PN qed idur ghal dawn l-azzjonijiet li zgur mhumiex Kristjani biex minghalihom ibezzghu l-Laburisti halli ma johorgux jivvutaw. Gheziez Laburisti, ohorgu ivvutaw bi hgarkom halli naghtu tkaxkira tajba lill-PN. KULL VOT JGHODD!! U vot wiehed jiswa' aktar minn miljun tgergira fil-misrah tar-rahal... Ftakru li t-tgergir taghna ma jbezzghux lil Gonzi izda l-vot jibza' minnu aktar minn ors feroci!!
One news should publish the name of the catering establishment owned by Mr Galea. Labourites should know what to expect if they decide to visit such an establishment.
Nazzareno Pace
Maybe we should follow suit as the PN did n the Franco Debono issue and handle this on the net by making a group against such practices and statements and against such people who are discriminative towards other citizens. If it is confirmed that the cafe mentioned here is his, than one should also go on the blogs such as tripadvisor and make the necessary comments and links as such people are to be reported. These actions are as bad as those who are extremists and against people of other opinions, skin color or sexual orientation. If possible someone should also assist the employees employed by this man to take legal action for discrimination. Did anyone find a similar article or reference on the other english'neutral newspaper?
Daqshekk Kantina Cafe ghalija. U nheggeg lill-Laburisti kollha biex ma jmorrux izjed hemm izjed, lanqas.
Zack Depasquale
Dan il-persuna ghandu jitlob skuza kbira lill-Laburisti li jmorru gewwa l-hanut tieghu Kantina Cafe il-belt ghax ma nahsibx li ghandu phobia mill-flus taghhom, fin-nuqqas ta'hekk, il-Laburisti ghandhom jaghmlu pjacir lill-dan il-bully u ma jmorrux iktar il-hanut tieghu biex ma jbattiex iktar phobias.Li tirrispondi il-J. Galea ikun hella ta hin.
@jgalea int bis-serjeta qieghed tghid, imissek tisthi int li qieghed tiddefendi dawn l-affarijiet u titlob li jivvutaw lil dan l-individwu li qieghed ixerred il-mibgheda, u rigward il-privacy ergajt mort zmerc , mela fi kliemek ma tistax taghmel rapport lil xi hadd li qieghed jikser il-ligi minhabba il-privacy .
Skuzawni ha nsaqsi mistoqsija. Mela dan l-gharef ta' Salamun qieghed jistqar li jhallas haddiema inqas mill-ohrajn sempliciment minhabba t-twemmin politiku taghhom. FEJNHOM TA' L-ETC? DAN QIEGHED JIKSER IL-LIGI. Mela l-ewwel kellna lil min jghajjar lill-haddiema 'grieden', wara lil Joanna Gonzi(pn) tipprovalna kemm hi pulita u edukata fi kliema, u issa ghandna lil Julian li pubblikament jghid kliem dipreggattiv kontra min hu ta' oppinjoni politika differenti minnu. Jekk bhal ma qal il-PM li niesu huma ta' 'talent limitat', imma mhux fil-kliem kontra min ma jaqbilx maghhom zgur. Insomma, lil min tafu isaqsiex ghalih.
Mr Buffu Galea, Since my family and I all hail from the Labour Camp, I wish to inform you that we will NEVER ever again sit under one of your umbrellas . You have shown one and all how chicken headed you are . P.S. You Political discrimination is the way forward for a healthy business.
This person should be sacked from the PN with immediate effect. Let's see what the PM will have to say on this IF any.
Jekk dan il gentlom jigi elett lill laburisti ta Sliema se jwahallom stilla safra mal pavru? Nispera li dan ma jinhebiex wara il motto ta "Religjon u Patrija" Malta il ligi li diskrima taplika "BISS" ghal bejn il bojod u suwed? Nies bhal dan johrog jidefendi jgala wara kollox "BIRDS OF THE SAME FEATHERS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sur GonziPN nispera li taf b dawn il kwalita ta nies.
Such a smart so and so, hope his employees are keeping a record of their wages so when the time comes he have to pay them back with interests. what a buffoon.
So what's new, its been like that for years, because you're "X" party we won't buy from you, very blatant and happens today and yesterday. So what is all this hype about, you got it on tape, big deal.
Will someone explain to us, the big unwashed, the big difference between opinions expressed by this guy and being a fascist?
Allura jekk imorru il-Laburisti jixorbu mill-Kantina Kafe, dawn ihallsu anqas ghall-Kafe, le, sur demokristjan? Dan min fejn sabuh; se jitwekkew bih mid-dehra ghax-GonziPN kalamita ghal dawn i-tip ta nies, nies li mid-dehra huma loosers u ghandhom chip on their shoulders, u grudge daqs siex ghal bnedmin ohra! Nahseb li se ikollu success kbir fil-business: tajjeb biss ghal-kantina f'fil-Dar Centrali f'tal-Pieta!
Mr Galea do you think any labourite girl is going to stoop so low to even look at you, go and wash your filthy mouth.
Jeffrey Vella
Niko i too would like to meet these two hamalli and i will shake their hands they'll end up airborne.
Mark Anthony Enriquez
nispera li il prim ministru jiddasocja ruhu min dan il pulcinell.hu jirrifjuta l-kanditatura tieghu fid distrett taghna,ghax ghalxejn thabbat fuq sidrek kemm thobb il proxxmu mbaghad you endorce the likes of this man
Julian Galea . Taf li jizisti "BOJKOTT" ?
Ian George Walker
Tiskantaw xejn - dawn huma l-veri wiċċ u ruħ tal-PN meta jinżgħu il-maskri.
Hate speech at its best. The third such comment coming from PN candidates for local Councils reported in the last two weeks. This reminds me of the manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik whic confirms his hate basically towards Muslims but also towards the Norwegian Labour Party. News reports back in summer referred to Breivik having contacts with PN individual(s) when he visited Malta. A PN press statement on 24 July 2012 negated that he had any direct contact with the party. But does this mean that he may have had contacts with individual persons? Everyone remembers how Breivik broke in the news when he attacked a summer camp full of Labour Party teenage activists killing 91.
@jgalea Assuming that you are the Julian Galea in question, is that all you have to say for yourself? I like how you completely ignore what you say in the recording. Ibqa sejjer hekk.
and from this very moment I've started having phobias of KANTINA KAFE!! btw the best advertisement is "bil-kelma u l-kelma tigri" my friend!!
Dear Joanna Gonzi and Julian Galea - as a Labourite I would like to express my sincere love and would like to meet you so that you can vent out your hatred towards all labourites BUT (because there is always a BUT(T), since I am no Christian and I am not entitled to show you the other cheek, please expect a harsh reaction from my end.
Micheal Bonanno
Imbaghad jghidu min igib il-mibgheda u l-firda f'pajjizna. Jghajjru lilna l-laburisti bi vjolenza. Mela ta' dan x'vjolenza hi? Barra li hi vjolenza fizika, ghax thallas lill-haddiema b'inqas paga mill-istess haddiema li huma Nazzjonalisti, qieghed taghmel vjolenza psikologika wkoll!
and from this very moment I've started having phobias of KANTINA KAFE!! btw the best advertisement is "bil-kelma u l-kelma tigri" my friend!!
dawn huma il valuri demokristjani ?????
Qed taraw fejn hi l-hdura hbieb hux?. Tejd min kien jamilhom il-bombi fis -snin 80?.Fejn qijed dak L-gharef li jaf jikteb hana bil-malti is -sur Demartino?
Messom jisthu dawn tal MLP. Tafu tisthu? Fejn hi il privacy li ilkom tant tghajjtu bijha? Il PN huwa garanzija ghal futur taghna. Nivvutaw ghal kandidati kollha tal PN. Iva ghal Liberta', Iva ghad Demokrazija, Iva ghal PN. Le kbira ghal kandidati kollha tal MLP.
Dan bis-serjeta' ? Does this man who owns Kantina Cafe in Valletta realise that he is commtting a crime becuse political discrimination goes against the law? How dare he pay an employees less because of the emplyees' political inclination ? I and my friends often stop for a coffee at Kantina, but from now on we will go elsewhere. Julian Galea never had phobias about our money ! The comments by this person together with the comments as reported to have been said by JOanna Gonzi, shows the poltical divide that has been formenting over these years encourged by the PN in govt - and fired by hate merchants in the form of certain bloggers. How very very shameful. Are these people aiming to be the representtives of the citizens ? Anyone voteing for such candidates does not love his locality or the country. They deserve to be boycotted.
Luke Camilleri
In true Gonzipn Democristian spirit - Love thy neibour as long as he is a Nationalist Party supporter! Their true colours are truly coming out... and are not blue, more with a greenish tinge when they see RED! Just wonder what religion these gonzipn canditates like Joanna and now Julian Galea profess to have and practice!