PN insists its candidate must issue public apology

PN incumbent for the Sliema council election Julian Galea says his comments ‘do not reflect’ what he believes in or how he runs his business.

Julian Galea must issue public apology, says PN
Julian Galea must issue public apology, says PN

Updated at 15:30

Sliema PN councillor Julian Galea has made a public apology for the comments passed during a meeting of the Sliema council.

"I apologise for those comments which truly do not reflect the position of the Nationalist Party," Galea said.

"They also do not reflect the way I carry out my business."

In the recording, Galea is heard saying that he pays his Labour workers less than those who support the PN.

"All my employees can guarantee that I have never let myself be influenced or in any away let the political opinion of an individual influence my decisions when interviewing prospective workers," Galea said.

In the statement, Galea reiterated that his comments were "wrong" and didn't reflect what he believed in.

"For this I'd like to publicly apologise for the wrong comments passed," he said.


The Nationalist Party are expecting Sliema PN councillor Julian Galea to publicly apologise for discriminatory comments made against Labour voters during a meeting of the Sliema council.

Yesterday, the Labour Party's TV station One News aired recordings of comments allegedly made by Galea - one of the PN's candidates for the local council election in Sliema.

Contacted by MaltaToday, the PN's communications office said Galea's "insulting" comments were unacceptable.

"Such comments diminish the respect expected between political adversaries and the respect which each PN candidate or councillor must have towards others, even when in disagreement with their political beliefs," the PN said.

It added: "The PN expects Julian Galea to publicly apologise for the comments made."

Meanwhile, MaltaToday has also tried to get a reaction from Galea. Contacted yesterday evening, Galea said he couldn't speak as he was in a meeting. Contacted this morning at around 9:30am, Galea said he would be sending a statement "in around three hours".

So far, MaltaToday has received nothing from Galea. Repeated attempts to contact him by phone have proved to be futile.

In the recording aired yesterday, Galea was heard saying: "I am anti-Labour. I cannot stand Labourites. I have a phobia of Labourites."

"If a girl tells me she is a Labourite, I tell her to get lost," he says.

Galea, who owns a catering establishment, goes on to add that the Labour workers in his employ get "the least pay" and that those workers who support the Nationalist Party "get a higher pay".


Bouth parties are full of sins,to cure that problem,we need third party.
The PN must not only request and pretend that Julian Galea makes a public apology , but he should be suspended from contesting as a PN candidate .
@John Bonello. Justine was not insuting the PN, she was describing them after they lied about how she voted in Parliament. In Maltese when someone tries to con you, you describe him as a SERP, that is a snake, biting full of venom!!
@endru ghaliex ghandi nisthi? ghax hemm bniedem wiehed (li lanqas biss ghandu kariga fil-partit) li tawwal ilsienu? nisthi iktar jekk ikun hemm nies fil-partit li jtawlu lsienhom (u jharrxu n-nies kontra xulxin) u qieghdin imlahhqin fil-partit! u min IRID jifhem jaf ghal min qed nghid...
U mela issa serhilna rasna! Ivvutawlu nies; ghax la mar iqerr ghand Borg Olivier u hafirlu kollox hu, nahfrulu ahna wkoll.
Julian galea missu jitkecca bhal ma missu jitkecca Joe Debono Grech dak wkoll qal li l-bieb tieghu mifth ghal laburisti biss. Nies bhal dawn jghamlu misthija ghal partiti taghhom.
Jean-Claude Pace
@ John Bonello, Dr. Caruana NEVER called nationalists vipers, she was commenting on what had been said on 101 Radio, where labourites were called vipers. She said that it is not labourites who are vipers, but certain persons in the media who at the time were trying to foment infighting within Labour.
@ Endru.... nahseb il kumment tieghek jixhed il mentalita li ghandek..... jekk trid issemmi ismijiet tahseb li m'hemmx ismijiet li nistaw insemmu mil kamp laburista??? nahseb ahjar toqod attent xtikteb u tara min jikteb ic cucati. Jekk ta DNA inti tiggustifika.. naseb ahjar nifqu hawn. Ghar rigward ta EFA u Alfred SAnt jien qied nistenna appoligija minn Alfred SAnt innifsu tghalli ipprova jitnejjek b'nofs il poplu Malti fuq lunjoni ewropea ghar rigward fondi. qied nghid nofs Malta ghax il kumplament l-iehor bela kollox u issa indunaw li dak kien kollu gideb u qerq.
Old Gonzi should be the first to give an example and apologize for the divorce issue and a host of others.
Lis Sur Julian Galea ghandha tittiehidlu kull licenzja tan negozzju jew ta l`anqas tigi sospenduta, ghax kiser il Kostituzzjoni ta pajjizna. Chapter IV nr.32..fejn tghejd car u tond li" HADD MA JISTA JIDDISKRIMINA KONTRA..IR RAZZA; L-ORIGINI TAL PAJJIZ; KULUR; SESS; u fuq kollox L`OPINJONI POLITIKA....Ghal dawk li qeghedin isemmu id DNA, ghandhom ikunu jafu li meta Charlie Mangion qala, ried ifisser li id DNA fil politika hija totalment DIFFERENTI u mhux kif jghamlu is soltu tal P.N jispinjaw il kelma. Min ghandu ftit sens jaf li KULL FAMILJA f`Malta imhalta bejn BLU u AHMAR, allura kif tista tirraguna li Mangion ried b`xi mod iwegga lin Nazzjonalisti.Bhal meta issib Nazzjonalisti ferventi li jghejdulek DEMMI BLU...allahares ikun hawn xi hadd demmu BLU.Ejjew nikbru ftit.
To show that it is truly a democratic party and embraces all irrespective of their political creed the PN should dissociate itself from this person and make him withdraw his candidature from the Sliema Local Council. Short of this is sheer hypocrisy.
Qed nergghu nassistu ghal att iehor ta’ mibeghda, anzi wiehed wara l-iehor. Il-polarizzazzjoni li kont nemmen li ha tintemm fid-dinamika politika taghna issa qedha tippronunzja ruhha aktar. U f’ illi d-DNA tan-Nazzjonalisti imnejjek u f’ illi hawn min ma jridx gharusa jew waitress Laburista….imma dawn kazi mbeghda minn xulxin?
Lima hanut ghandu dal persuna halli zgur ma nixtrix min ghandu!!Purcinell!!!
Now there is a sub-station for PN HQs its called the Katina sewerage reclamation.
No more coffee at the Kantina Cafe for me.
Kemm saru 'touchy' u sensittivi is-socjalisti. Dawn l-istess nies li tefghu il-gass tad-dmugh f'wicc il-Maltin li kienu qed jiggieldu il-battalja ghal-Liberta`?. imnalla, ahna, li '' ghandna xi haga hazina fid- DNA taghna'' m'ahniex bhalhom. Le ghal Malta nord koreana socjalista. Le ghal Malta cubana tax-xellug. Il-Liberta` l-ewwel u qabel kollox. Viva il- Lemin ghal dejjem.
Hawn xi hadd li jghidilna fejn hu u x jismu l-business ta' dan l-individwu, halli mhux biss il-laburisti ma jmorrux ghandu imma anke Nazzjonalisti li ma jaqblux ma kummenti diskriminatorji bhal dawn. Name and shame.
Hawn xi hadd li jghidilna fejn hu u x jismu l-business ta' dan l-individwu, halli mhux biss il-laburisti ma jmorrux ghandu imma anke Nazzjonalisti li ma jaqblux ma kummenti diskriminatorji bhal dawn. Name and shame.
Hawn xi hadd li jghidilna fejn hu u x jismu l-business ta' dan l-individwu, halli mhux biss il-laburisti ma jmorrux ghandu imma anke Nazzjonalisti li ma jaqblux ma kummenti diskriminatorji bhal dawn. Name and shame.
Luke Camilleri
Was Joanna GONZI also asked to apologise or the fact that she is a GONZI, she is exempted from making any apologies ...heartfelt or otherwise?
Luke Camilleri
Was Joanna GONZI also asked to apologise or the fact that she is a GONZI, she is exempted from making any apologies ...heartfelt or otherwise?
Luke Camilleri
Was Joanna GONZI also asked to apologise or the fact that she is a GONZI, she is exempted from making any apologies ...heartfelt or otherwise?
Kieku l-PN kien partit serju, kien jitlob ir-rizenja ta' dan il-kandidat u mhux biss apologija. Fejnhom l-ghaqdiet tal-Equal Opportunities? X'passi ser jiehdu fil-konfront ta'dan l-employer? Sa fejn naf jien li din kontra l-ligi. Il-pulizija ser tiehu passi kontrih? Jekk le, l-qorti f'Malta allura qed timxi wkoll skond il-kulur politiku tal-individwu, ironikament, bhal ma qal li jaghmel hu stess.
Can you all imagine if this was coming from a PL candidate??
In failing to disendorse him and requiring him to make a public apology, the PN has condoned what he has said. In any court of law, at least in any decent court of law, his fiorst statement would be given far greater weight than what he says in a later apology. I repeat what I said elsewhere. An incoming Labour government should examine his books and if he behaved as he has said throw the books at him. This is not vindictiveness. This is justice for those he has treated unfairly. End of matter.
This is why the PN is loosing all its support!! The PN should force him to resign and withdraw from the local council election and not publish an apology. Now you cannot cry on spilled milk, shoulder your responsibility Mr. Galea!!
There is way out, Julian Galea has to resign. No amount of half-hearted, limp apologies make up for the damage hes done. Politicians in Europe, they resign for the fraction of what he said. If the PN accept to keep him on they are showing that they also accept the unspeakable things what he said. Although I admit I used to like him, the Party has no choice, Julian Galea has to resign - for good. Ex-Nationalist.
@rajah: nahseb li konna qed nighidu li xi Nazzjonalisti ghandhom DNA HODOR... u nies bhal Julian Galea, Joanna Gonzi, Alexis Callus qed jaghtuna ragun!! Ahna il-MALTIN, qed nitqazzu bil bloggers u l kandidati ' big mouths' li ghandhom din id -DNA!!! Kull Nazzjonalist onest u serju - li minnhom hawn hafna- qed issiru jisthu jghidu li huma nazzjonalisti. Forsi isss fhimt u ma tkomplix tiktab cucati biex tiggustifika kummenti li jammontaw ghal reat kriminali.
Bojkott Il-Kantina. The DNA comment was not insulting. He only said you are different, neither better nor worse. Spins does not change the truth! In another democracy besides the apology, Galea will be forced to resign and withdraw as a candidate.
The "new" Sliema council will be compromised if this Guy is elected. He or His party should do the honorable thing and withdraw.
To be taken seriously, the PN must (1) ask Joanna Gonzi to also apologise; (2) the PN as a Party has to apologise; and (3) the PN should ask Galea and Joanna Gonzi not to contest the local (or general) elections. Otherwise, all that one can say is that Galea's apology is a sham, just lip service to the Sliema electorate of good faith.
Apologija mhux bizzejjed ghax kulhadd jaf lil dan il-bniedem u l-PN jizbalja bl-ikrah jekk ma jtihx daqqa ta' sieq u jitfghu il-barra. Hmieg ta' din il-kwalita' hsara biss jaghmel u l-kliem li qal jibqa' jigi mfakkar sa mewtu u anke wara mewtu.
Apologija mhux bizzejjed ghax kulhadd jaf lil dan il-bniedem u l-PN jizbalja bl-ikrah jekk ma jtihx daqqa ta' sieq u jitfghu il-barra. Hmieg ta' din il-kwalita' hsara biss jaghmel u l-kliem li qal jibqa' jigi mfakkar sa mewtu u anke wara mewtu.
All this is completely blown out of proportion. At most Joanna Gonzi's words lasted 15 seconds. Who knows what sort of goading she had experienced before dishing out the 3 sentences.
@ rajah...Tnejn hziena qatt ma jghamlu wiehed tajjeb.Kullhadd ghandu jerfa ir responsabbilta ta dak li jghejd u jghamel. I eronija hija li il hazin tan Nazzjonalisti ikollu il barka mis sema u tal laburisti ikun il hazen ta denbu twil.Ma tarax dik li iggib l-istes kunjom tal P.M.ghax tigi qariba, kemm hija pastaza. L-anqas tipretendi minnha li taqa baxxa daqshekk, u Alla ibierikna hadd ma qalla biex tiskuza ruha, jigifieri jaqblu mat tehddid li qalet.
I agree with the PN that Julian Galea had to issue an apology. But where is the apology by Dr Justine Caruana when she insulted the PN as " Sriep", and Dr Justine is an MP not a councillor. Can we expext an apology now fro Dr Justine Caruana? or what is expected from one side is not expected from the other.
You never can get rid from a PHOBIA! Do You Julian?
l-ikbar apologija li jien u l-poplu malti ghadu qed jistenna hi minghand il-presedinet emeritus,expm,ex kap pn EFA ta meta gideb fuq alfred sant u laqqat elfejn lira multa mhux hekk?
A SIMPLE APOLOGY IS NOT ENOUGH. THE P.PN. SHOULD THROW HIM OUT OF THE PARTY. NOTHING LESS THAN THAT WILL SUFFICE.Foreign politicians have resigned for much less from their party. "They also do not reflect the way I carry out my business." Does that mean that he lied when he said that he paid labourites less or is it true? Either way he is a dishonourable man.
A SIMPLE APOLOGY IS NOT ENOUGH. THE P.PN. SHOULD THROW HIM OUT OF THE PARTY. NOTHING LESS THAN THAT WILL SUFFICE.Foreign politicians have resigned for much less from their party. "They also do not reflect the way I carry out my business." Does that mean that he lied when he said that he paid labourites less or is it true? Either way he is a dishonourable man.
Sinjuri, ejja nitkellmu car. Nahseb li kulhadd xi darba jew ohra qal affarijiet li ma ghandiex nghidu. Kultant anke kontra l-mara tieghi nghid..u wara jiddispjacini. Imma kieku xi hadd jirrekordjani ikolli problemi kbar..ghax mur spjegala li ghedt dak il kliem fis-sahna tal mument. servizz politiku ta one news - li jfisser ukoll li ma tista tafda lill hadd. illum trid titkellem bhal li kieku qieghed tigi rekordjat il hin kollu. Z
Sinjuri, ejja nitkellmu car. Nahseb li kulhadd xi darba jew ohra qal affarijiet li ma ghandiex nghidu. Kultant anke kontra l-mara tieghi nghid..u wara jiddispjacini. Imma kieku xi hadd jirrekordjani ikolli problemi kbar..ghax mur spjegala li ghedt dak il kliem fis-sahna tal mument. servizz politiku ta one news - li jfisser ukoll li ma tista tafda lill hadd. illum trid titkellem bhal li kieku qieghed tigi rekordjat il hin kollu. Z
Inthom is socjalisti li qedin tiktbu hawn li apologija mhix bizzejjed..... possibli insejtu lil deputat laburista fuq id DNA ta nazzjoanlisti ????? x'kontu qedin tghidu dak iz zmien ?????
Inthom is socjalisti li qedin tiktbu hawn li apologija mhix bizzejjed..... possibli insejtu lil deputat laburista fuq id DNA ta nazzjoanlisti ????? x'kontu qedin tghidu dak iz zmien ?????
Sinjuri, ejja nitkellmu car. Nahseb li kulhadd xi darba jew ohra qal affarijiet li ma ghandiex nghidu. Kultant anke kontra l-mara tieghi nghid..u wara jiddispjacini. Imma kieku xi hadd jirrekordjani ikolli problemi kbar..ghax mur spjegala li ghedt dak il kliem fis-sahna tal mument. servizz politiku ta one news - li jfisser ukoll li ma tista tafda lill hadd. illum trid titkellem bhal li kieku qieghed tigi rekordjat il hin kollu. Z
As I predicted in an earlier comment this is nothing but a SHAM APOLOGY and as such an added insult hurled in everybody's face. Julian Galea must not be allowed to contest next Saturday's local elections on the PN ticket and the competent police/industrial relations authorities are obliged to investigate his declarations
If these wannabe politicians , God forbid, like Julian Galea, Joanna Gonzi, Alexis Callus and others are going to be allowed to contest these council elections, after what they have said about fellow Maltese e with different political opinions, means the THE PN APPROVES FO THEIR OPINIONS AND STATEMEMTS, AND OF THE INSTIGATION OF POLITICAL HATRED. Whoever will be voting for these people is alow approving of their foolsich statements - seme of which fall under criminal offence. Lets see what the conscience of the PM will tell him in this regards. DOES DR LAURENCE GONZI AND THE PN APPROVE OF WHAT THESE PERSON HAVE SAID ?? THE CITIZENS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW.
Has gonziPN asked Joanna GONZI to make an apology also, and Lawrence's nephew to make one too? What is good for the goose............ It has become a bad habit by the pn/gonzipn to first demean and amke others suffer through their words and actions then apologise when elections are round the corner. PL is still waiting for an apology to Justyne Caruana.
I do not care or want an apology from anyone, all I want to know if someone around here knows which catering business he owns and I can guarantee that neither my family or friends of family will every step foot in any of his establishments.I will add him to my black book and that will be my only satisfaction, he can apologise how much he likes after that... qieghed sew dan il ...........!!!
Sammy Cutajar
1st the apology. Now the removal of his name from the Local Council Election. He can't be Ceasar and God at the same time. The PN should not allow him to contest next Saturday's Local Council election. Who can now trust him? Then how about Ms Gonzi and Mr.Callus? Apologies and withdrawals please so that the PN can be transperant as it should be!
the nazis in germany used to write on their shop windows...."dogs and jews not allowed in".....i challenge this idiot to write "dogs and labourites not allowed in" on his shop window
the nazis in germany used to write on their shop windows...."dogs and jews not allowed in".....i challenge this idiot to write "dogs and labourites not allowed in" on his shop window
the nazis in germany used to write on their shop windows...."dogs and jews not allowed in".....i challenge this idiot to write "dogs and labourites not allowed in" on his shop window
Igor P. Shuvalov
Let's for the sake of the argument believe Galea's statement. But would people want a councillor who has such a big mouth and wants to show off to represent them in a Local Council?
HMMMM this guy want's me to beleive that he is truly sorry.....and accept his appology......let me think......OK APPOLOGY NOT be credible he should have issued the appology immediately and not wait for the party......and by the way phobia is a condition
Imbirka is-sapjenza tat-Times skiet perfett,ghara li kien xi laburist kemm kienet tnewwah imma dawn jaghmlu x'jaghmlu tiskuzomm. Il P.N. irid joghqod attent hafna ghax qed jintela b'dawn it-tip ta nies li qed jaghmlu hafna hsara limmagini tal-partit, min jirraguna ekk hu ta periklu as socjeta maltija kollha.
Ian George Walker
The only honourable way for him is to retire from the Local Council election. Nothing else is even half-way acceptable.
Zack Depasquale
The apology is not enough, and in this case it is like putting salt on a wound, because can anyone in his right mind take this apology seriously. The only apology everyone is expecting is from GonziPN by withdrawing a person that is not qualified by his comments to hold a public position.
You can now see what will happen if you trust GonziPN and his family friendly and all inclusive Government. Knowing how THEY treated Dr Franco Debono, I expect the worst from all . I have never been a party member, but after these declartions I will surely apply for myself and all my family to be Nationalist Party Memebrs. ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY
Sur Julian Galea...Il bniedem normali ghandu sitt toqbiet...ghandu tnejn f`widnejh, tnejn f`imniehru, f`halqu u fil patata...ikolli nghejd li int uzajt din ta l-ahhar, u min huwa ta l-affari tieghu, ghanke Nazzjonalist ghandu jistmak f`l-istess toqba.
An apology not enough that is a FAXXISTA attitude and it will remain like that. The PN should have pulled him (and others) out from the list. He offended people and declared that he hate labour supporters and pays them less. The Goverment should investigate further. This is very bad for the GONZIPN. If they want Mosta they should give a better example. pull him out
Apology NOT accepted! He should have shown more maturity and refrained from his political bias against the PL and its supporters. Now it a little too late. He should be ashamed of himelf.
Phobia connot be crued by apologizing. If I was in this person shoe I will concintrate on his establishment ensure its up to "EU standard" In my opinion he needs an intensive course at ITS where hospitality is concered. May I point out that to build a buisness (like his) it takes you years and loose it it takes seconds. FHCIMA. MCFA. (London)
What a disgusting guy! No apology will ever mend one’s feeling. Apologies DO NOT change one’s attitude. Please name or give an indication of his catering business and he will know who’s giving him a living!
Georgette Bezzina
Julian Galea has issued an apology on FaceBook. This is not enough; he has to face the press in person and apologise through his big mouth! Another thing, a visit by the Department of Social services to check whether he was really bluffing when he declared that he pays different wages to Labour leaning employees would be in order.
I just read his apology on another portal, but i think its a little bit to late, he should have tought better before saying anything. now the harm has been done ant it cannot be reversed,well by the way he,s not the first one that i heard saying these kind of words agasinst labour supporters, and I'm not that surprised eighter, cause everybody knows what they are capable off, and these are the people that have been chosen to run our towns, imagine you go to the council and you are labour what kind of help you'll be getting. someone in mosta said thast if a notionalist majority council is elected in mosta he will give his full support, i don't think these kind of statements help for reconcilation.
Sammy Cutajar
Apart from an apology, he should not be allowed to contest the Sliema Local Council Election as it has thrown a shadow of a doubt on his character. If the PN allows this then they are not that really truthful and sensible on this shocking hateful revelation!
Carmen Saccasan
U allura dwar Alexis Callus li qal li jaqbel li l-Laburisti kienu jindifnu fil-mizbla ma hu se jghid xejn l-PN. Ma' ghandna bzonn l-ebda apologija izda sempliciment ma' ghandniex bzonn din il-kwalita ta' nies ma' saqajna. Min jaccetta dan it-tip ta' nies mieghu huwa mahmug daqshom. Come on Lawrence express yourself.
Am I to understand that the same apology is not expected from her highness Joanna Gonzi ?. Well, as I said earlier, her surname says it all !!.
I cannot understand why journalists continue to offent the intelligence of their readers. What do you mean when say: Contacted by MaltaToday, the PN said Galea's "insulting" comments were unacceptable. To whom did you speak too; the receptionist at Dar Centrali? The Secretary General? the media director? Readers have the right to know with whom you spoke to and who is making these comments. Today rights have been given to animals but it seems OK to laugh at people with saying the PN said. The PN does not speak but it is their functionaries that can respond to a telehone call. People want to know the truth and not the hype.
Insist? Is that all you're asking for? First his spits out his vitriol against his fellow constituents, most compatriots and now the Nationalist Party thinks that to make amends, all he has to do is apologise. By his declarations Galea has already committed himself that Sliema residents, if Labour, shall not get the service and attention due to them, perhaps even by law if he is elected Shame that the PN presents candidates like these in 2012. Now be credible and serious. Your only way to redeem the party from his declared disdain and phobia of Labour voters is to withdraw Galea from your candidates' list. The decision is the PN's and not Galea's, since he is representing them all the way on the ballot vote.
Apologies are not enough in this case. A person who expresses such hate is not fit to hold public office or to represent a political party. If the PN mean business they should expel Julian Galea without any calls for sham apologies
I am waiting for this public apology!! I hope he will be investigated also by the department of Labour and Employment for the discrimination in wages.
Ma' rridux apologiji mingħand dan it-tip ta' ħmieġ. L-azzjoni ta' min jagħmilha u mhux ta' min jirċeviha. Din il-mibgħeda lejn il-Laburidsti ilha tħeġġeġ u lanqas il-knisja qatt ma' tkellmet. Mur ġib li kienu Laburisti dawn it-tnejn (Joanna Gonzi inkluza), ommi ma kemm kienet twerzaq it-Times ta' għajni.
apologijja?? apologijja meta il pn stess ma jkecciehx min kandidat ? jekk ma jitlobx apologija ikun qed jaghmel sew , ghaliex m ghandux ezemju fuq min jimxi . ghandu jitnehha min kandidat dik l ikbar apologijja .